• Department: Education
  • Project ID: EDU1860
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 33 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Format: Microsoft Word
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This study is aimed at identifying the rehabilitation and reformation of prisoner. The instrument used for collection of data or information in this research is mainly the questionnaires. The questionnaires were distributed to one hundred and sixty respondents to tests the validity of the stated research questions from their respondents it was discovered that many of the option carrier choice education should be introduced in senior secondary schools in this research which will be of great benefit to the students in the means to establish guidance and counselling facilities centres in senior secondary schools. In conclusion, the presence of guidance and counselling facilities centres in senior secondary schools will help to solve carrier choice problems facing the students.



Background of the study

Statement of the problem

Purpose of the study

Significance of the study

Research hypothesis

Scope and delimitation

Definition of terms


Literature review




Instrumentation for data collection

Validity of instrument

Statistical techniques


Data analysis, interpretation and findings










          Benin kingdom during Oba Ewedor who was the 4th Oba in Benin Kingdom he reigned from 1255 to 1280 AD he was the first Oba to establish native prison called “Ewedor” in his own name where offenders were confined, the keeper or warder “Eriebo” in Benin dialect while the prisoners were called “Eseghan”. This native prison system was in use before the arrival of the colonial masters in 1895. In 1910 during the reign of Oba Eweka, government rebuilds the prisons in the same premises. It can be reveled that during the period 1910-1950 that the prison was fenced with ordinary hard wire and in 1957, the perimeter wall was fenced with burnt bricks.

          As a result of this awareness, the concept of rehabilitation took the top stage in the treatment of delinquents. Rehabilitation is defined as efforts that aim at restoring by formal act or declaration (a person degraded or attained) to former privileges ranks and possession, to re-establish (a person good name or memory) by an authoritative pronouncement. It also means re-establishing the character or reputation of a person or things to restore to a previous condition in order to set up again in proper condition. Applied to the deviants, it means that the society now realize that the deviant, one were on the road to proffer development and can be helped to readjust once more if the proper techniques of rehabilitation are applied. A desirable policy of rehabilitation was therefore formalize to set up again in proper condition those prisoners who have fallen foul of law of the society and who now need to be restored as properly integrated members of the society.


          In order to make this study simpler and easily understood, it is necessary future researcher who might find this study helpful on the main issues in this project. An insight in to a topic reformation and rehabilitation of prison as a function of facilities on human resources in the prison project which in no small measures enhances an understanding of the major issues to be raised in this project. To pave the way therefore, one needs to pose the following questions.

1.                 It is not that some inmate that come out of prisons are not accepted back home, community and society.

2.                 Do any inmates who come out of prison still return back to prison?

3.                 In prison are the inmates being given vocational training?

4.                 Do the governments monitor the inmates to know if they are really given vocational training?

5.                 Have any inmates or prisoner been reform after he/she is back from the prison.

6.                 What is the difference between reformation and rehabilitation in terms of the type and number of self help project undertaken.

7.                 What significant changes reformation and rehabilitation brought in the life of inmates or prisoners in Benin Prison? The above problem will be the focus of this research project.


          For the purpose of this research study the following research question have been formulated.

1.                 Can prisoner who have been discharged make any impact in the society?

2.                 Is it possible to discharge prisoners without reforming them?

3.                 Do the prisoner who has been discharged accepted back in the society?

4.                 Is it possible to keep prisoner after discharging in doors?

5.                 Can prisoner who have been discharged been monitored?


          The idea of imprisonment in modern society is not necessarily to punish offenders. In contemporary society, deviants are far cry from what they used to be in the society of old. Then crimes and delinquency were seen as drastic problem that deserved drastic surgical operations stories were told to thieves whose arms were amputated, eyes gorged out and heads basked in but social scientist and scholars of society were to show that despite these treatments stealing, rape and other felonies against society were never really reduced. Instead, they have consistently increased not only in scope and size but also in the degree of viciousness they visited on their victims and the society to this end, the emphasis started shifting from the penal character of remand homes to reformation and rehabilitation. All human society regulates patterns of social interaction by way of norms and values

          These norms and values are supposed to be internalized by socialization and social controls, scholars therefore reasoned that if these deviants in the society such deviants have not been properly socialized and alienate them. Efforts should be geared towards reforming and rehabilitating them (Goftman, 1961, Sykes Wheeler and Messinger, 1970).


          There is need for research on the reformation and rehabilitation as a function of facilities on human resources in the prison. Project in order to determine whether reformation and rehabilitation is a worth while project in our prison. The study will also enable the society to see need and importance of reformation and rehabilitation of prisoners.


          The scope covers the reformation and rehabilitation of prisoners in Benin Prison.


Prison: A building where people are kept as a punishment for a crime they have committed or a system of keeping people in prisons.

Prisoners: A person who has been captured, for example by an enemy and is being kept somewhere.

Rehabilitation: Rehabilitation as restoring by formal act or deteration or person degraded on attained to privilege.

Rehabilitate: To help so to have a normal, useful life again after they have been very ill/sick ort in prison for a long time. He played a major role in rehabilitating magnitude as an artist.

Reformation: reformation can be referred as an act of been improving or chinning or one who practices a form of Judaism that has changed some aspect of worship in order to adapt to modern society.

  • Department: Education
  • Project ID: EDU1860
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 33 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 1,619
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