• Department: Business Administration and Management
  • Project ID: BAM0985
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 65 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 2,006
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The research study examined the impact of Human Resources Planning on Organisational Development, and Skye Bank Nigeria Plc was used as a case study. The study of the subject consisted of workers in the above mentioned case study, precisely the branch at No. 67 Ikwerre Road, PortHarourt, Rivers State. A total number of seventy samples were drawn but sixty was used using self administered questionnaires. The research method used is the survey research design and the sampling technique used was the simple random sampling method. The instruments used for gathering data are through questionnaires, personal interview and personal observation. The study consists of research questions which enabled the researcher gather the information needed for the study. Hypothesis was tested using the chi-square (X2) method, and all the findings were tested at 5% level of significance. It was concluded that human resources planning has both positive and negative impacts or effects on employee’s productivity. Hence, proper and effective Human Resources Planning would enhance employees’ productivity, thus bringing about organizational development. The summary of findings is that human resources planning play a vital role in enhancing organizational development. The researchers equally recommend that the management of Skye Bank Nigeria Plc, Ikwerre Road, PortHarcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria should recognize the importance of human resources development. It has been discovered that the implementation of training and development as well as performance appraisal on employees is very essential as it is important for the enhancement of employee productivity, thereby bringing about organizational development.




          Human Resource planning refers to the complex task of forecasting and planning for the right number and right kind of personnel at the right place and at the right time to perform activities that will benefit the organization in accomplishing its objectives and in helping its members satisfy their needs.

          Human Resource planning is a highly sensitive issue in most organizations especially the very large ones. This is because it involves hiring, training and retraining of people who will eventually lead the organization to growth and long run survival, or demise of the organization. In most organizations therefore, a lot of energy is dissipated on planning for the development of its human resources without which there can be no growth and survival in the modern day turbulent business environment. Human Resources planning should be a key component of nearly every organisation’s strategic planning. To ensure their competitive advantage in the market place, organizations must implement innovative strategies that are designed to enhance their employee retention rate and recruit fresh talent into their companies.

          Effective human Resource planning strategies are those that include having sufficient staff, with the right mixture of talent and who are in the appropriate locations, performing their jobs when needed. It moves beyond the traditional role of human resources as primarily an administrative control function. In today’s corporate environment; it is viewed as a valuable component for adding value to an organization.

          A number of factors are usually responsible for the number and type of employees desired now and in the future by any given organization. These include:

·                 Employee turnover

·                 Nature of present workforce

·                 Rate of growth of the organization.

          Organisations that witness a very high turnover by way of discharges, retirements, quits or fermentation (voluntary or involuntary), promotions and transfers and deaths will obviously have urgent need to plan ahead for replacements. Again, technical exigencies or the need to substitute new products for old can equally compel an organization to re-train its present work force or hire new persons who will eventually introduce new blood into the system. It may also be very necessary to hire from outside if existing vacancies within an organization are of a very high technical nature that the present crop of employees back both the requisite skill and experience required for efficient performance. Furthermore, the rate of growth of an organization can warrant the need for new employees. However, organizational growth is a function of management policy; the level of competition within the product or service range of the organization, the present and anticipated state of the National Economy and many other related or vital considerations.

          Robbins (2000) is of the view that Human Resource Planning is the process by which organizations ensure that the right number and kind of people, at the right place, at the rights time capable of effectively and efficiently completing those tasks that will help the organization achieve its overall goals. Human resource planning is important for planning the investment in the development and utilization of human resources. Any investment in the Human Resource activities is considered an investment for the future growth and development of the organization.

          Human Resource Planning includes the analysis of the level of skills in the organization current and expected vacancies resulting from the retirements, discharges, transfers, promotions, sick leaves, leaves of absence etc and analysis of current and expected expansions or contractions in the departments plans are then made for shifts in internal supply of staff and for training and development of present employees for advertising for job vacancies, or for recruiting and hiring of new employees or for all these approaches.


          The major problem sought to be solved at the end of this research study include: how human resource planning activities affect organizational development; the ways by which human resource planning makes impact on organizational development. Does it’s impact really lead to organizational development? It has been observed that some numbers of employees in the banking sectors are yet to be effective and efficient in the work. This then raises the question on whether employees do not put into practice what they learn. Are employees having inappropriate and negative attitude to change?  Does the impact of human resources on the organization prepare them for higher challenges in the future?


          The main objective of the study is to examine the impact of Human Resource Planning on organizational development using Skye Bank Plc as a case study.

          Its specific objectives are as follows:

(a)         To identify ways to plan on human resource needed in an organization for its development.

(b)        To find out the relationship between human resource planning and organizational development.

(c)         To identify the effects of training, development, motivation, etc in human resource planning.

(d)        To identify the various processes of human resource planning involved in organizational development.

(e)         To determine the effects of human resource planning on organizational development.


          This research work would be relevant and significant to the manager and workers of Skye Bank Plc. It is also significant to the public sector organizations in Nigeria. It will offer the best method of human resource planning and organizational development programme which are appreciated for employees at a particular point in time. It also serves as a useful guide to organizations in their decision making process in the future on training related issues, knowledge of private sectors. Planning shall also be enhanced along with the improvement of employees’ performance for smooth discharge of duties.

1.5          SCOPE OF THE STUDY

          In  order  to  ensure  that  this  project  is  a  comprehensive and  detailed  research  project,  it  is  imperative  to  state  that the  scope  of  the  work  is  within  Skye  Bank  Plc,  Ikwerre  Road, PortHarcourt,  Rivers  state.  This  is  because  the  study  is concerned  with  the  impact  of  human  resource  planning  on organizational  development,  and  the  information  will  be gathered  and  analysed  properly  and  will also be of great help to

the area of study and also to those who intend going into the banking sector in the future. Besides, this study concerns itself with the activities that should be carried out in an organization to enhance its development through planning.


          A work of this nature is not easy to accomplish because of its wide scope. Time and financial constraints in this work and many other things serve as hindrance which makes it difficult for the work to be completed in time.

          Unwillingness on the part of the staff of the company in giving the data or information needed cannot be overlooked. Majority of the company sees the information as a confidential issue, which is only meant for them. Distance of the place where information to be collected is also hampered in the running of the project. The study would be limited to Skye Bank Plc, Port Harcourt, Rivers State.

  • Department: Business Administration and Management
  • Project ID: BAM0985
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 65 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 2,006
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