• Department: Business Administration and Management
  • Project ID: BAM0234
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 49 Pages
  • Chapters: 3 Chapters
  • Methodology: Simple Percentage
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 2,731
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            Every business enterprise, big or small, public or private operates within the frame work of policies aimed at achieving a set objectives. These policies takes into account the dynamic nature of the business environments, individual needs and aspiration and above all, the cultural frame work of organizational effectiveness or productivity very much depends on the nature of these policies formulated and also on the mode of implementation. It is on this premise that this research work was initiated to understand various personnel policies operative in organizations with particular reference to ANAMMCO as a case study.
            The research also aimed at identifying the effects, importance and some of the problem associated with the ineffective personnel policies. Due to the importance of these policies to any enterprise, a particular department to usually given a pride of place in the scheme of things and is responsible for the general being of such organization.
1.0       Introduction                                                               
1.1       General Background of the Subject Matter   
1.2       Problems Associated with the Subject Matter
1.3       Problems that the Study will be Concerned with      
1.4       The Importance of Studying the Area           
1.5       Definition of Important Terms                      
1.6       Reference                                                       
2.0       Literature Review                                          
2.1              The Origin of the Subject Area                                  
2.2              School of Thought within the Subject Area              
2.3              The School of Thought Relevant to the Problem Study
2.4              Different Methods of Studying the Problems           
2.5              Summary                                                        
3.1       Data Presentation (Highlights of the Study)
3.2       Analysis of Data                                            
3.3       Recommendation                                                       
3.4       Conclusion                                                                 
3.5       Reference                                                       
            Gerbain cardinal factors determine the success and growth of any organization. One of the factors is the personnel department in any given organization.
            These personnel policies and programmes are widely initiated and formulated by the personnel department headed by a personnel director/manager or industrial relation officer, as the organization deems fit.
            This research work tends to investigate personnel policies as it affects promotion of staff recruitment of personnel, training and development of personnel’s, and disciplinary measures against erring staff of the ANAMMCO limited.
            The functions of this personnel department hinge on the above area of concern in an organization. It is therefore pertinent to point out here that a well concerned set and effective implementation of personnel policies help the management to achieve the co-operate objective of an organization.
            These policies when being formulated should be in line with the organization’s culture and those of the business environment.  The concept of this culture is important to our modern managers as it goes a long way to influence the organizational structure, leadership, philosophy selection discipline, salary and wage administration among others. This culture embraces the values, shared beliefs and sentiments interest to the individual with a given society or its subdivision.
            A careful study will reveal the influence or effects of personnel policies on organizational effectiveness.  A case company (ANAMMCO) Enugu on which this research is been carried out.
            In the past, many profit and non-profit oriented enterprise did not realize the important role personnel department play in realizing the organizational objectives. The major functions then was that of welfare services.
            But in the recent past personnel started to be recognized as a major tool in achieving the co-operate objectives of any organization. These function now include, initiation ands formulation of personnel policies advice to the management and development and training, recruitment and selection, salary and wage administration, health and safety, welfare and services, industrial relations, promotion and disciplines etc.
            Many organization now cannot successfully operate without those noble roles performed by the personnel department.  A good set of personnel policies if well implemented ensures greater organizational policies formulation.  Some vital areas as seen under the personnel department functions are usuallpolicies formulation.  Some vital areas as seen under the personnel department functions are usually taken into consideration.  The culture of the people and society is also considered so that more effective and goal-oriented policies are made.
            The researcher study of (ANAMMCO) Ltd Enugu will show the various effect of personnel policies on the organizational effectiveness.
            The main objectives of this project is to provide a suggestive solution to the problems associated with the initiation, formulation and implementation of personnel policies in organization.
            By the end of this project, we shall be provided with the system then can be used to achieve the following objectives.
1.                  To create awareness for manager of organization on the various personnel policies and their effects.
2.                  To assist our modern manager/entrepreneurs of business organization on the most effective day of formulating and implementing policies to achieve the set objectives.
3.                  To create awareness on the need for training and development of manpower in order to adopt to new changes and policies in an organization.
4.                  To provide warmly signds on some of the ineffective policies that may not serve the purpose sought for, due to the following:  
(i)                 Deficiency in their formulation
(ii)               The mode of implementing and
(iii)             Non compliance of the employees and the attendant consequence associated with such.
5.                  In particular, the project will help ANAMMCO to address itself to areas of its weakness and to be able to come out with effective result.
            This study is concerned with the various personnel policies and their effects on the overall organization effectiveness.  It also goes to unravel some of the problem associated with effective personnel management.
            The place of personnel department in an enterprise with respect to policy formulation and implementation was also covered
            It was also aimed at investigating the various conditions requiring training and development of employee with the aim of improving their productivity and general efficiency.
            Nevertheless, this scopes was visited within some constraints, hence the study was narrowed to ANAMMCO Ltd Enugu as a case study.
i.                    TIME: I was constrained by time. The time taken to traveling from my house Onitsha during the course of this study left little for other areas I was intended to cover.
            Notwithstanding, the scope intended to cover in study, the researcher was constrained with the following factors.
(b)        FINANCE:     As a student, I encountered a lot of financial constraints, and this can hindered or statistical data during the course of my study.
ii.                  Another constraint is the non-response to my respondents. Their non-challant attitude and above all, their level of ignorance let to some of the unreliable results obtained in this study.
iii.                Furthermore, lack of relevant text books and periodicals (secondary data) also posed by the prevailing economic crunch.
iv.                Conclusively, bureaucracy obtainable in the places visited with references to ANAMMCO was in no small way a constraints.
However, a good and reliable project work like this come out inspite of the foregoing limiting factors.
            In essence, this research work is aimed at serving certain important roles in relation to individuals or group of individuals or a particular event.
            In view of the effects which personnel policy have on the overall growth and efficiency many organizations, this project work becomes important to both the management and the labour (employees).
            Secondary the study will help our modern managers in their policy, formulation and implementation with a view to attain the cooperate objective of their organization. Furthermore, it is hoped that the result of this study will serve in shaping the organization policy towards the attainment of the set objectives
            Lastly, the study is very important to the ANAMMCO Ltd. Enugu in providing a best to for it to address certain area and to be able to come out with result oriented policies and programmes.
1.         CULTURE: Culture is defined as shared beliefs, values attitude and expectation about appropriate ways to behave that are held by the member of a social group.   
2.         TWO FACTORS THEORY: This is a thing of motivation proposed in the later 1950s by Fred Herbang, on American Psychologist, this resulted from this study of “JOB SATISFACTION” in which he found that satisfaction with work are caused by two factors which he called; Hygene factor and satisfiers
3.        LABOUR TURNOVER: This represents the percentage of the total labour force of an organization leaving its employment and being replaced over a given period of time, usually a year.
4.         MANAGER: Manager is anybody involved in the administration of organization with the authority to use organizational resources like money, labour or equipment, in furtherance of the organization’s objectives.
5.         MOTIVATION: This is a psychological process which involved the experiencing needs and devices and the behaviour that leads to the goal which satisfies them.
It also refers to those factors that predispose people, to act in one way rather than another.
6.         POLICY: This refers to plan of action or statement of aims and idea made by an organization, group of individual even government, example is the personnel policy aimed at directing and co-orienting the actions of employees towards attaining the organizational objectives. 
  • Department: Business Administration and Management
  • Project ID: BAM0234
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 49 Pages
  • Chapters: 3 Chapters
  • Methodology: Simple Percentage
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 2,731
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