- Department: Business Administration and Management
- Project ID: BAM1551
- Access Fee: ₦5,000
- Pages: 114 Pages
- Chapters: 5 Chapters
- Methodology: chi-square
- Reference: YES
- Format: Microsoft Word
- Views: 1,248
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Employee extrinsic motivation in the health sector is one major issue that needs to be tackled in a manner that satisfies employees with their current employment and allows them to develop a loyalty towards the organizations they work for. There are numerous factors that influence employee motivation in such a dynamic environment. One important case is that of the health care sector, which has failed to keep its employee turnover rates low. High employee turnover comes as an unfruitful cost to the employers and it is important to deal with such a cost in order to remain competitive.
The purpose of this study was to analyze the use of extrinsic systems in enhancing employee job performance. The study used a survey research design of health workers in the University of Benin Teaching Hospital, Benin City, Edo State. The study used Bill Golden sampling technique to arrive at the expected sample size of two hundred (90) respondents.
The data was analyzed using descriptive statistical method and Pearson correlation. The study found that out there is a significant relationship between extrinsic motivation and the performance of employees; it also revealed that verbal praise, written recognition, financial recognition, consequences and punishment, and peer recognition as extrinsic motivators were all considered by the respondents to be available in their place of work.
The study recommended that the organization should consider the provision of fringe benefits, paying commissions to workers who put in extra effort, giving a sense of responsibility, promotion of consistently hardworking employees and treating the workers equally.
1.1 Background to the Study - - - - -
1.2 Statement of the Research Problem - - - -
1.3 Research Questions - - - - - -
1.4 Objectives of the study - - - - -
1.5 Research Hypotheses - - - - - -
1.6 Significance of the study - - - - -
1.7 Limitations of the Study - - - - -
2.1 Introduction - - - - - - -
2.2 Concept of Productivity - - - - - -
2.3 Benefits of Productivity Measurement in Organisation -
2.4 Concept of Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) - - - - - -
2.5ICT as A General Purpose Technology (GPT) - -
2.6 The ICT Innovation Wave - - - - -
2.7 ICT and Productivity - - - - - -
2.8 Common Misuse of the term “Productivity” - - -
2.9 ICT Opportunities for Development - - - -
2.10 Role of ICT in the Production Process - - -
2.11 ICT Situation in University Of Benin - - - -
3.1 Introduction - - - - - - -
3.2 The Population - - - - - -
3.3 Sample Size - - - - - - -
3.4 Research Design - - - - - -
3.5 Sampling Technique - - - - - -
3.6 Data Collection Method - - - - -
3.7 The Research Instrument - - - - -
3.8 Data Analysis Plan - - - - - -
4.1 Background - - - - - - -
4.2 Data Presentation And Analysis - - - -
4.3 Analysis of Questions from Section B Of The Questionnaire- -
4.4 Test Hypothesis - - - - - -
4.4 Restatement of Hypothesis - - - - -
4.6 Discussion of Findings - - - - -
5.1 Summary - - - - - - -
5.2 Recommendation- - - - - - -
5.3 Conclusion - - - - - - -
Bibliography - - - - - - - -
Appendix I - - - - - - - -
1.1 Background to the Study
For organization to compete effectively in today’s business world, it requires information. This was manifested at the inception of the administration of Professor E.A.C. Nwaze as the Vice Chancellor of University of Benin on February 10th 2004 and cascaded through subsequent administration of other Vice Chancellors. They all made a strong commitment in improving, sustaining and consolidating on the gains and achievements of their predecessor. One of the gains was the development in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector which received foremost attention in the scheme of things in the institution. Information and communication technology (ICT) is one of the valuable resources to increase the organizational productivity and customer satisfaction. ICT is the acquisition, processing, storage and dissemination of vocal, pictorial, textual and numerical information by a microelectronics-based combination of computing and telecommunications (Longley & Shain, 1985). In essence, ICT is the area of managing technology and spans wide variety of areas that include but are not limited to things such as processes, computer software, information systems, computer hardware, programming languages, and data constructs. In short, anything that renders data, information or perceived knowledge in any visual format whatsoever, via any multimedia distribution mechanism, is considered part of the domain space known as Information and Communication Technology (ICT).
Technological applications, such as relational database technology, computer-aided designing, word processing, spreadsheets and other software programming, increase performance and growth of businesses. Productivity and growth are identified as the foundation for economic prosperity, a prerequisite for organizational development and an important indicator for organizational competitiveness (Dedrick, Gurbaxani & Kraemer, 2003).
