• Department: Banking and Finance
  • Project ID: BFN0560
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 65 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 1,259
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The focus of this study is corporate governance and banking performance in Nigeria. corporate governance has been identified to mean different things to different people. The objectives of this work is to investigate if there is any significant relationship between directors equity holding and bank performance in Nigeria and also to determine empirically if there is any significant relationship between corporate governance disclosure and the financial performance of banks in Nigeria. The exploratory design (regression) approach was adopted and the computerized regression analysis using SPSS 17.0 was employed as the statistical tool. The variables for corporate governance are return on equity(ROE) and profit margin(PM) while the variables of performance of banks are board size, board composition, CEO and the audit committee. The major findings in this research is that, there is a significant relationship between directors equity holding and the performance of banks in Nigeria  and also state that there is a significant relationship between corporate governance disclosure of banks in Nigeria and their performance. The researcher recommended that step s should be taken for mandatory compliance with the code of corporate governance. Also an effective legal frame work should be developed that specifies the rights and obligations of a bank ,its directors ,shareholders ,specific disclosure requirement and provide for effective enforcement of the law.

    Title Page                                                                                          i 
    Declaration                                                                                 ii 
    Certification                                                                               iii 
    Dedication                                                                                 iv 
    Acknowledgements                                                                     v 
    Abstract                                                                                     vi 
    Table of Contents                                                                        vii 
    1.1     Background of the Study                                                    1 
    1.2     Statement of the Problem                                                   5 
    1.3     Research Questions                                                          8 
    1.4     Objectives of the Study                                                      8 
    1.5     Research Hypothesis                                                         9 
    1.6     Significance of the Study                                                    9 
    1.7     Scope and Limitation of Study                                           10 
    1.8     Definition of Terms                                                            11 
    1.9     Summary                                                                         12 
    1.10   References                                                                       14 
    2.0     Conceptual Review                                                            15 
    2.1     What is Corporate Governance?                                         15 
    2.2     Corporate Governance Measures in Nigeria                         17 
    2.2.1  The Roles of the Board of Directors                                    18 
    2.2.2  Shareholders Right and Privilege                                        19 
    2.2.3  The Role of the Audit Committee                                        20 
    2.3     Corporate Governance and Bank                                        23 
    2.4     Elements of Corporate Governance in Banks                       28 
    2.4.1  Regulation and Supervision as Elements of Corporate           31 
    Governance in Banks 
    2.5     Corporate Governance Mechanisms                                   38 
    2.5.1  Shareholders                                                                   38 
    2.5.2  Deb Holders                                                                     40 
    2.6       Linkage between Corporate Governance and Firm Performance         44
  • 2.7The Role of Internal Corporate Governance Mechanism in 
    Organizational Performance46 
    2.7.1  Role of Auditor                                                                 47 
    2.7.2  Role of Board of Directors Composition                               47 
    2.7.3  Role of Chief Executive Officer                                           49 
    2.7.4  The Role of Board Size                                                     51 
    2.7.5  Role of CEO Duality                                                         52 
    2.7.6  Role of Managers                                                              52 
    2.8     Regulatory Environment for Banks in Nigeria                        54 
    2.9     Theoretical Review                                                            57 
    2.9.1  Stakeholder Theory                                                          58 
    2.9.2  Stewardship Theory                                                          60 
    2.9.3  Agency Theory                                                                 63 
    2.9.4  Agency Relationship in the Context of the Firm                   65 
    2.11   Summary                                                                        71 
    References                                                                               72
  • Department: Banking and Finance
  • Project ID: BFN0560
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 65 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 1,259
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