- Department: Fine and Applied Arts
- Project ID: FAA0013
- Access Fee: ₦5,000
- Pages: 37 Pages
- Chapters: 5 Chapters
- Methodology: Descriptive method
- Reference: YES
- Format: Microsoft Word
- Views: 3,719
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This project report was designed to publicize and explain the tourist center in Enugu State with the aid of photograph.
The fundamentals of taking photograph and the process and basic printing techniques were clearly and concisely illustrated.
Through this photo publicity, the reporters create a graphic portrayal of the work of nature in Enugu State and also the neglect done to some of them. This will serve as a call to government to come to the aid and rescue of those areas which will equally be their own benefits.
This project report is in form of bro9chure with the pictures of all the tourist centers in Enugu State and their locations. It will serve as a guide map to a tourist embarking on tourism or by may watching the pictures ones moral or enthusiasm can be aroused to tourism.
The break down is five chapters capturing vividly all integral factors as regards photography, publicity and tourism.
Chapter one which is the introductory chapter reveals the background history of photography and publicity and objective research problem, approaches used, limitations and delimitation’s definition of working terms and sources of data.
1.1 Background of study
1.2 Research aim and objective
1.3 Research approaches
1.4 Limitation
1.5 Delimitations
1.6 Research scope
1.7 Research problem
1.8 Source of data
Literature review
3.1 Techniques and materials
3.2 Studio material used
3.3 Development of negatives
3.4 Making enlargement
3.5 Definition of working terms
4.1 Tourism
4.2 Origin of tourism in Enugu state
4.3 The tourist center in Enugu state
5.1 Conclusion
Plate 1 - Udi hill
Plate 2 - I.M.T sculpture garden
plate 3 - Ngwo forest reserve
plate 4 - Okpara square saluting base
plate 5 Michael Okpara square statue
plate 6 Okpara square forest
plate 7 children driving centre at polo park
plate 8 bush house( relaxation centre at polo park)
plate 9 merry go round at polo park
plate 10 car park Nike hotel resort
plate 11 children park Nike hotel resort
plate12 the famous Nike lake
plate 13 group of supervisors at the mine
plate 14 group of workers at the mine
plate 15 the mine tunnel
Photo-publicity is combination of two words photograph and publicity. Before ever going into Photo-publicity one has to know the meaning and origin of photography and publicity.
According to the living Webster encyclopedia dictionary, photography is “act or the process of obtaining accurate representation of object by means of chemical action of light or other kinds of radiant energy on specially created surfaces.
The name: we owe the name photography to Sir John Herschel, who first use3d the term in 1839, the year the photographic process became public. The word is derived from the Greek word for light and writing.
There are two distinct scientific processes that combine to make photograp0hy possible. It is somewhat surprising that photography was not invented earlier than the 1830’s; because these processes had being known for quit some time. It was not until two distinct scientific processes has been put together that photography came into being.
The first of these processes was optical. The camwra obscura (dark room) has been in existence for at least foeur hundred years. There is a drawing, dated 1519, of a camera, obscura by Leonard da Vinci, about the same period its use as an aid to drawing and being advocated.
The second process was chemical. For four hundred years before photography was invented, people has been aware, for example, that some colours are bleach in the sun, but they have made little distinction between heat, air and light.
In the sixteen hundred Robert Boyle, a founder of the royal society, had reported that silver chloride turns dark under exposure, but he appear to believe that it was caused by exposure in air rather than light.
Angelo Sala in the early seventeen century, noticed that powdered nitrate of silver is blackened by the sun.
In 1727 Johann Hein rich Schulze discovered that certain liquids change colour when exposed to light.
At the beginning of the nineteenth century Thomas Wedgewood was conducting experiments he had successfully captured images, but his silhouettes could not survive, as there was no known method of making the image permanent.
The first successful picture was produced on June/July 1827 by Nie,pce, using material that harden exposure to light. This picture requires an exposure of eight hours.
On 4 January 1827 Nie,pce agreed to go into partnership with Louis Daguerre, Nie,pce died only four years later, buy daguerre continued to experiment soon he had discovered a way of developing graphic plates, a process which greatly reduced the exposure time from eight hours down to half an hour. He also discovered that an image could be made permanent by immersing it in salt.
The Daguerre type process, though good, and each picture was a once-only affair.
On January 31 1839 Williams Harry Fox Talbot, invented the calotype and by 1840, he made some significant improvements and was able to bring out a photographic illustrated book entitled “the pencil of nature”.
From then photography establishments started growing from mushroom to popularity.
