- Department: Business Administration and Management
- Project ID: BAM0719
- Access Fee: ₦5,000
- Pages: 117 Pages
- Chapters: 5 Chapters
- Methodology: ANOVA
- Reference: YES
- Format: Microsoft Word
- Views: 1,981
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1.1 Background of the Study
1.2 Statement of the Research Problem
1.3 Objectives of the study
1.4 Research Questions
1.5 Statement of the research hypothesis
1.6 Significance of the study
1.7 Scope of the Study
1.8 Limitations of the study
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Concept of Job Satisfaction
2.2.1 Employee Empowerment and Job Satisfaction
2.2.2 Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intentions
23. Employee Empowerment
2.3.1 Employee Autonomy and Job Satisfaction
2.3.2 Information and Job Satisfaction
2.3.3 Reward and Job Satisfaction
2.3.4 Employee Training and Job Satisfaction
2.4 Theoretical Review
2.4.1 The Conger and Kanungo Theory
2.4.2 Thomas and Velthouse Theory
2.4.3 The Altizer Theory
2.4.4 The Thomas and Tymon Theory
2.4.5 The Kanter’s Theory of Structural Empowerment
2.4.6 Content Theories
2.4.7 Process Theories
2.5 Framework for the study
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Research Design ---------------------------
3.3 Population and Sampling Techniques
3.4 Operationalization and Measurement of Variables
3.5 Research Instrument
3.6 Reliability of the Research Instrument
3.7 Sources of Data
3.8 Method of Data Analysis
3.9 Model Specification
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Data Presentation and Analysis for Sample Background Variables
4.2.1 Questionnaire Analysed based on the level of responses
4.3 Data Presentation and Analysis for the Variables
4.3.2 Multiple Regression Techniques and Hypotheses Testing
4.4 Discussion of Finding -----------
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Summary of findings
5.3 Contributions to Knowledge
5.4 Conclusion
5.5 Policy Recommendations
5.6 Suggestions for Further Studies
Appendices -
List of figure
List of figure
List of Tables
Table 3.1: Operationalization and Measurement of variables
Table 4.1: Demographic characteristics of respondents
Table 4.1.1: Analysis of Questionnaire Employees’ Autonomy
Table4.1.2: Analysis of Questionnaire on Employees’ Information
Table 4.1.3: Analysis of Questionnaire on Employee’ Reward
Table 4.1.4: Analysis of Questionnaire on Employees’ Training
Table 4.1.5: Analysis of Questionnaire on Employees’ Job Satisfaction
Table 4.3.1: Reliability Test
Appendix I: Questionnaire for the study
Appendix II : Demography of the Respondents
This study examines the relationship between employees’ empowerment and job satisfaction on intention to stay among the staff of seven-up bottling company, Benin City, Edo State. The objective of the study was to investigate whether employees’ autonomy, information, reward and employees’ training have significant relationship with job satisfaction on intention to stay in the organisation.
The study used the survey method by administering copies of structured questionnaire to three hundred and eighty-five (385) employees of seven-up bottling company, Benin City, Edo State. The data for the study were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Cronbach Alpha test, and multiple regression techniques with the help of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 24.0
The empirical results of the study revealed that employees’ autonomy had no significant relationship with job satisfaction at 5% level of significance, information had a significant relationship with job satisfaction at 5% level of significance, reward had a significant relationship with job satisfaction at 5% level of significance and employees’ training had a significant relationship with job satisfaction at 5% level of significance. The study recommended that the management of corporate organizations in Nigeria should always place more concern on adequate information system, adequate reward system, and regular employees training because these empowerment variables had significant relationship with job satisfaction.
Background to the study
In today’s global economy, organisation everywhere are striving to establish themselves as employers of choice or good places to work (Stone, 2014). Competition is intense, and organisational survivability is paramount. To succeed in today business world, organisation must be able to effectively and efficiently acquire and utilize productive resources, particularly the human resource (Agbaragu, 2015). The organisation’s human resource is what gives the organization a competitive edge over its counterpart (Igbinomwanhia, 2015). Whereas, other forms of productive resources could be replicated, the human resource is unmatched, rare, and without better substitute (Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart and Wright 2004). It is as a result of this ever increasing realization that competing favourably in a globalised market, requires the right people, having the right attitude and motivation to create a competitive market value, that has led organizational researchers to steer their attention to positive job attitude that are capable of improving organizational success (Tosin & Mero, 2003).
