• Department: Business Administration and Management
  • Project ID: BAM0520
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 70 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Methodology: Chi Square
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 1,812
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This study was carried out to identify the effect of collective bargaining as a strategy for developing sound labour management relations in an organization using Edo State Water Corporation as a case study. The objective of the study is to determine the contribution of collective bargaining specifically on the productivity of organization. Three hypotheses were formulated for analysis after relevant textbooks, materials and journals were consulted. The work sought to address some abnormalities as well as improving the employees’ level of performance in the organization through the effective application of collective bargaining strategy data used for this work was collected from both primary and secondary sources and were properly analyzed. The study has succeeded in determining the significant improvement in employees’ performance which collective bargaining has brought on organizational productivity generally. The researcher discovered that for the best in employees to be brought out, effective collective bargaining machinery must be put in place. The researcher recommended the adoption of full utilization of collective bargaining practice in the corporation. it was however, concluded that collective bargaining strategies are the panacea to which industrial relations and effectiveness are built.

    Background to the Study
    Statement of the Problem
    Objectives of the Study
    Statement of Hypotheses
    Significance of the Study
    Scope and Limitations of the Study
    Operational Definition of Terms
    Organization of Work

    An Overview of the Edo State Water Corporation
    Concept of Collective Bargaining
    Public Policy on Collective Bargaining in Nigeria
    The Scope of Collective Bargaining
    Labour Management Interaction
    Preparation of Negotiation
    Industrial Dispute Settlement in Nigeria
    Conditions for Effective Collective Bargaining
    Collective Bargaining Structure
    Benefits of Collective Bargaining
    Research Design
    Area of the Study
    Sources and Methods of Data Collection
    Population of the Study
    Sample and Sampling Techniques
    Validation of the Instrument
    Methods of Data Analysis

    Data Presentation and Analysis
    Test of Hypotheses

    Summary of Findings
    Summary of the Study
    Suggestions for Further Research

1.1    Background to the Study
        The importance of water to man can not be over emphasized. The Edo state water corporation was created like in other states to provide clean and portable water to the populace, and to fulfill this goal, there is the need for sound labour management relations in this sector through the use of positive result fetching principles known as collective bargaining strategy.
        According to Adamolekun (1987), “collective bargaining can be defined as a negotiation about working conditions and terms of employment between an employer, a group of employers, one or more employers’ organization on one hand and one or more representative workers’ organization on the other hand with a view to reaching agreement”

In the past, record reviewed that, an unhealthy and unbearable industrial atmosphere prevailed particularly as a result of the civil war. In (1969) trade dispute emergency provision amendment decree No 53 was put in place to curb the situation but without change in the public sector.

In realization of the importance of collective bargaining strategy in the sector, the then military head of state of Nigeria Gen. Ibrahim Babangida in 1991 revealed in the budget document thus, it is time collective bargaining take its root in the country and like the private employer, the various tiers of the government agencies will negotiate directly with their appropriate industrial unions. This indicated that the principle of collective bargaining though accepted as the normal way of settling wages and other conditions of employment, successive post independent government had failed to honour it, particularly in respect of wage determination.

The term collective bargaining as based on the definition above implies that both the employers and employees act as a group rather than individuals, each bringing their cumulative experience and expertise. Collective bargaining therefore, presupposes the willingness of employers to settle terms and conditions of employment by negotiation with trade unions.

The researcher aims at finding out whether the principle of collective bargaining is in full operation in the public sector particularly in Edo state water corporation. How is the relationship between the employees and the employers of labour in the sector? And what are the problems facing the workers in the corporation?

1.2    Statement of the Problem
The goal for the establishment of the Edo state water corporation is to manage the scheme formally handled by the defunct Bendel state water corporation of Nigeria.

Unfortunately, in recent time, there is low productivity in some aspects because of inadequate incentives for motivation, the increasing work stoppages involving public employees is an indication of non mutual relationship between public servants and public employers.

The corporation according to recent findings is faced with Lack of adequate logistics and proper data collection on water needs of Edo state populace and the training needs of the staff are not adequately catered for. This portrays unsound labour management relations in the corporation.

In view of these, the researcher wants to determine:
    Collective bargaining practice in the corporation.
    The problems of labour management relations in the corporation.
    The feelings of the workers towards their working conditions.
    The benefits to the corporation via the use collective bargaining strategy.

1.3    Objectives of the Study
The general purpose of this study is to ascertain the place of collective bargaining as a strategy for developing sound labour management relations in Edo state water corporation with the following specific objectives in focus:
    To examine collective bargaining practice in Edo State water corporation.
    To find out the feelings of workers towards their working conditions.
    To evaluate the benefits to the corporation through the use of collective bargaining.