At the most basic level, productivity is based on the economics of a firm. It is measured as the ratio of output to input. Historically, productivity is often defined as the ratio of output to the most limited or critical input, with all the other inputs held constant. Based on Neo-classical economic model, productivity is one of the important factors that influence economic growth. It causes companies to produce more products through specified production’s requirement (Solow,1956).
1.2 Statement of the Research Problem
Information has become the live wire of the modern society. With information, man has and will always have a completely new lifestyle. The importance of ICT is not the technology as such, rather its role as an enabler for accessing knowledge, information and communications, which are increasingly vital elements in today’s economic and social interactions between people, firms and nations.
Akinboyo (2008) is of the view that ICT has a potential to influence the structure of organizations and improve the quality of organizational performance significantly. In today’s world, telecommunications has become a vital element in the building of infrastructure of nations and economies (Akinboyo, 2008). No modern economy can be sustained today without an adequate and pervasive ICT. Importantly, the advances in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) have compressed the world into a global village. In this era of globalization, ICT has become a very key component in the emergence of new economies of high reckoning. A vast majority of the people, lack access to ICT services. This exclusion and missed opportunities have continuously become a frustrating bane in the nation’s effort to bridge the gap in its human development quotient (Akinboyo, 2008). Against this background, these developments have made ICT a vital engine of any economy as it is an essential infrastructure that promotes the development of other sectors as education, health and banking among others.
1.3 Research Questions
Against this background, the researcher sought to know:
(i) How important are ICT infrastructures to improved organizational growth and productivity?
(ii) Does the institution organize training in ICT knowledge, skills and expertise for staff and students?
(iii) What are the most critical work activities requiring the use of ICT in the institution?
(iv) Is the data/information processing of records properly managed with the deployment of ICT infrastructures in the University?
(v) Does the deployment of ICT infrastructures in the University reduce the cost of processing of data/information and volume of paper work?
(vi) ICT infrastructures are readily available and accessible within the institution?
1.4 Objectives of the Study
The main objective of the study is to ascertain the influence of ICT on organizational productivity of University of Benin, Benin City. The specific objectives are:
1. To find out how important ICT infrastructures are in improving the growth and productivity of the institution.
2. To determine how the institution organize training in the facilitation of ICT knowledge, skills and expertise amongst staff and students.
3. To ascertain most critical work activities require the use of ICT in the institution.
4. To find out if the data information processing of records are properly managed with the deployment of ICT infrastructures in the University.
5. To determine whether the deployment of ICT infrastructures in the University has reduced the cost of processing of data information and volume of paper work.
6. To ascertain if ICT infrastructures are readily available and accessible within the institution.
1.5 Research Hypothesis
The hypotheses of the study are stated in the null form:
Ho1: Investing in ICT has no positive relationship with organizational productivity.
Ho2: Investing in ICT knowledge, skills and expertise has no positive relationship with organizational productivity.
Ho3: Staffs and students using ICT has no positive relationship with organizational productivity.
1.6 Significance of the Study
The satisfaction derived from the use of appropriate ICT help the university know where they are lagging in regards to the status of ICT usage in the university, knowing where replacement is needed and where upgrade is needed. This study is significant in the sense that it enables the university know the present state of ICT and its potential impact on productivity and also its going to be immense significant to the decision making body of the school in making decision concerning investment in ICT.
1.7 Limitations of the Study
The limitations of the study are as follows:
1) Staffs at the CRPU do not give students quality information when conducting interview with them as regards to the problems that face them in carrying out their various activities. This makes it cumbersome for students to have access to appropriate issues concerning the systems.
2. University of Benin does not have information concerning her ICT centers on the internet which makes it difficult to access information.
3. Course advisers are not willing to pay attention when conducting personal interview as regards to the problems they encounter in processing student records. Thus, makes information unavailable to the students.
4. Unavailability of adequate information.
5. The university has ICT centers in every faculty of the school that are no longer functioning and in dire need for upgrade, refurbishment or replacement. This poses an e-learning problem for the students.
6. Little effort is made towards ICT investment and ICT knowledge investment in the case of staff.
7.Poor quality information.
- Department: Business Administration and Management
- Project ID: BAM1551
- Access Fee: ₦5,000
- Pages: 114 Pages
- Chapters: 5 Chapters
- Methodology: chi-square
- Reference: YES
- Format: Microsoft Word
- Views: 1,248
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