- Department: Business Administration and Management
- Project ID: BAM0102
- Access Fee: ₦5,000
- Pages: 88 Pages
- Chapters: 5 Chapters
- Methodology: chi saqure
- Reference: YES
- Format: Microsoft Word
- Views: 3,380
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Human resources is very important in any economy and as such, manager of these resources need to be well equipped and informed, so as to be able to, co-ordinate and effectively managed these resources. The objective of the staff training and development is generally to improve and modify employee skill, and educate them on proper procedure for carrying out tasks in accordance with organizational established standards. The study is directed towards the evaluation of the roles and importance of training and development in Delta-State. The findings of the research will help to identify the inadequacies prevalent in the manpower requirements in the area and offer suggestions as to how those in adequacies can be remedied. The study is divided into five chapters, chapter one contains the introduction, statement of problems, purpose of the study, hypothesis, scope of the study, significance of the study and definition of the terms. In chapter two, relevant literature on staff training and development reviewed. Chapter three is the research methodology. Chapter four contains is the presentation and analysis of data, testing hypothesis and summary of the result while chapter five, is a summary of finding, conclusion and recommendations.
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
1.2 Statement of the Problem
1.3 Purpose of the Study
1.4 Scope of the Study
1.5 Research Hypothesis
1.6 Significance of the Study
1.7 Limitation of the Study
1.8 Definition of Term
2.0 Review of related literaturE
2.1 Training and Development
2.2 Training
2.3 Approach to Training
2.4 Main Stages of Training
2.5 Government Intervention in Training
2.6 Objective of Training and Development
2.7 Benefits of Training and Development
2.8 Factors that Hinder Effective utilization
3.0 Research design and methodology
3.1 Research Design
3.2 Area of the Study
3.3 Population of the Study
3.4 Sample and Sampling Techniques
3.5 Instrument of Data Collection
3.6 Validation of the Instrument
3.7 Reliability of the Instrument
3.8 Methods of Data Collection
3.9 Method of Data Analysis
4.0 Data representation and analysis
4.1 Representation and Analysis Data
4.2 Testing of Hypothesis
4.3 Summarizing of Results
5.0 Discussions, Recommendation & Conclusions
5.1 Discussions of Result findings
5.2 Implication of the Research
5.3 Recommendation
5.4 Conclusion
5.5 Suggestion for Further Research
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Asaba South local government areas under the study has a long history, although it cannot be traced specifically to definite period as it date back to ancient times. The area understudy have passed through a lot of stages right from the pre-colonial period when the area was under the ruler-ship of the monarch (Obi) to the colonial period when it become known as Asaba South district council. This statusquo was maintained until the countries have her independence from Britain of 1st October, 1960. It became known as Asaba South local government area, following the scrapping of the District Councils.
It is important to note that the 1991 census out the population estimate of Asaba South Area at one hundred twenty ninety thousand nine hundred and ninety 9129:990).
Asaba South local government area with its administration head quarter at Alum consists of two clans namely:
1. - Lighchi clan
2. - Adarou clan
Asaba South Local Government Area is geographically located in the Southern part of Delta State. The area are affected by two major climatic condition prevalent in the Eastern Province; the raing season and the dry season.
Asaba South Local Government Area can boast of an appreciable number if institution and establishment. But the major ones are mentioned below:
1. The Asaba South Local Government Area Headquarter Alum
2. The state school of Nursing Alum.
3. College of education at Alum.
4. Standard Trust Bank (Plc)
5. Nigeria postal service (NIPOST) Alum
6. Nigeria Water Co-operation Alum
The political structure of these areas under study is not very different from what is obtainable in other part of the country.
The objective of creation of the local government area is singular to the general objectives for the creation of local government area nation wide.
The objective are:
1. To promote grass roots democracy
2. To promote grass roots development
3. To bring government nearer to the people
4. Provision of social services
5. To give the various communities a sense of belonging.
6. To allow for each zone to bring development through its activities.
These few objectives are among other objective for the creation of Asaba South Local Government Area.
