- Department: Business Administration and Management
- Project ID: BAM0125
- Access Fee: ₦5,000
- Pages: 73 Pages
- Chapters: 5 Chapters
- Methodology: chi saqure
- Reference: YES
- Format: Microsoft Word
- Views: 3,132
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The topic to be studied is “The impact of personnel satisfaction on organizational growth and development” A case study of Anamco ltd Emene Enugu.
Personnel satisfaction has been an issue that employers neglect for a very long time now, but if critically examined, we will understand that it is the truth, that personnel satisfaction directly affects the outputs of any firm.
The sample is made up of 100 staff- 30 administrative staff, 40 intermediate staff and 30 junior staff. This is because these three categories of workers cuts across all the staff in Anamco ltd.
The information gathered were analyzed under the following sub- headings:-
a. Overall view of respondents on the impacts of personnel satisfaction on organizational growth and development.
b. Administrative staff view on the impact of personnel satisfaction on organizational growth and development.
c. Intermediate staff view on the impact of personnel satisfaction on organizational growth and development.
d. Junior staff view on the impact of personnel satisfaction and development.
From the information gathered, on overwhelming majority of the respondents agreed that personnel of an organization can really be satisfied with the management when the management of the organization is performing up to expectation ( to an acceptable degree) and that it is such satisfactions that can include the personnel to put in their efforts thereby affecting the level of output positively.
Furthermore, the hypothesis were all tested using the chi- square formula and all the hypothesis were all proved correct.
My sources of data include interview and questionnaire. Some times, I had to use phone conversation to get the information I wanted. The data collected was analyzed in chapter four (4) of the research report.
This project shall be needed by the management of Anamco ltd. Since it will suggest more and better ways they can use to improve their overall personnel performance. Also all employers will find it useful and students inclusive.
Chapter one
1.1 Background of the study.
1.2 Statement of the problem.
1.3 Purpose of the study
1.4 Scope of the study.
1.5 Research hypothesis.
1.6 Significance of the study.
1.7 Limitations of the study.
2.1 Historical perspective of the study.
2.2 Douglas McGregor’s theory X and Y.
2.3 Elton mayor and the Hawthorn experiment
2.4 Abraham maslow’s theory of needs.
2.5 Expectancy theory.
2.6 Herzberg’s theory of job motivation
2.7 MB Anamco news and Awake 22 Feb. 2002
3.1 Research design.
3.2 Area of study.
3.3 Population for the study.
3.4 Sample and sample technique
3.5 Instrument of data collection.
3.6 Validation of instrument used
3.7 Reliability of the instrument
3.8 Method of data collection
3.9 Method of data analysis
4.1 presentation and analysis of data
4.2 testing of hypothesis
4.3 summary of results
5.1 discussions of result and findings
5.2 conclusions
5.3 implications of the research findings
5.4 recommendations
5.5 suggestions for further study
Man started seeing the need for organization, which he realized that he is not self- sufficient. He came to realize that with co-ordinate effort more output can be realized.
This was why, in the early times of man, the creation, presentation and modification of organization became absolutely necessary because the society at large depends on those organizations. Consequently, man desired to control his environment and to control the activities of the particular person (s), in that given setting, through systems comprised of technology and humans. Technology on it’s own cannot perform anything anything unless the human aspect performs and this is where the personnel’s of an organization comes in.
The personnel’s (workers) of an organization must be satisfied before the organization can experience growth and development. Therefore, personnel satisfaction is a situation where the workers of an organization experience a feeling of contentment which they get when they have achieved what they need or desired. It can be seen also as a situation of fulfillment. On the other hand, organizational growth has to do with size and quantity while development has to do with quality and advancement. There is no way an organization will grow and develop when the people working in it are not happy. Despite these facts, we should bear in that human beings are insatiable and this is why human management complicated. This is why this research is very important one because, we are going to find out that without these workers, there will be no growth and development.
Employers feels that regular payment of wages and salary is all it takes to get workers, to putting in their best, but in this global world, the story is different. People are not only interested in money but in other this like job enrichment, self- actualization etc. this is why this research work is necessary so as to know the extent that personnel satisfaction can contribute to an organizational growth and development. Also, we will see more better ways that the case study “ANAMCO” has used, so as to achieved their personnel satisfaction.
