Relationship Between Social Networking Habits and Writing Performance of Senior Secondary School Students in Oorelope Oyo State

  • Department: Arts Education
  • Project ID: ARE0503
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 94 Pages
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 525
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Title page                                                                                                        i

Certification                                                                                                     ii

Dedication                                                                                                       iii

Acknowledgement                                                                                           iv

Table of contents                                                                                            vi

List of Tables                                                                                                   ix

Abstract                                                                                                           x


Background to the Study                                                                                 1

Statement of the Problem                                                                                9

Purpose of the Study                                                                                       12

Research Question                                                                                           14

Research Hypotheses                                                                                       15

Scope of the Study                                                                                           16

Operational Definition of Terms                                                                      16

Significance of the Study                                                                                 17

The Concept of Social Networking Habits                                                       20

The Concept of Writing in English Language                                                  22

Impacts of Social Networking Habits on Learners                                           27

Relationship between Social Networking Habits and Writing Performance

of the Students in English language                                                                 32

The Influence of Gender and School Type on Social Networking Habit          36

The Influence of Gender and School Type on Writing Performance                39

Appraisal of the Literature Reviewed                                                              44


Research Type                                                                                                 47

Population, Sample and Sampling Technique                                                  48

Instrumentation                                                                                                48

Procedure for Data Collection                                                                          49

Data Analysis Techniques                                                                               49


Summary of the Findings                                                                                59


Discussion of Findings                                                                            61

Conclusions                                                                                                     67

Recommendations                                                                                           68

Suggestions for Further Studies                                                                       69

References                                                                                                       71

Appendix                                                                                                         75






Table 1: Distribution of Students by Gender                                                    51

Table 2: Distribution of Students by School Type                                           51

Table 3:Social Networking Sites frequently used by senior secondary school students                                                                                                52

Table 4: Social Networking of Senior Secondary School Students                  53

Table 5:Writing Performance of Senior Secondary School Students                54

Table 6: PPMC Summary of Social Networking Habits and the writing performance of Students                                                                        55

Table 7: PPMC Summary of Male Students’ Social Networking Habits and the Writing Performance                                                                       56

Table 8: PPMC Summary of Female Students’ Social Networking Habits and Writing Performance                                                                                 57

Table 9: PPMC Summary of Public Secondary School Students’ Social Networking Habits and Writing Performance                                        58

Table 10: PPMC Summary of Private Secondary School Students’ Social Networking Habits and Writing Performance                                        59











          This study was carried out to investigated the relationship between social networking habits and writing performance of senior secondary school students of Oorelope in Oyo State, Nigeria.  The influence of gender and school type were also considered.

          This study was a descriptive research of the correlational types.  The population for the study were all the students of senior secondary school of Oorelope in Oyo State.  The target population were SS2. The sample comprised 296 students selected using the sample random sampling technique.  The data collected using a questionnaire titled: Relationship between Social and Writing Performance Questionnaire was analyzed using the Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation statistics at 0.05 significance level.

          The findings revealed that most of the students were involve in facebook and twitter. It was also found that majority of the students had a negative social networking habit.  They used them mostly for non-academics and social activities. The study also revealed that there was no significant relationship between the social networking habits and working performance of students of Oorelope in Oyo State in relation with both gender and school type. It was found that the time spent on SNS for the purpose of non-academic activities surpasses the time they spent on their scholar related writing performance.

          Based on the finding of this study, ICT is necessary in schools. Also, student should be encourages to use their after-school-times studies and other academic activities.

Furthermore, education authorities should equip schools with learning materials and other resources necessary should provide activities that will initiate us, develop and sustain the link between social networking habits and writing performance of students.

  • Department: Arts Education
  • Project ID: ARE0503
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 94 Pages
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 525
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