The Many Benefits Of Learning A Language


If you have a little extra cash and extra time, then investing it is always a great idea. No, it does not mean that you will have to get a sideline or put up your own business. There are loads of ways to invest them. Heck, you can even invest them in yourself. Investing in one's self is never a waste as one way or another you will be able to use it for your advantage when the situation calls for it. One of the few ways is to learn a new language. It could sound a bit difficult but as long as you are willing to learn, then it would make everything else easy.

So first, you have to convince yourself to learn a new language. Knowing how to speak in different tongues has a lot of perks! Now, you don't have to do that anymore because below is a list of reasons, especially compiled for you, on why you should learn a new language.

Of course, the business industry is the broadest one all-over the world. Billions of people buy and sell, and you are definitely not an exception. After all, globalization is a trend nowadays. Everyone is connected so if you want your business to flourish, you can do it by being multilingual. Business transactions with a Chinese customer are made easier and faster. On the other hand, if you want your client to learn your language instead, then it might take you years or never at all to finish those transactions. You should avoid being stubborn. Being able to reach out to your clients is an asset. So your effort, money and time in learning that new language are not wasted at all. Who knows, that client might recommend you to his or her friends.

If you are still in school, then this is your chance to make good friends with guys from around the country. That foreign exchange student could be your long lost soul mate, who knows? Learning a new language could help you climb your way up to being the most popular kid in school. Besides being able to have a lot of friends can improve your networking so that you can have a lot of connections when you finally join the corporate world. Connections are very important, especially in a dog-eat-dog world. So start young and make with as many friends as you can. They could be Asians, Russians, Koreans and Puerto Ricans. Don't be choosy. They could help you in the future.

In the process of learning a new language, you will not only learn, but also have fun. You will meet new friends while this of course will depend if you are studying in a school or someplace where you can converse with someone going through the same process as you are. You will also have fun knowing new words. Some words are said in a very different way or tone. For instance, though they still speak English, the Aussies have that certain accent. The Japanese, too, have an accent and can't quite pronounce the letters L and R. Some words also, even if they sound or are spelled the same way, mean another thing.

Job opportunities
When you started young, just like mentioned above, or if you are already multilingual because your parents have different nationalities, then you should be grateful. When applying for a sought-after position, employers or the human resources department have a hard time choosing over hundreds of job applicants. So the only way to pick out THE ONE is to look for that person who stands out. Now, that would never be a problem for you. You would definitely stand out since you already have that edge of being able to speak in different tongues. And other than that, you are more versatile. You can get into the arts easily. Being multilingual may seem like you are pretty much exposed to different cultures.

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