- Department: Marketing
- Project ID: MKT0069
- Access Fee: ₦5,000
- Pages: 91 Pages
- Chapters: 5 Chapters
- Methodology: chi saqure
- Reference: YES
- Format: Microsoft Word
- Views: 2,269
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This research works is on the place of marketing in the service industries (a case study of roban Hotel Enugu) in which the objective of the study includes. To determine the impact of service marketing in promoting hotel business in Nigeria. To evaluate the place of marketing in the service industries - Enugu metropolis and many other’s. In the course of seeking for information secondary and primary data were used. The methods employed under primary data collection include personal interviews and questionnaires. The respondent to these questionnaires includes staff of the case organization (Roban Hotel enugu) especially these who are involve with the marketing functions of the firm. The secondary to material written research work either directly or indirectly and they are used to supplement the primary data they are as Following: Past project, Text booksJournals Newspapers Lecturers notes e.t.c. These already written research works were consulted from. State libraries. In both enugu and neighboring towns. The population of the study comprised of the personal of the case organization, both management and staff. The tools employed in analyzing the data collected include bar chart tables and sample percentage. It was found out that the hotel has a marketing department that handle marketing functions respectively. It was also with hotel service rendered. On the findings he researcher therefore made the following recommendation. First, that hotel marketing department should be able to create proper interaction system where customers are properly reach for the service needs.
Background of the study
1.1 Statement of the Problem
1.2 Objectives of study
1.3 Hypothesis Formulation
1.4 Scope of the study
1.5 Significance of the study
1.6 Definition of terms.
2.1 An overview of Marketing
2.2 The marketing concept
2.3 The overview of service
2.4 An overview of Service
2.5 The role of marketing in the service industry
2.6 The role of marketing in Roban hotel in Enugu
2.7 Marketing strategies for services firms
2.8 Evaluation of service marketing programmes
2.9 Use of Marketing Programme
2.10 Budgets as Management Tools
3.1 Sources of Data
3.1 Population of the study
3.2 Sample size Determination
3.3 Sampling size Determination
3.4 Method of data Analysis
3.5 Questionnaire distribution and collection
3.6 Research instrument Used
4.0 Presentation Analysis and Interpretation
4.1 Interpretation of Data
4.2 Testing of Hypothesis
5.0 Summary of Finding
5.1 Recommendations
5.2 Conclusion
The people understanding of marketing have in most times been restricted to marketing of tangible products. Taking marketing to only applying to distributive trade and those activities that are involved in the marketing and distribution of manufactured goods.
However, broader strategic and conceptual philosophy recognizes and sees marketing to also applying to services firms like laundry hospitals, banking, insurance, legal services, as well as hotel
Due to greater changes needs of man. The urge for acquisition of tangible products has not been dominating in the satisfaction of human wants or needs. There has a greater demand for services which helps to sustain the life of man, the need for legal services, entertainment, transportation etc.
This has also given rise to the establishment of many firms to take care pf these needs.
For the greater satisfaction of human needs and maximum profit for service industries, there is need for these companies to understand that their survival is based o effective and efficient satisfaction of their consumers. The needs and wants, attitudes and life style must be well understood so as to bring about a better operation in their work.
Service companies should also understand their “Services account for close to on behalf of the consumer expenditure” and that also even firms themselves spend most of their working capital on services like maintenance, credit service
These Therefore mean that service firms would recognize the essence of marketing to be able to satisfy the customer need
There is need at this stage to explain what marketing in services industries.
Marketing has been defined as “The set of activities that facilitate exchange transactions involving economic goods and services” service industries must therefore recognize the idea.
But due to the nature of services the only thing that should be understood is that although marketing is everything the application to services industry will take a different farm only that the aim still remains the same, the customer satisfaction profit motive and proper co – ordination of the marketing related activities.
Service industry are firms that engage in creating satisfaction through , offer of non – tangible things.
Most of these firms have practiced marketing without knowing what they are doing, The emphasis should be that these firms should understand that there is a great need for them to identify and bring in marketing to their activities in a more sophistical and outward manner.
According to Philip Kotler in his books marketing management, analysis, he defined marketing “as a social process by which individuals and groups organization obtain what they need through creating and exchanging products and services with others
From all the above definitions, we can understand the core marketing and his functions
The satisfaction of customer is regarded as supreme management of services firm should therefore not just know that customer’s are very important in the operation but should see marketing as one of the most important management function needed for survival and growth.
The study should therefore concentrate on the place of marketing in the service industries but with emphasis on hotel business the laundry and dry cleaning firms in Enugu.
hotel is in the service industry, the quality of service rendered by our hotel have attracting criticism from people in all works of life the government functionaries businessmen, the media and the general public are all very critical of hotel service
most hotel do not their customer’s in the prime place as they are supposed to be. There is now keen competition, and to compete means to apply the marketing concept.
Hotel needs to satisfy customer’s in order to market environment.
The study tend to look in to the place of marketing in the service industries in doing thus, it hoped that the extend of marketing methodology application in our hotels will be re – assessed
There have been criticisms about the hotel industry in the way they render service to their customer’s they do not see to their customer as king.
The researcher wants to carryout a if they adopt the marketing concept in the condition of services
The objectives of this research work include, The objectives of this research work include;
1) To assess the place of marketing in our service industries, the need to evaluate marketing functions and its proper application to hotel business for better and greater growth
2) To correct the impression that marketing as a management function is not needed in hotel business
3) There is also the need to find the problems which hotels faces in marketing of their services.
4) To bring to the knowledge of management the difference in the marketing of product to that of services.
Since the research work involve systematic and comprehensive study in the area of marketing of services, it is hoped that it will help to formulate marketing strategies and make recommendations that would be more effective in the marketing of hotel services.
Ho1: The customers are not satisfied with the services hotel
Ho2: The customers are satisfied with level of services rendered by Roban hotel Enugu.
Hi2: The standard and quality of service rendered by Roban hotel are not satisfactory to their customers.
H32: Hi1: The standard and quality of service rendered by Roban hotel is satisfactory to their customers.
H31 The staff and the customers of laundry and dry cleaning firms in Enugu do maintain cordial relationship with their customers.
H31: The staff and the customers of Roban Hotel maintain cordial relationship with their customers.
The essence of this research work should not be seen as merely for the sole purpose of the requirement for the award of certificate in marketing.
The study is beneficial and important in the context of the problem under study. The benefits of this research can simply be stated as follows.
This research will be beneficial to the management of the service firms by providing information towards a better application of marketing function in their firms.
It will help in the identification of customers and subsequently bringing in a greater profit margin for hotel business
It will better understanding of marketing in hotel business and better allocation of scare resources to the different functions of marketing activities.
The research work will help managements of hotel business to know the reaction of customers as to the quality of service rendered by hotels.
1.6 DEFINITION of terms:
The following terms used in this study should be taken mean the following
Marketing – concept AGBO (2000%41) the marketing concepts hold that the key to achieving organizational goals consists of determining the need and wants of target markets and delivering the desired satisfactions more effectively and efficiently than competitor’s
Service – Kotler (2002:444) can be defined as any act of performance that one party can offer to another that is essentially intangible and does not resist to the ownership of anything.
Hotel – this is a special buildings where meds and rooms are provided for travelers as well as interested individuals who needs the services
Product :- refer’s to the benefit that will be provided to the customer through the services
(a) fair
- Department: Marketing
- Project ID: MKT0069
- Access Fee: ₦5,000
- Pages: 91 Pages
- Chapters: 5 Chapters
- Methodology: chi saqure
- Reference: YES
- Format: Microsoft Word
- Views: 2,269
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