The Asaba South local government area is largely seen as the catalyst for industrial development in Delta State. The expectation resulted from the activities of the small scale business in the area under study. To achieve her industries development objective for creating the local government area without the training and development of staff institution and other establishment in the area does more hard than expected good.
This study will try identifying why there is so much inefficiency in the institution present in Asaba South local government area. Also it will try to determine reason for low productivity of area in terms of their of their goods and services.
The following are the purpose for which training and development are is being under taken.
1. In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of Higher National Diploma (H.N.D) in Business Administration and Management.
2. To examine the prevalent inefficiency and ineffectiveness of workers in institutions located in the areas understudy.
3. To examine various leading theories of staff training and development
4. To determine the major course of low productivity of workers in Asaba South local government area.
5. To make recommendation based on its findings, to these in management levels in firms in finding in the locality for a better, efficient and effective training programme.
The scope of this study is limited to Asaba local government are of Delta state choose establishment council the study include:-
1. Asaba South local government council
2. College of education
3. Carmelite paint and designers
4. State school of Nursing,
5. First Bank of Nigeria,
The following research hypothesis are formulated based on the research objectives.
H0 = Null
Hi = Alternative
H0: Lack of staff training and development of staff.
Hi: Lack of staff training and development do not causes poor management of staff.
H0: Staff training and development is a sure way of improving employees work performance.
Hi: Staff training and development is not such way of improving employee work performance.
H0: Staff training and development is one way of appraising and remuneration of employees.
Hi: Staff training and development is not one way of appraising and remuneration of employees.
Without gain saying the quality of employee employed by an organization plays very dominant role on the quality goods and services that the organization will produce cannot be underscored.
The significance of this study is therefore to enable workers in Asaba South local government area approach the need to employ for qualified staff and giving due recognition to training in order to achieve efficient and effective result.
The study will also make us to appreciate the effect of to lack of training and development in the area under study. The study will enable us to pin point the major constraints that are likely to prevent the firms and institution in the area under study for achieving adequate training and development system as well as enable us offer probable suggestion to enhance training and development of staff in Asaba south local government Area .
It will not only contribute to the of personnel management as a discipline which is concerned with staff training and development but also how best staff of firms and institutions could make themselves useful both to their industry and the country as a whole.
The study also would contribute to the need for continuous pursuit to training and development particularly in the new world. Where changes in the terrain of scares and technology is the talk of the new day.
I am aware that this research work will be useful to different categories of people ranging from student. Craft and fellow citizen of this country in different work fields based on this, there are words, which will be used frequently in this familiar to users.
Therefore, a conception definition is given to them:
Bureaucracy:- A term used by max Weber to describe what he called rational legal authority in which an individuals power arises from the nature of his or her position, as prescribed by the organization rules and procedures.
Job: The name given to a particular individual or position for which the job holder will be held accountable.
iInduction: The process of introducing new employee into their job with the aim of integrating the new comers a quickly and effectively as possible.
Local government:- This is the lowest unit of administration or government to these laws and regulations, the communities who live in a defined geographical area with common social and political ties are subject.
Small Scale Business:- This is the small business controls a small share of the market and therefore, constitute a little quota in the large size market.
Deconcentration:- This defined as the arrangement under which the central government assign responsibility for the collection of revenue and provision of services at the local level to an agency appointed by the government.
Decentralization:- This is defined as the arrangement by which the management of the public affairs of the country is shared by the central state and local government in such a manner that the local government is given reasonable scope to raise funds and to use its resources to provide a range of scio-economic service establish to those resident in its area of authority.
Training: This is a process providing scope for the acquisition of knowledge, which enables the beneficiary to achieve self improvement.
Development:- This is seen as any learning activity which is directed towards future needs rather than present needs and which is concerned more with career growth than immediate performance.
Recruitment:- This is a process of attracting able and willing people into the firm.
Organization: A group of individual who are co-operating willing and effectively working for a common end.
This is the process of teaching the new employee about your company. How things are done and the tools used in doing them
- Department: Business Administration and Management
- Project ID: BAM0102
- Access Fee: ₦5,000
- Pages: 88 Pages
- Chapters: 5 Chapters
- Methodology: chi saqure
- Reference: YES
- Format: Microsoft Word
- Views: 3,380
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