- Department: Business Administration and Management
- Project ID: BAM0713
- Access Fee: ₦5,000
- Pages: 143 Pages
- Chapters: 5 Chapters
- Methodology: Chi Square
- Reference: YES
- Format: Microsoft Word
- Views: 2,657
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The importance of employees in every organization cannot be over-emphasized. Hence this study focused on Job Satisfaction and Employee’s Job Turnover Intention. The study was carried out in order to find out the relationship between Job Satisfaction and Employee’s Job Turnover Intention and to also ascertain the impact of Job Satisfaction variables such as pay, job security, nature of the job, and supervision on an employee’s intention to quit their jobs. Using University of Benin staff school, Benin City as a case study to guide the study, five hypotheses were formulated and tested. The primary source of data was through a well structured questionnaire and the chi-square method was used in testing the hypotheses. The data collected was presented and analyzed. It was observed and concluded that employee’s retention and commitment in an organization is quite necessary if the organization must survive the competition in their very dynamic environment. And the way to achieve this, is by ensuring the employee’s satisfaction because it is only when they are satisfied, that they will be motivated to remain in the organization and put in their best to their jobs. Based on the conclusion, it was recommended that organizations should seek for their employee’s satisfaction at all times and consider it their topmost priority.
1.1 Background of the Study- - - - -
1.2 Statement of the Problem- - - - - -
1.3 Research Questions- - - - -
1.4 Objectives of the Study- - -
1.5 Statement of the Hypotheses- - - - -
1.6 Scope of the Study- - - - - -
1.7 Significance of the Study- - - - -
1.8 Limitations of the Study- - - -
1.9 Definition of Terms- - - - - -
2.1 Introduction- - - - - - -
2.2 The Concept of Job Satisfaction- - - -
2.3 Factors that Influence Job Satisfaction- - - -
2.4 Application of Job Satisfaction in the Workplace- - - -
2.5 Consequences of Job Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction- -
2.6 Theories of Job Satisfaction - - - -
2.7 Career Job Dimensions- - - -
2.8 Employee Turnover- - -
2.9 Employee Turnover Intention- - - - - -
2.10 Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention- -
2.11 Types of Employee Turnover - -
2.12 The Consequences of Labour Turnover on the Organization- -
2.13 Consequences of Labour Turnover on the Individual-
2.14 General Effects (Consequences of Labour Turnover) - - -
2.15 Turnover Intention Indicator- - - - - -
2.16 The Effect of Job Satisfaction on Employee Turnover Intention- -
2.17 Control of Labour Turnover- - - - - -
2.18 Summary of the Review- - - - -
3.1 Introduction- - - - -
3.2 Research design- - -
3.3 Population of the study- - -
3.4 Sample and sampling techniques- - -
3.5 Instrumentation- - - -
3.6 Method of data collection- - -
3.7 Method of data analysis- - - - -
4.1 Introduction- - - -
4.2 Demographic Variables Frequency Analysis- -
4.3 Frequency analysis for each of the variable items- -
4.4 Job Satisfaction Rating Frequency Analysis- - -
4.5 Chi-Square Goodness of Fit test- - - -
4.6 Hypothesis Testing- - - - - - -
4.7 Discussion of findings- - - - -
5.1 Introduction- - - - - -
5.2 Summary of findings- - - - -
5.3 Conclusions- - - - - -
5.3 Recommendations- - - - - -
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
The old saying that the only constant thing in life is changes still holds true as can be seen in our society today. Many changes have been witnessed overtime, and there are major changes taking place in Management philosophy and practice. To some managers, these changes are seen to be developments, while to others it is being referred to as revolution. Irrespective of the different names given to these changes by the managers, the common thing with them all is that they all come with different challenges. Thus prompting the organisations to review or examine their basic assumptions about their management styles, the nature and the meaning of work on regular basis.
Organizations today are being faced with many problems, amongst which one of the most important is how to motivate their employees, so that they will be satisfied with their jobs and remain with the organization. Job satisfaction is the term that describes a positive feeling about a job, resulting from an evaluation of its characteristics. (Robbins &Judge, 2009).
Job satisfaction is the most widely recognized, investigated and researched subject/job attitude in the organizational behavioural field. This is so because of the impact job satisfaction has on other employees’ organizational behaviour. The level of an employee’s job satisfaction is a determinant of an employee’s job turnover intention. (Macintosh&Doherty, 2010).
