1.1 Background to the Study Today’s business organizations are characterized by increasingly dynamic technological and communications networked environment, continuous challenges such as competition, development, general instability, mergers and reengineering of work processes. These forces challenge organizations to re-evaluate their strategies, structure, policies, operations, processes, and culture. Sustained organizational success in such kind of a highly turbulent business environment is a function of intense proactive abilities of employees to aspects of change, combined with conceptual comprehension of organizational issues and goals. Organizations insensitive to changes in political, economical, social and technological environment lack grit and determination to cope up with internal and external changes when required and hence lack sustenance and longevity. It will come as no surprise to any observer of today’s organizations that change is a significant part of organizational life. Change is required at the organizational level as customers demand more, technologies are developed with a rapidly changing life cycle, especially high-tech products, and investors demand results. These require that organizations develop new strategies, economic structures, technologies, organizational structures, and processes. As a result, change is also required of individuals. The
2 management tool for managing change effectively is organization development. Organizational development applies behavioural science knowledge and practices to help organizations change to achieve greater effectiveness. It seeks to improve how organizations relate to their external environments and function internally to attain high performance and high quality of work life. Organization Development emphasizes change in organizations that is planned and implemented deliberately. Organizational development as a practice involves an ongoing, systematic process of implementing effective organizational change. Organizational development is known both as a field of applied science focused on understanding and managing organizational change and as a field of scientific study and inquiry. It is interdisciplinary in nature and draws on sociology, psychology, particularly industrial and organizational psychology, and theories of motivation, learning, and personality. Although behavioral science has provided the basic foundation for the study and practice of organizational development, new and emerging fields of study have made their presence felt. The Nigerian telecommunications industry has suffered setbacks which are largely attributed to ineffective and inefficient management, challenge from the global environment, inability to meet the increasing technological change demand, etc. The general poor service delivery of telecoms organizations can be attributed to the inability of these organizations to develop proper organizational development strategies that would assist them refocus on their core mandates in this present age of globalization. In today’s
3 business environment, nothing remains still. The rate of change which business organizations face continues to increase more and more in the last five decades. This is as a result of advances in information and communication technology, increasing democratization of economies and liberalization of economies across the globe. Going by the increasing volatility of the business environment, organizational development has become inevitable. This is to address any or all of these issues; poor performance, adapting to changes arising from the external environmental pressures, achieve or maintain a competitive advantage (in terms of better price and high quality), explicit innovation, etc. From the foregoing, organizational development is seen as a broad, loosely defined field of practice and inquiry that espouses the noble goal of improving organization s and making them more effective. This study therefore seeks to examine the effects of organizational development on the organizational performance in the Nigerian telecommunication iindustry.
1.2 Statement of the Problem. The Nigerian telecommunication has suffered large setbacks, which are largely attributed to ineffective and inefficient management, challenge from the global environment, inability to meet the technological change demands, general poor service delivery, high tariffs, the rece