In 1851 a new era in photography was introduced Fedrick Scott Archer, who introduced the collodian process. This process was more faster than conventional method reducing the exposure time to two or three seconds, thus open up a new horizons in photography. The collodian process required that the coating, exposure and development of the image should be done whilst the plate was still wet. Another process developed by Archer was named Ambrotype, which was a direct positive.
In the wet collodian process though in its time a great step forward, required a considerable amount of equipment on location, various attempts were made to preserve exposure plates, for development at a once convenient time and place, but the preservative lessen the sensitivity of the material.
In 1871 Dr. Richard Maddox discovered a way of using gelatin instesd of glass as a basic for the photographic plate. Dry plates could be developed much more quickly than with any previous technique. The introduction of dry plate marked a turning point. No longer did one need a cumbersome wet-plate; no longer was a dark room tent needed.
By the 1860s, Cellloids had been invented, and John carbutt persuade a manufacturer to produce very thin celluloid as a back for sensitive material George Eastman is particularly remembered for introducing flexible film in 1884. And four years later he introduced the box camera and photography could now reach a greater number of people.
According to encyclopedia, publicity is a public awareness resulting from the spreading of information in the various communication media, it is the action involved in bringing the information to public notice; the information, advertisement, article and the like put forth to gain public attention.
It is information that attracts attention to a companies product; person or event. Third party usually from the media is often employed to generate publicity.
It can also be a message issued on behalf of some product or cause or idea or person or institution.
Publicity is the start of 021 writing, then an illustrated writing, finally a visual message intended to make available, in most immediate manner, most concise, a slogan, a product, a mark.
By the advertisement which mark the beginning of true publicity, publicity is certainty of artistic origin, but as it developed in diversified way, it was pushed into a ghetto which could well correspond to the “unconsciousness” of art. By its only existence, publicity clashes head-on the scale of social value put in place from the concept of “pure” art. However many of its expression was so convincing as works which are supposed to be born from a need of creation.
Photo publicity is therefore is the use photography in creating awareness. In the case of this study it is photographical publicity of tourism in Enugu State which involve the graphical images to attract the attention of the general public to the tourist centres in Enugu State. It is aimed at arousing the mind of people towards tourism
1.1 research aims and objectivesto arouse the student’s mind to
specialize on photography architecture and landscape photography whereby perspective angles and composition are studied.
To explain the scope of photography from the first step of taking the photographs, processing and printing them to the advance aspect of compositions studio work and dark room techniques.
To create awareness through, photographs of tourist centers in Enugu State.
To make known the different tourist centres photographically for publicity, documentation and exhibition.
To motivate the government to maintain the tourist centers and to develop the undeveloped
A good number of approaches were used in carrying this report, they are:
The project concentrates on those aspects of the society that are disappearing and neglected. The photograph of the tourist centers in Enugu state serves a historical purpose. They build a library of monumental of record purposes
The tactful exploration into photography will enable the graphics students of the department have additional information and guideline to achieve the technical snapshot of inland scenery; it will serve as a reference material to students. The publication if exposed will serve as a compelling force on the government and tourism respectively.
The love of nature and inland scenery call for aesthetic attention. The photographs portray some characters of the scene or mood which satisfy the eye. The exhibition of the photographs creates an opportunity for every one to express him as he desires.
The choice of illustration and photographs in this project report describe the whole element and techniques of photography as well as reveal the tourist centers in Enugu State.
The scope of this research is based on Enugu State and Origin of this tourism in the state with the use of single lens camera pentax k100 loaded with fomapan film. I was able to picture the Udi Hill, Ngwo forest, Polo Park, Okpara square, Nike lake hotel resort coal mine, Airport and Zoo. After which the picture were processed and printed in black and whites.
The picture were fixed in the report with the aid scanner
Photography is a course of study has suffered untold setbacks which has also affected the interest student reposed on it. The setback stem from poor financial assistance, high cost and unavailability of studio materials.
The greater number of people in our society has vested their interest mainly on portrait and motion photography, thereby neglecting the startling beauty inherent in nature. The tourist centers in Enugu state needs publicity through photograph for the government to come to the rescue of some devastating ones and to open the eyes of various individual to tourism.
The sources of my a data include
1. Enugu State tourism board library
2. reference materials from Mr. Patrik Uko FAA photo lab attendant
3. FAA photo studio
4. Oral interview with tourist board workers
5. Information from friends.
6. national archive
- Department: Fine and Applied Arts
- Project ID: FAA0013
- Access Fee: ₦5,000
- Pages: 37 Pages
- Chapters: 5 Chapters
- Methodology: Descriptive method
- Reference: YES
- Format: Microsoft Word
- Views: 3,719
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