Job satisfaction is defined to be the general behavior and employee’s attitudes toward the job (Robbins and Judge, 2010). Job satisfaction is believed to predict work variables such as turnover intentions, job performance and organizational citizenship behavior (Wagne and Sparrowe, 2000). One of the factors that have been linked to job satisfaction is employee empowerment (Onyishi, Ugwu and Ogbonne, 2012). Employee empowerment is a process of giving authority to the employees to make necessary important decisions on their own about their day-to-day activities (Hass, 2010). Empowered employees are expected to perform their work effectively and efficiently than non-empowered employees (Surekha, 2016). Very few research in Nigeria have attempted to link employee empowerment to job satisfaction. Apart from the work of Onyishi, Ugwu and Ogbonne (2012) which focused on the “contribution of empowerment in taking charge at work” and Jonathan and Johnmark (2012) who noted that empowered employees have high possibility of job satisfaction, motivation and organizational commitment, few researchers have focused on employee empowerment and job satisfaction in private organisation. The focus of the study therefore, is to establish the relationship between employee empowerment and job satisfaction on intention to stay, using Seven-up Bottling Company in Benin City, Edo State.
Statement of the research problem.
It is glaring that one of the problem faced by organization as to do with the rate of employee turnover and ensuring greater job satisfaction and empowerment in the organization (Igbinomwanhia, 2015). Evidence from reviewed literature suggests that empowered employees enjoy high levels of motivation and performance which are self-driven, take initiative, and enjoy high degree of self-confidence, esteem and efficacy (Lwangasi, 2008).
Given that there are differences in the environment under which organizations operate, such as the humanitarian approach, high independence on funds, short or long employment contracts. And high staff turnover (Lwangasi, 2008). It is important to study the outcomes of employees’ empowerment initiatives in the organization.
The review of pertinent literature show that employee empowerment and job satisfaction has been studied extensively in relation to different variables (Igbinomwanhia, 2015). But much of it was done using the public sector of the economy: hence there is lack of clear cut information on the socio economic organization (Lwangasi, 2008). Further no comparisons have been reported of employee’s empowerment and job satisfaction in private establishment (Lwangasi, 2008). However it has been recognized that there is shortage of relevant literature on employee empowerment and job satisfaction in business organization. The focus of the study therefore, is to establish the relationship between employee empowerment and job satisfaction on intention to stay, using Seven-up Bottling Company in Benin City, Edo State.
Objectives of the study
The broad objective of this study is to determine employee empowerment and job satisfaction on intention to stay.
The specific objectives are:
To ascertain if employee autonomy affect job satisfaction on intention to stay in the organisation.
To determine the extent to which information impacts on job satisfaction in the organisation.
To examine the extent to which reward influence job satisfaction in the organisation.
To determine how employee training impacts on job satisfaction in the organisation.
Research Questions
The research will be developed from the following research questions:
How does employee autonomy affect job satisfaction intention in the organization?
To what extent does information impacts on job satisfaction in the organization?
How does reward influence job satisfaction in the organization?
To what extent does employee training impacts on job satisfaction in the organization?
Statement of the research hypothesis
Based on the objectives and research questions, the following hypotheses are hereby stated:
There is no significant relationship between employee autonomy and job satisfaction.
There is no significant relationship between information and job satisfaction.
There is no significant relationship between reward and job satisfaction.
There is no significant relationship between employee training and job satisfaction.
1.6 Significance of the study
In recent times, the importance of employee empowerment and job satisfaction in the organisation has been recognized. Thus, job satisfaction is essential in stimulating an employee intention to stay in the organisation. Therefore, the study is significant to the following stakeholders:
Management: This study will provide a guide for management on the formulation and implementation of policies as regards how employees can be empowered and fully satisfied with their job and also ensure that management implement good human relations practice.
Researchers: The findings of this study may be a source of secondary data for future researchers.
Employees: The findings may act as a basis for the negotiation of improved employee involvement and participation processes: as a means of achieving job satisfaction.
1.7 Scope of the study
This study is carried out to examine employee empowerment and job satisfaction on intention to stay in the organisation. The study will focus on employees in Seven-up Bottling Company Benin City, Edo State.
Limitations of the study
Possible constraints or limitations to this study are outlined below:
Inadequate Time: this relates to the time of the research which was short because it is combined with lectures, studies and examination.
Attitude of the respondents: The negative attitude of respondents will also serve as a limiting factor to this study in terms of non-cooperation and uncompromising attitudes in giving relevant information or facts to the study as a result of their mindset that the secret of the organization will be exposed.
Finance: The issue of finance here as a limiting factor to this study covers areas like cost of transportation and most especially cost of materials used for this study.
- Department: Business Administration and Management
- Project ID: BAM0719
- Access Fee: ₦5,000
- Pages: 117 Pages
- Chapters: 5 Chapters
- Methodology: ANOVA
- Reference: YES
- Format: Microsoft Word
- Views: 1,981
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