So many explanations have been given on job satisfaction by different authors, but the most widely accepted and comprehensive explanation was presented by Locke, (1996). He defined job satisfaction as “a pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one’s job or job experiences” (Locke, 1976). Additionally, Job satisfaction has emotional, cognitive and behavioural components (Bernstein & Nash, 2008). The emotional component refers to feelings regarding the job. They are emotional response to a job situation and as such it cannot be seen but inferred. They include feelings such as boredom, anxiety, or excitement. The cognitive component of job satisfaction refers to beliefs regarding one’s job for example, the feeling that one’s job is tasking, challenging and mentally demanding.Finally, the behavioural component includes people’s actions in relation to their work, which may be staying late, absenteeism, or pretending to be ill in order to avoid work (Bernstein & Nash, 2008).
In recent times, employee’s retention has been of interest to both researchers and employers of different fields. With the rapidly expanding global economy and technological advances, for an organization to remain competitive, it requires a work force with a large institutional knowledge; for this reason, employee retention is of significant importance to business and academic communities. (Benko& Weisberg, 2007; Becker, 2007; the future of work 2020, 2007).Researches has shown that job satisfaction is strongly and inversely associated with employee’s intention to leave an organization (Egan, Tang &Bartlett, 2004; Macintosh&Doherty, 2010; Silverthorne, 2004; Lambert, Hogan &Barton, 2001). That is to say that the more employees are satisfied, the less likely they are to seek a new job with a new employer. The success of an organization and employee‘s productivity are greatly affected by employee turnover. The intention of an employee to quit his job is probably the most relevant and immediate antecedent of labour turnover decision. So for an organization to avoid or reduce the number of intention to leave among the employees, the main reason of the employees intending to leave must be known by the organization. However, one of the most important determinants of absenteeism and turnover intention could be considered as job satisfaction. When the employees are not satisfied with their jobs and the organizations do not have trust in their employers, theemployees’ intention towards turnover will be greater, they will leave the organization and the duration of their job will be smaller (Jeffrey, 2007).
According to Riley (2006), employees work interdependently in an organization, quitting of some of the employees affects the efficiency of the remaining employees. Job turnover can result from various conditions such as job satisfaction. Job satisfaction is multi-faceted, implying that one can be satisfied in one area but does not necessarily mean satisfaction in all areas; likewise dissatisfaction in one area does mean complete dissatisfaction (Kazi&Zadeh, 2011). Kazi&Zadeh (2011) proposed that an imbalance or dissatisfaction in the job would lead to dissatisfaction in personal life.
Job satisfaction and performance, turnover and absenteeism has been shown to be correlated (Steinberg, 2008). There is a positive link between the working environment and the intrinsic aspects of the job satisfaction (Theodossiou&Vasileiou, 2008).
Rudramuniyaiah (2008) defined turnover intention as the extent to which an employee plans to leave the organization. Behavioural intention is a reliable determinant of actual behaviour (Muliawan, Green & Robb, 2009). It has been empirically established that turnover (Conation) has a positive relationship with actual turnover (Actual Behaviour) (Byrne, 2005, Steensma, Van Breukelen& Sturm, 2004). And turnover phenomenon has a significant cost and other negative consequences for any organization (Greyling&Stanz, 2010).
Many research works have been carried out on job satisfaction and employee’s turnover intention. So much have been written on the relationship between job satisfaction and an employee’s intention to quit his or her job.
Some of the conclusions or findings of most of the research works is that job satisfaction and employee’s turnover intention are strongly and inversely related, that is to say that the more employees are satisfied the less likely they are to seek a new job. (Maclntosh& Doherty, 2010; Thrones, 2004; Egan, Yang & Bartlett, 2004, Lambert, Hogan & Barton, 2001). Another is that the most significant determinant of turnover intention is the level of employee satisfaction or dissatisfaction with his/her job.
Although, these findings are quite true and comprehensive enough, but the researches over the years have been limited to corporate organizations and other forms of organizations, leaving out institutional/ academic organizations such as primary and secondary schools. So this particular research work I am undertaking will be concentrated on finding out the correlation between job satisfaction and employee’s turnover intention as it relates to academic/ institutional organizations (primary and secondary schools) and to find out if teachers / other staff of schools just like other employees in corporate organization nurture the intention to quit their jobs as a result of the level satisfaction derived from their jobs.
To determine the relationship between job satisfaction and an employee’s job turnover intention.
To ascertain the impact of job security on an employee’s job turnover intention.
To find out the impact of pay on an employee’s job turnover intention.
To determine the impact of the nature of the work/job on an employee’s job turnover intention
To ascertain the impact of supervision on an employee’sjob turnover intention.
Is there a negative relationship between job satisfaction and an employee’s turnover intention?
Does job security have an impact on an employee’s job turnover intention?
Does pay have an impact on an employee’s job turnover intention?
