• Department: Estate Management
  • Project ID: ETM0076
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 65 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 1,396
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This dissertation deals chiefly with an analysis of the effect of the provision of housing estate on residential housing delivery with a case study of world bank housing estate Owerri. 
The key impetus for this research on the analysis of the effect of the provision of housing estates on other residential house in this particular area of study arises from its sudden changes in states. 
This study examines the effect of this changes on the physical environment and the population of the study area with particular emphasis on the area of provision of residential units and the provision of basic social amenities and infrastructures as be pithy the advancement in the status of the world bank housing estate. 
This also examines the sole aim of provided housing estate and the its effect on other residential houses in the area study.



Housing is seen as one of the most important for the physical survival of man after the provision of food. It contributes to the physical and moral hearth of a nation and stimulates the social stability, the work efficiency and the development of the individuals. But in spite of these facts there is on doubt that housing in quantitative terms is still one of the major problems facing the Nigerian Urbanities and governments beside the characteristic slums and conditions it is becoming increasingly difficult for average Nigerians to own houses. Also it is very difficult to procure decent accommodation at reasonable rent in the market. The rent are high in each state and fairly high in the other state capitals, but still not commensurate with the monthly in comes of all categories of low, middle and upper wage earners and the self-employed.
The major cause of high rent is that the supply of housing is fair less than demand. The recommended 20 percent of the monthly income on rent. The problems are more acute in those cities and towns where ad commercial and industrial activities have long been established, fast growing and concentrated cities. To find houses to rent is a big problem and if such houses are eventually found, they are let out at very exorbitant prices that take a large percentage or the monthly income of the acceptant not minding the location and the accessibility of the residence to the place of work. Until recently for an was becoming exceedingly very difficult for an average wage earner as well as the self –employed individuals to build houses of their own within a long period of time say ten years through their private savings. Most civil servants in Nigeria between 1978 and 1988 cloud hardly make some savings not to take of building houses of their own. Also, the cost of building materials is very exhobitant, cost of land, labour and professional fees are very high which has led to the situation whereby the construction cost per square meter is far more than what an individual could meet after the provision of food and other social needs. 
Also due to the fact that individual cannot own houses of their own as a result of the high construction cost involved, it has contributed to people hiring at very exorbitant rates because there are more buyers one of housing good than the supply of those goods and services. The effect of this housing shortage mostly predominately in Urban areas not only led to over crowing in several cities, it has also led to many taking shelter under the bridges, schacks and make shifts (as in the case of lagos). The most unfortunate thing is that the existing residential buildings are not suitable to modern needs and lack in converses such as water closets (Wcs),P,Pe-borne water, power supply, open spaces etc. the situation prompted the united Nations to launch the aggressive programme of shelter for all in the year 2000.
To achieve this, the federal government of Nigeria incorporated it in the Nation’s third development plan (1975-1980) and sought to participate actively in the provision of housing for all income groups achieve significant increase in housing supply and bring relief especially to the low income earners and the self- employed who where the most affected by the acute shortage a situation whereby the Urban worker paid over 20% of his monthly income on rent. This has led to the provision of Estates by both the federal and the state government in order to increase the housing stock available to the Urban population. It is on this background that this work tries to examine the effect of these housing Estates on Residential Housing Delivery.

Government all over the world especially in developing countries embarks on the provision of housing Estate for their Wizens, this is usually to argument housing provision by the private sector of the economy. Although these estates were established by law and status, they present management problems inducing legal, physical, Financial, social – political and other problems such that in recent time management of public housing Estate has presented hydra-headed problems. These problems manifest themselves in the form of dilapidated buildings, poor sanctuary and environmental condition all resulting from poor management and lack of maintenance.
This cleary, the crux of the housing problems in Nigeria today relate to the low income groups which constitute the main elements of both Urban and rural population with all these factors mentioned above one sees the housing problems in general as the problems that motivated both the federal and the state government, the Imo state government and the Imo state Urban and housing corporation and all the other state government and housing corporations to formulate their housing programmes. This is because good residential housing gives room for more production.
The main aim of this research work is to evaluate the effect of housing estate on the residential housing provision in the Nigerian Urban cities: To achieve this aim the following objectives are set out. 
(1) To identify the various housing estates in the study area.
(2) To determine the quantity (number)of houses provided through the Imo housing corporation in Owerri 
(3) To determine the effect of these housing Estate on the residential housing provision 
(4) To identify problems and constraints of the Imo housing corporate in the provision and management of these housing Estates.
(5) To recommend ways of ameliorating the problems in (4) four above with a view of providing more housing Estate in the urban area.

1. Mention various housing estate in Imo state Owerri
2. What is the quantity number of housing provided by the Owerri housing co-operation? 
3. What are the effect of these housing estates on the residential housing provision?
4. What are the problems encountered by the Owerri housing co-operation in the provision and management of these housing estates?
5. Recommend ways of ameliorating the problems with a view of providing more housing estates in the urban area.

It has often been argued that the distribution of residential housing ownership, specifically among the working class, increased support for the ownership of private property in general and areasthesises housing as an area of social structure pound on capitalist private enterprise. 
To further buttress this point residential housing delivery in Owerri has made the individuals and low income earners to enjoy its role in stimulating national economy, its social services or significance and its financial and economic importance to individuals. Such services provided in that area include provision of shelter or accommodation, provides collateral security for loans / mortgage loans, durable goods which can be inherited, contributes to physical development, source of social prestige / status, provides employment opportunities, investment – which yields a flow of income it checks cost of housing reengage in the city, provision of schools, hospitals, recreational centers etc.
Therefore, since the need for shelter or accommodation is very universal, its significance or importance is very obvious. The importance of residential housing cuts across nation or political boundaries and it is a staminate to good health and individual productivity. This citizens of any nation who dwell in decent housing will enjoy good health, be productive and thus contribute positively to the growth of their nation’s economy. As we look at the social significance of housing to man, its role in the economic development of a community or individuals, we would be able to fully appreciate the importance of residential housing to man which is really the focus of this topic.

This project is limited to the analysis of the effect of the provision of housing estate on residential housing delivery using the World Bank Housing Estate Owerri as a case study- However this work is not concerned with provision and development of Housing Estates.

It is universally acknowledged that the conduct of a research from beginning to conclusion involves varying degrees of discomfort and pain staking effort. 
The first problems related to difficulty in obtaining finance to commence and conclude the research in reasonable time true to the general observation that finals for worthwhile pursuits rarely come easy. But thank God it come in just in time through.
Another side of the coin concerning data collection was where government officials were willing to help but were hankered by lack of relevant data concerning the area of need. Also worth data were not available due to the relevant data were being used for the official purposes. 
Finally, the risk and transport cost involved during the research.

This project comprises of five chapters the first chapter is the introduction comprising statement of the problems purpose of the study, Arms and objectives, significance of the study, scope and limitation of the study research Question and over –view of the study. Chapter two is the literature review where relevant relate literature are reviewed to gain a good background knowledge of the topic of the study through other Authors.
Chapter three is the general studies on the research design and methodology. Where the step to step procedure followed in carrying the study is stated.
Chapter four comprises the data presentation and analysis based on the case study and where the data presented and analyzed, including the dissuasion of findings.
Finally, chapter five comprises the summary, Recommendation, conclusion and Bibliography. 

  • Department: Estate Management
  • Project ID: ETM0076
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 65 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 1,396
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