• Department: Animal Production
  • Project ID: ANP0023
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 66 Pages
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 1,397
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This experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of initial body weight of gro,ups(above 120g and below 120g) and quantity of feed given (25g and 30g) to Japanese quails on egg laying performance at different periods and also egg storage time (7days, 14days and 2ldays) on egg quality parameters of Japanese quail egg. A total of 120 Japanese quail birds were used at the start of the experiment and were allocated to four groups with respect to their initial body weight at point of lay and feed quantity. A 2X2 Factorial arrangement in a completely ranμomized design was used. Each treatment had three replicates. Birds were fed layer ration containing 2900 ME/Kcal/kg and 18% Crude Protein.This experiment lasted for one year and was divided into four periods (May-July, August-October, November-January and February-April). Data collected during the experiment were subjected to analysis.of variance using the General Linear Model of SAS. In the results, difference in initial body weight shows difference in feed quantity, average egg weight, feed cost per day and egg quantity per hen per week while feed cost per egg, feed conversion ratio, egg number per day and hen day egg production were not significantly different. The effect of feed quantity shows significant difference in feed intake, feed cost per day, feed cost per egg and hen day egg production. Feed conversion ratio, egg weight and egg number were not significantly different. Feed intake per hen per day was not affected throughout the periods but feed conversion ratio, egg weight, egg number, feed cost and hen day egg production were highly significantly different. The effect of interaction between feed quantity and initial body weight were significantly different on feed intake, feed cost per day, egg number, egg ~eight but did not affect feed conversion ratio, hen day egg production and feed cost per egg. Eggs were also picked randomly and stored for different number of day~ (7days, 14days and 21days) to determine the egg quality after storage. Result of egg quality after storage for 'different number· of days shows that yolk diameter (27.69, 31.34, 32.33)mm, yolk height (7.78, 6.26, 5.71)mm and yolk index (28.22, 20.22, 17.77)mm for 7days, 14days and 21 days respectively were highly significantly different (P<0.001), egg final weight' (9.26, 9.22, 8.68)g and yolk weight (3.44, 3.44, 3.13)g for 7days, 14days and 21 days respectively were significantly different (P<0.05). Egg length, egg shape index, Haugh unit, albumen weight and albumen height were not significantly different It .is concluded that the .initial body weight of Japanese quail affects egg weight but body weight had no effect on the quantity of egg produced and feed intake per hen per day. Feed quantity affect the feed intake of Japanese quails which makes the feeding cost to be affected as well and the interaction between body weight and feed quantity was observed to affect the egg number produced and the feed intake. Production increased with age and started declining Also, Japanese quail can be stored till 21 days and it will still be suitable for consumption.

  • Department: Animal Production
  • Project ID: ANP0023
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 66 Pages
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 1,397
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