Does the nature of job / work have an impact on an employee’s job turnover intention?
What is the impact of supervision on an employee’s job turnover intention?
Hypothesis i
H0: There is no negative relationship between job satisfaction and an employee’s job turnover intention
H1: There exist a negative relationship between job satisfaction and an employee’s job turnover intention
Hypothesis ii
H0: Job security has no significant impact on an employee’s job turnover intention
H1: Job security has a significant impact on an employee’s job turnover intention
Hypothesis iii
H0: Pay has no significant impact on an employee’s job turnover intention
H1: Pay has a significant impact on an employee’s job turnover intention
Hypothesis iv
H0: The nature of the work/job has no significant impact on an employee’s job turnover intention.
H1: The nature of the work / job has a significant impact on an employee’s job turnover intention
Hypothesis v
H0: Supervision has no significant impact on an employee’s job turnover intention.
H1: Supervision has a significant impact on an employee’s job turnover intention
The scope of this research work is limited to University of Benin Staff School, Benin-City, Edo State. This study will examine job satisfaction and employee’s job turnover intention among staff in the University Staff School. In the course of this study, questionnaires will be distributed to a selected sample of all categories of staff (workers) in this organization.
The study will cover issues like factors that influences job satisfaction and employee’s job turnover intention. Other issues the study will carefully look at includes; the theories of job satisfaction; the importance of job satisfaction, factors that may promote job satisfaction, application of job satisfaction in the workplace; and the consequences of job satisfaction/ job dissatisfaction, the impact of employee’s job turnover intention on the organization, The types of employee’s job turnover, the consequences of labour turnover, turnover intention indicator, the effect of job satisfaction on the turnover intention and the control of labour turnover.
A critical observation of the workings of any firm, whose major objectives are to make profit and satisfy the needs of their customers, will reveal that nearly all the firms have one organizational problem or the other. Some of such problems are job satisfaction and labour turnover which is also important to all the firms. Some of the relevance of this study is as follows:
By discovering factors that may likely cause job satisfaction and those that may lead to dissatisfaction, a firm will be able to act proactively instead of being reactive so as to avoid dissatisfaction which is an antecedent to an employee’s job turnover intention.
In this research work, issues/factors that may likely bring job dissatisfaction and labour turnover in an organization will be identified. Hence, enabling any organization to formulate strategies that will help forestall the occurrence of such incidence.
This study will help to ameliorate the problems of personnel management especially in the areas of labour turnover in any organization not only University of Staff School, Benin.
It is also hoped that the outcome of this study will be useful to anyone who want to manipulate Job satisfaction variables in order to enhance the survival and effectiveness of any organization.
It is hoped that any findings made in this study will serve not only in University of Benin Staff School, but also all teaching and other profit oriented (making) organization in actualizing their stated goals and objectives.
A number of constraints were faced in the course of the study but the most prominent one was the attitude of some of the respondents. This also contributed to the problems faced by the researcher. Some of the respondents that were sampled did not return the questionnaire distributed to them. Some were afraid to accept or fill out the questionnaires, and some were not ready to disclose some of the vital information required from them probably because they lacked trust on the part of the investigator or for other reasons best known to them.
JOB SATISFACTION: This is the extent to which a worker is content with the rewards he/she gets out of his/her job, particularly in terms of intrinsic motivation. It refers to the attitudes and feelings people have about their work. It is a term that describes a positive feeling about a job, resulting from an evaluation of its characteristics. It is the joy and happiness derived from performing a given task.
JOB: This is the work that a person does regularly in order to earn money. It is a unit of work large enough to be the basis of an occupation. It can also be defined as an economic role for which a person is paid.
EMPLOYEE TURNOVER INTENTION: This is any desire of employees to sign out from their company. It can also be defined as the intensity level of employee to quit.
EMPLOYEE TURNOVER: This refers to the number or percentage of workers who leave an organization and are replaced by new employees. It is the series of actions that it takes from the employees leaving to his or her being replaced.
PAY: This is the amount of financial remuneration which an employee receives in exchange for his input in an organization. It is an amount of money paid on a regular basis to people in regular employment.
ORGANIZATION: This is a group of person brought together for the purpose of achieving certain objectives.
MOTIVATION: These are those factors that cause, channel and sustain behaviour. This is concerned with the factors that influence people to behave in certain ways.
- Department: Business Administration and Management
- Project ID: BAM0713
- Access Fee: ₦5,000
- Pages: 143 Pages
- Chapters: 5 Chapters
- Methodology: Chi Square
- Reference: YES
- Format: Microsoft Word
- Views: 2,657
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