Importance of co-operative Development to Public administration Students


In large organizations the administration of access privileges (such as the assignment of an access right to a user in a particular role) is handled cooperatively through distributed administrators in various different capacities. Co-operative development is not the same in all countries as the researcher wants to find out the extent administrator  involved in co-operative development.

A co-operative is an association of persons united, social and austral used and aspirations through a jointly owned and democratically controlled enterprise. A co-operative is an association of persons into a capital.
The interest of the members must come before those of capital. The group of persons is the social element.
In early 80s, so many co-operatives was formed, this is done so as to enable members to save their money and also with the aim of borrowing loans from the society a lot of progress was gain by member because of the low rate of interest also, it encourage members to borrow money from other organization. However, co-operative have played an effective role to the socioeconomic development and growth of the society today. This will take the ovation to a greater height in such a way that individuals and organizations does not lack fund. The nation will be push to a fretter industrial and technological stage.

Co-operative as defined by conference of the international labour organization 1966 defined a co-operative as an association of persons who have voluntarily joined together to achieve a common end through the formation of a democratically controlled organization making equitable contribution to the capital required and accepting a gain share of the risk and benefits of the undertaking in which members actively participate.
This definition shows the sensational characteristics of the co-operative as well as the features that distinguish it from other forms of business enterprises such as sole proprietorship, partnership etc.
I.C.A, International co-operative alliance (1995), defined a co-operative as an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic social and cultural needs and aspiration through a jointly owned and democratically controlled enterprise. It covets a classical economist of a co-operative also defined co-operative as a form of organization, where people voluntarily associate together on a basis of economic equity for the promotion of economic interest of themselves. From this definition, it is clear that co-operative is an owner user enterprise, which means that the owners are at the same time as the customer, and at the same time, users of the facilities, goods and services provided. It is governed by equality of the social reaction among members.      
Co-operatives are structured in such a way as to exclude the profit motive in business provides goods and services to owner user at costing a spirits of mutuality and self-help. Co-operative seeks to displace profit seeking middle ness.
Bankers, merchants, industrialist, traders and agents etc by goods and services they require, this is done by mobilizing their savings and borrowing from their own credit co-operative people because their own money lender and bankers by contributing capital and opening their own wholesales and retail stores they become their own distributors.

The history of modern co-operative society in Nigeria dates back to 1933 when the government of Nigeria arranged for an inspection to be carried out by M.C.F Strickland a co-operating expert, who for three months December 1933 to March 1934 investigated the possibility of introducing a co-operative system into Nigeria.
Mr. Jlriok – land strongly recommended the introduction of co-operatives into Niger and his report submitted in 1934 (April) forms the main point for the introduction of modern co-operation into Nigeria. Mr. Strickland also drafted a proposed ordinance and regulation. His report was accepted and quickly implemented co-operative was registered in the name of Mr. E.F.G Haig, was appointed and sent for training in overseas. Mr. Haig studied the Indian co-operative law and modified it for use in Nigeria.
By 1934, many co-operative has been formed. The first co-operative society to be registered was that G. Bedun near Ibada in 1937 late Chief Akinpene Obisesan who is regarded as the father of Gbedum Co-operative produces marketing society limited following this, many co-operative were formed all over the country.

Since co-operative societies are essentially substantially different from companies, partnerships, they should not be registered under laws written specifically for these other institutions.
A separate co-operative law is necessary in order to take co-operative out of the preview of certain laws in commercial code that are incompatible with co-operative principles and practice such as, company law, money lenders law, anti-monopoly laws etc. against the back drop, co-operatives should be given a law designed specifically for them and suited to their needs and aspirations.
Companies are commercial entities, which invest money for profit while co-operative societies are self-help organization for service to members. They cannot be governed by the same law besides, company law is bulky and com0plex. It has 398 sections, couched in difficult, highly technical language designed for literate people. On the contrary, decree has only 58 sections and is written for the common people in simplified language to suit there needs and understanding.
Having co-operative societies registered under co-operative law affords government opportunity to check and ensure that they do not pursue illegal objectives, but keep to their stated objectives, every section of their constitution should be checked to ensure conformity with the laws and customs of the land.
Furthermore, co-operative law protects the funds and property of Registered co-operative societies from embezzlement and misappropriation, it promotes accountability by requiring annual accounts, annual audit and annual returns to the director of co-operatives. Apparently, co-operative law also protects the interest of the government in co-operative societies, every often, public money is invested in co-operative in the form of grants, loans, subsidies and expensive infrastructures. Co-operative law ensures that irresponsible officers do not misuse facilities offered by the government for the benefit of the poor.
Lastly, co-operative law can be used to create an independent and self-reliant co-operative movement, able to run itself and dispense with government promotional and supervisory activities. The law should recognized the right of secondary and tertiary co-operative bodies will take over from the government, the management and control of co-operative societies in the nation.

-    A good cooperative organizes the workers but they have a direct impact on the growth of a company in many cases.
-    It makes the administrator understand the worker in order to be effective in their organization.
-    It allows all member of an organization to work together and feel comfortable doing so
-    Cooperating in an organization will make one more inclined to act productively because they know what they will be receiving in turn

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