• Department: Banking and Finance
  • Project ID: BFN0548
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 65 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 1,464
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This study looked into the impact of motivation on staff performance in the banking industry in Nigeria. In carrying out this work, important research questions were asked. Relevant literatures were reviewed with the aim of author dictating the issue under study. The researcher used descriptive designing for the project layout for responding of data on the respondents response analysed using simple table, one of the finding showed that staffs join the organizations for the purpose of promotion and gratuity and ensuring the organizational growth. Based on this findings, certain recommendation were made which include that the management should strive hard to provide promotion to the staffs when due and again salary of the staff should be upgraded so as to motivates the performance of staffs in the banking industry.




One of the cardinal problems facing motivation on staff performance in the banking industry in Nigeria is staff performance in the banking industry in Nigeria is lack of staff motivation to improve standards in their organizations. The motivation and expectation of management is for employees’ or staff to give their best to achieve the organizational aims and objectives.

It is clear that people are the orbit upon which any establishment revolves, that is why most management tends to give more attention to motivation.

Thus, motivation programmed created conditions that encourage staff to satisfy their need while at the same time accomplishing the organizational aims.

To motivate staffs, management create real or imagined need. A real need could be designed to be achieved through promotion, increase in wages and salaries as well as employment or increase organizational favour and furniture e.t.c.

Motivation is a subject that starts with the study of man’s motives, need, wants and behavior it is that energizing force that induces and maintains behavior, which stimulates people to work so that the organizational goals is achieved.

This project tends to review different types of motivators, step tending to staff been motivated, rules and the effects of their performance and that of the banking industry.

This project however, does not claim to be the best treatments of this project “motivation on staff performance as a tool for improving the staff performance in the banking industry in Nigeria”.


The incessant space of threats to individual place and the frequent time management employee opposing views on grievance handling in financial institute have constituted serious evading problems.

Frequent loss of services to the macro terrain due to out right lock – out and sit down sterile action have taken their tools on these institution and the nations economy in general. This phenomenon is traceable to the inability of the labor management relation policies to provide good grievance handling techniques or effective motivational management tool in employees or staff performance.

Being a leading bank in the industry, United Bank for Africa PLC is not spared. The problem is therefore seen to emanate from this institutions management employees relationship and perspective of each party view of labor policies in the banking industries. The growth of any organization is terms of sizes, capital base cannot be in isolation of the demand for its services or produced.

Consequently, the organization cannot thrive in am unhealthy working environment this is a problem to be investigated, the extend in which labor policies and motivational factors come into play in ensuring industrial harmony and increase  productivity has been added to major tool for staff behavior towards the attainment of the organizational goals and objectives.


  1. What are the impacts of motivation on staff performance in the banking industry in Nigeria?
  2. How often does management of your organization organize training and development programme for staff?
  3. Does your organization practice open door policy?
  4. What is the nature of incentive will be preferable to staff in your organizations?
  5. How often the management provides such incentive?
  6. Does communication flow between staff and management?
  7. Do you take part in decision making process?


All profiled oriented organization should recognize the importance of their employees or staffs.

The ability to understand why people behave in a do and the ability to motivate them to behave in a specific manner are of two in a related quality, which are important to managerial effectiveness. An individual or groups of individual in the banking industry who render services have different needs, skills, qualification and their behavior.

Due to these difference the organization have the task to identify the various need of individuals should know what pleases them most and satisfied them so that they could try their best to achieve the organizational aims and objectives.

However, knowledge of motivation theory a frame works fro drawing generalization and for analyzing various motivational problems.

The goals of this study are to emphasize the important of motivation and to check whether the organization is motivating its staff’s enough.

The project of this study is to defined motivation and examine it important to the management also to help management appreciate the critical important or in the achievement of the organizational aims. It will also help to assist reader to understand the nature of man and human behavior in work situations and also to know the techniques of motivating staffs for higher performance.


United Bank for Africa PLC was formed to protect and promotes commercial utilities and industries health commercial activities and industrial growth of the country.

The project seeks to high light the problems and project of motivation on staffs performance as a tools for improving staffs performances in the banking industry in Nigeria.


This study covers the impact of motivation and staffs performance in the banking industries in Nigeria with particular reference to Nasarawa Branch Nasarawa Local government area, Nasarawa State.

This study will be highly limited to time constraints enough time to sufficiently administer interview to a wider cross section of the employees.

Finance is another constraint variable in the study, the whole exercise was expensive as the research had to go to United Bank for Africa PLC several times in order to obtain the required data for the project. Also money has to be spent in purchasing stationeries, typing and binding the project.

Another visible constraint is that of respondents although the questions drawn are easily and relatively understood, there is no guarantee that the totality of the respondents will accord the information sought.

This in doubt will put a constrain to the desire intention of the study.


Hypothesis is a basic assumption that is made before conducting a research work, which will either be accepted or rejected at the end of the study. The accepted or rejected at the end of the study. The researcher has come out with the following hypothesis.

HO:    Employees are not motivated enough and companies realize their   objectives.

HI:     Employees are not motivated enough and companies do not realize their objectives.

HO:    That different category of staff needs similar motivation to do their job effectively and efficiently.

HI:     That different category of staff needs similar motivation to do their job effectively and efficiently.


MANAGEMENT:- According to “Corkery (1994) defined management as the co-ordination of human and material resources through the processes of planning, organizing, directing and controlling in order to achieve organizational objectives.

MOTIVATION:- according to “Abraham H. Mashow” (1943) defined    motivation as the act of boasting the moral of an staffs towards         productivity.

NEED:-      According to “Lionel Robinson” (1978) defined meed as wants      for satisfying some useful purpose.

GOAL:- According to “Moony” (1999), He defined goals as achievement of      aims and objective, the end result of the organization.

BEHAVIOR:- According to “Fredric Taylor”, He defined behavior as a way of           behaving, manner, action or treatment shown towards others or     doctrine that all human action could if fills knowledge were available    which can be analyzed into stimulus and responds.

INCENTIVE:- “Humphrey” defined incentive as something which encourage           somebody to do something.

BANK:- According to “Robert” he defined bank as a financial institution where money and other valuable materials or things are kept for safety

  • Department: Banking and Finance
  • Project ID: BFN0548
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 65 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 1,464
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