In order to accomplish this study, Anamco has been selected as a case organization. I will be studying the personnel profile in the contributed to the success of the organization. The data for this study will be collected through the use of questionnaire, direct interviews of persons and the study of documents. Anammco is a company that deals with the manufacture and and assembling of Mercedes-Benz vehicle parts. This company started existing a very long time ago and ever single then they have been very successful.
Also, in the course of studying this topic, we shall have to study some relevant theory of Abraham Maslow, Herzberz and the rest of them that will be useful for more understanding. Some current literatures will also be reviewed.
This research work on the personnel satisfaction of any organization and its effect on the organizational growth and development, is a kind of gate way to the understanding of some important factors. And these facts are what this research work will be based on. However, the question that arises and needed to be answered are:
- Since human being are insatiable, can the employees of an organization be really satisfied at any point in time?
- Does the personnel satisfaction really have a role to play in the achievement of organizational success?
- What factors contribute to employee satisfaction?
- Will factors not compound the economic problems of the organization because of its additional cost? These questions in a nutshell form the problem of this research work.
Some early writer have written so many things about workers in an organization and there are different ways organizations apply these theories to suit them. Therefore, this study will try to achieve the following objectives, basing on ANAMCO
To find out, if employees can be satisfied at any particular point in time, since human beings are said to be insatiable.
To find out the role of personal satisfaction in the achievements of organizational success.
To find out the factors that can lead to employee’s satisfaction.
To find out, if it will be a burden on the organization or a relief.
Some early writers have written so many things about workers in an organization and there are different ways organizations apply these theories to suit them. Therefore, this study will try to achieve the following objectives, basing on Anamco.
- To find out, if employees can be satisfied at any particular point in time, since human beings are said to be insatiable.
- To find out the role of personel satisfaction in the achievements of organizational success.
- To find out the factors that can lead to employee satisfaction.
- To find out, if it will be a burden on the organization or a releaf.
This research work is a case study of Anamco, it will be covering all aspects concerning managements affairs with the workers. More especially, where it relates to motivation
Anamco is a car assembling company situated in Enugu State and data will consist 21 information on the personel, starting from when Anamco was created till date.
It is against the background of the problems identified and the purpose of this study that the following propositions were made. Both the null and alternative hypothesis were stated and latter in chapter four.
1. H0: Workers can actually be satisfied.
Hi: Workers cannot actually be satisfied.
2. H0 When workers are happy they put in their best.
Hi: When workers are happy they do not put in their best.
3. H0: Personel satisfaction will not compound the economic problem of the organization.
Hi: Personel satisfaction will compound the economic problem of the organization.
4. H0: Personel satisfaction is the root of any organisation’s success.
Hi: Personel satisfaction is not the root of any organisation’s success.
This is a period in Nigeria, when we want more efficient managers, that can properly manage man, material, money. Therefore, this study is timely so as to enhance the development of Nigeria’s economy through privatization and commercialization. All these things are happening in organization made up of human beings.
This study will be of immense benefit to both public and private organizations. In addition, the study will determine factors that will lead to personel satisfaction. It is expected that the findings will help organization to identify thee needs and desire of the workers and satisfy them so as to obtain maximum co-operation from their worker always remembering that organizations must achieve the corporate objectives in order to justify their existence.
Through the investigation, therefore, management of organizations will understand their shortcomings or weak points and will subsequently adopt measures aimed at enhancing their workers co-operation,,
In addition, the Government will also benefit from this research work by getting to know to handle the workers within their states. Also, this research work will be of help to the management in ANAMCO, as it suggested new and better ways of handling the personnel’s of the organizations.
Finally, students will learn a lot from this work, if it should be stocked in the library for students that wish to become future entrepreneurs.
- Department: Business Administration and Management
- Project ID: BAM0125
- Access Fee: ₦5,000
- Pages: 73 Pages
- Chapters: 5 Chapters
- Methodology: chi saqure
- Reference: YES
- Format: Microsoft Word
- Views: 3,132
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