The study as the impacts of marketing logistics on the corporate profitability in the industry a ( case study of NBPLC,ENUGU IC) was carried out with the following objectives:
To determine if consumers are satisfied with the marketing logistics strategies adoptioned by Nigeria brewery plc Enugu.
To offer solutions and suggestion on how to tackle and alleviate distribution problems identified.
In order to achieve the above objectives. Three sets of questionnaire were prepared and administratered to the population ccomprising staff, distributors and customers of NB plc Enugu in addition, extensive literature review was conducted.
The sample size for the study were determined using topmans formula. Questionnaires collected were analyzed using frequencies and percentages, while the hypotheses were tested using chi-square and statistical tools.
The analyzed data and tested hypotheses showed the following.
-That marketing logistics as being adopted by NB Plc Enugu charges customer patronage and impacts positively on the corporate profitability of the company.
-That marketing congestive is an indispensable tool for not only fighting competitive but also increased market share of the company.
Based on the fings the following recommendations were made
-NB Plc Enugu should also maintain good and efficient service to its customers.
-The case organization should continuously monitor the marketing environment so as to ensure continued relevance of it’s marketing cogitics system, in serving the market efficiently and effectively for improved corporate profitability
Title page ii
Approval page iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgement v
Abstract vi
Table of contents viii
1.1Introduction 1
1.2Statement of the problem4
1.3Objectives of the study 5
1.4Formulation of hypotheses
1.5Significance of the study 7
1.6Scope of the study 8
1.7Definition of terms9
2.0Review of related literature 10
2.1Overview of marketing logistics 10
2.2components of marketing logistics12
2.3Transportation 14
2.4Distribution 17
2.5Inventory management 18
2.6The place of logistics is marketing 20
2.7The impact of marketing logistic on corporate profitability.24
3.0Research methodology 27
3.1Research design27
3.2Population of the study 27
3.3Sampling technique 27
3.4Determination of sample size 28
3.5Research instruments used 30
3.6Limitation of the study32
4.0Presentation, Analysis & interpretation of data 33
4.1Data presentation and analysis 33
4.2Test of hypothesis 43
5.0Summary of findings, recommendation and conclusion 54
5.1Summary of findings 54
5.2Recommendations 55
5.3Conclusion 56
Bibliography 58
Appendix 61