1.4    Statement of Hypotheses
According to Hornby (2000), Hypothesis is an ideal or explanation of something that is based on a few known facts but that has not been proved to be true or correct. The nature of hypothesis is determined by the problem to be investigated; the depth and precision of investigation as desired by the researcher.

According to Odigbo (1991) hypothesis is a testable tentative obab1e explanation of the relationship between two or more reliable that create a state of affairs of phenomena”.

In the formulation of hypotheses, the researcher will make use of both null and alternative hypotheses. The null hypothesis will be denoted by Ho, while the alternative hypothesis will be denoted by Hi.
    Collective bargaining is not practiced in Edo State Water corporation
Hi:  Collective bargaining is practiced in Edo State Water Corporation.
    Workers in Edo State Water Corporation are not comfortable with their working conditions

Hi:  Workers in Edo State Water Corporation are comfortable with their working conditions
    Edo State Water Corporation can achieve her goals without catering for employee’s welfare

Hi:  Edo State Water Corporation can achieve her goals by catering for employee’s welfare

1.5    Significance of the Study
This study will serve as an eye opener to the Edo state water corporation herself, in that, it will allow her to double her effort to satisfy the needs of her staff through sound labour management relations strategy, thereby increasing her production.

The government as the largest employers of labour will also benefit from this study because of its sole innovation which has bearing on industrial relations in the civil service sector. This study will immensely help in bridging the protective gap which is always silent about an employee contract of employment. It also aimed at improving the living standard of the people in the state through the provision of adequate portable water by the corporation.

Finally, this research will be of immense importance to students and staff of this institution and those intending to carryout further research as a reference material.

1.6 Scope and Limitation of the Study
1.6.1 Scope of the Study
The research will be limited to Edo state water corporation. The project shall focus on collective bargaining as a strategy for redeveloping sound labour management relations in Edo State Water Corporation.
1.6.2 Limitations of the Study
        The research is limited to Edo State Water Corporation due to the following reasons:

    Financial constraint will not allow the researcher to visit other public sectors in the state.
    The researcher will not be able to conduct the study on a large population due to time constraint.
    Inadequate reference text is another prominent limiting factor among others.

1.7    Operational Definition of Terms
The following are some terms in the research that need to be defined clearly for easy understanding. These selected terms are
Collective Bargaining: This refers to the negotiation about working conditions and terms of employment between an employer, a group of employers, one or more employers, organization on one hand and one or more representative workers organization on the other hand with a view to reaching agreement.
Labour Management Relations: This is the internal arrangement between employers and the union n a bipartite relationship within an organization with a view of regulating their relations as it affects employment and its compensation. However, in this study, labour management relations, labour relations and industrial relations are used interchangeably.
Labour: This refers to the organized work group who are directly involved in the attainment of organizational goals. In this content, labour excludes the small group of employees at the helm of affairs in an organization.
Management: For the purpose of this study, management refers to those professionals who established the goal and objectives of the organization. They are those groups of senior personnel and staffers in an organization that are responsible for the planning, organizing, directing, controlling, staffing and rewarding the human resources engaged in the organization. They are equally responsible for annexing both the physical and human resources together in order to achieve the corporate objectives.
Public Sector: In this study, this is meant to refer to the governmental sector of the economy. It refers to the federal, state and local government services and parastatals. The term public sector, public service and civil service are used interchangeably in this project.
Corporation: In this study, it refers to the Edo state water corporation while the defunct” corporation” refers to the defunct Bendel State water corporation of Nigeria.

1.8    Organization of Work
        This research work focuses on collective Bargaining as a strategy for Developing Sound labour management Relations in Edo state water corporation. In order to move at a justifiable package, this work is made up of five chapters.
        Chapter one introduces the rest of the work which includes the background to the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, statement of hypotheses, significance of the study, scope and limitations of the study and definition of key terms.
        However, chapter two centers on an overview of the place under study, the introduction and other related sub-headings will be examined, such as: the scope of collective bargaining, labour management interaction, preparation for negotiation, industrial dispute settlement in Nigeria, conditions for effective collective bargaining and the benefits of collective bargaining.
        Chapter three focuses on research design, area of the study, sources and methods of data collection, population of the study, sample and sampling technique, validation of the instrument and methods of data analysis.
        Chapter four focuses on data presentation and analysis i.e. the research result and analysis.
        Chapter five covers the summary of the study, managerial 1ications of the findings, conclusion, suggestions for further research, recommendations, bibliography and questionnaire.
  • Department: Business Administration and Management
  • Project ID: BAM0520
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 70 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Methodology: Chi Square
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 1,812
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