The Contribution of NGOs to The Welfare of Vulnerable Groups in Kapchorwa Municipality Kapchorwa District

  • Department: Development Studies
  • Project ID: DVS0010
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 48 Pages
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 392
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The NGOs contributed a lot towards the development of communities in particular Uganda. The study aimed at examining the contribution of NGOs towards the welfare of vulnerable groups in west division, Kapchorwa municipality, and Kapchorwa district. The specific objectives of the study were; to identify the NOOS operating in west division, Kapchorwa municipality, to examine the activities of the NGOS with respect to the vulnerable groups and their welfare; to analyze the challenges NGOS faced by the NGOS in improving the welfare of the vulnerable groups. A case study of west division was examined and qualitative methods such as observation. key informants, interviews, FDGs were used. The findings show that a number of NGOs are operating in west division and these include; KACSOA, SD-CODE, YES, CAFHUR, RHU, SEA, Action Aid, and Red Cross, The following are some of the activities or contributions of these NGOs; provision of education support, emergency aid, civic education, health service provision, capacity building in different lielcis especially income generation. The findings further established that NOOs have contributed a lot to the welfare of the vulnerable groups in the municipality amidst a number of challenges they face. Such contributions include; advocacy for and with the poor, public relations, project management, campaigning among others and they are worth celebrating and sharing with other scholars, development partners and interested parties. The major Jiallenges NOOs face in improving the welfare of the vulnerable groups include; finances, harsh working conditions, high expectations, dependency on donors, cultural rigidities, and limited capacity among others. The study concludes that; NGOs to a large extent have supported the vulnerable groups and most of them have testimonies of change and they have caused a positive impact on the welfare of the vulnerable groups with majority of them taken through a number of capacity building, trainings aimed at empowering and making them self-reliant. The study recommends that, there is need for the establishment of the rehabilitation centers to cater for the needs of the orphans and the street children whose number is increasing and many are using drugs and this has exposed most of them to a number of risks.







Abstract x


Introduction 1

l.lBack ground of the study

1.2 Statement of the problem 3

1.3 Objectives of the study 3

1 .4 Research questions 4

1.5 Significance of the study 4

1.6 Justification 4

1.8 Conceptual Frame work 5

1 .9 Operational Definitions 5



Introduction 7

2.1 History of NGOs 7

2.2 Types of NGOs 8

By orientation 8

By level of operation 9


2.3:1 Global perspective of~~s~9

~~i,eratioIial .10

Carrq,aigiiing .10

Both operational and canipaignhiig .11

~relations .1 1

Project inianagentienit .11

2.3.2 1’1(3os iii lcapcliorwa .13

2.3 Challenges faced by NGOs in improving the welfare of vulnerable groups 14

CI—L4ITrER. hTj~Y_T1~~~ 18

tvf1!Fl.IODOl4OG~ 18

3:1 IiitroclucUon 18

3:2 Research J.)esign 18

3:3 Stud ~rea 18

3:4 Study Population 18

3:5 Sanxiphiiig l’roceciures slid Straiegies 19

3:6 Saniple Size 19

3:7 I)ata Revievv 19

3:8 I~4ethods and Instruments ofl)ata Collection 19

3:8:2 bali 20

3:8:3 Focus Group I)iscuissionis 20

3:8:4 Key Inibrinants’ Interviews 20

3:9 I.~ata Aiialysis 20

3:10 Limitations and l)elimiiitations 21

3:11 Ethical Consideration 21

~FoiJit 22


4.0 Presentation and Discussion of the Findings .22

4.1 Introduction 22

4.2 characteristics of respondents/participants 22

4.3 NGOS in West Division 23

4.4 Activities /Roles of NGOs with respect to vulnerable groups in Kapchorwa Municipality ...24

4.5 Challenges NGOs Face in Improving the Welfare of the Vulnerable Groups 25


5.0 Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations 27

5.1 Introduction 27

5.2 Summary of the main findings 27

5.3 Conclusion 28

5.4 Recommendations 29

Reference 30


  • Department: Development Studies
  • Project ID: DVS0010
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 48 Pages
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 392
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