- Department: Business Administration and Management
- Project ID: BAM0076
- Access Fee: ₦5,000
- Pages: 56 Pages
- Chapters: 3 Chapters
- Methodology: chi saqure
- Reference: YES
- Format: Microsoft Word
- Views: 4,929
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Failures of the corporate business organization in Nigerian a trend that is now becoming a rule rather than the exception in our national life. It has assumed such a phenomenal dimension that now threatens the fabric of national economy. This traffic development has induced fear into the minds of many potential investors (government and individuals) thus discouraging meaningful investments eminent business scholars and practitioners have blamed this ugly development on non-application of strategic planning by these corporate business entities in their management styles.
The present crop of corporate executives are ignorant of the concept of strategic management or that they lack the required skills to meet with the expectation of strategic planning. This study has, therefore, attempted an up-to-date review of existing literature on strategic planning process, and has also analysed the extent to which this could be used to enhance organizational productivity excerpts from previous work done in this area, questionnaires, interview and personal observations formed the primary sources of data. While periodical from this Nigerian Bottling Company Plc newspapers, journals constituted other sources. Two hypotheses were formulated and put to test using chi-square distribution for analysis one, while analysis two was put to test using product moment co-efficient of correlation and the T-test distribution to prove that the internal and external environment factors surrounding the company have significant influence on its strategic planning and the corporate performance of the company too.
1.2 Central background of the subject matter
1.3 Problem that the study will be concentrated with
1.4 The important of studying the area
1.5 Definition or important terms
1.6 Reference
2.1 The origin of subject matter
2.2 Schools of thought within the subject area
2.3 The school of thought to the problem of study
2.4 Different method of studying the problem of study
2.5 Summary
2.6 Reference
3.1 Data presentation principle of the study
3.2 Analysis of the data
3.3 Recommendation
3.4 Conclusions
3.5 References
Strategic planning which is process chart involves analyzing the opportunities and threats in the market place, while building the strengths and correcting the weaknesses within the firm, also involves setting goals for specific product marker and for the firm.
Bernett and Wilsted (1988) and since it is perceived as a mediating force between the organisation and its environment it has become highly imperative for business organisation to adopt it so as to enhance productivity. This is sequel to that fact chart business enterprises under the prevailing economic environment of today, have to be up and doing so as to be efficient to survive.
High price due to increasing production costs coupled with severe liquidity squeeze necessitated by the dwindling external value of our national currency, have had a serious dampening effect on consumer demand.
Having been faced, therefore, with a high costs of production, diminishing markets and environmental uncertainties, business organization have had to compete move aggressively with one another to attain acceptable volumes of production, sales and a good marker share. Suffice it to say, therefore, that the complexity of today’s business, coupled with the turbulence in the economic waters of the nation, makes it very turbulence in the economic waters of the nation, makes it very doubtful if any modern business organisation of reasonable size can survive this competitive environment without adequate strategic planning. No wonder, therefore, that strategic planning has become increasing important to managers in recent years.
All business organizations need to plan ahead whatever the kind of market, competitive, oligopolistic or monopolistic in which they operate an organization operating in a competitive marker needs to plan and design strategies such as will ensure first, its survival and when its continued profitability. A firm operating in an oligopolistic market has move critical reason for planning because of the fierceness of the competition in such marker and even the monpolist organization has to continually deva new strategies to maintain its position or else it will soon be faced with competition.
A wrong investment decision in today’s business would is likely to entail a huge financial loss. A successful organization is most focuses of performance standards for themselves.
It is against this background that this study intended to assess the effects of strategic planning on the productivity of the Nigeria Bottling Company. It is hoped that this study will in the long run afford the rare opportunity of understanding and appreciating the significance of strategic planning in today’s organizational restructuring, planning and improvement.
1.2 Statement of Problems
After the euphoria of national independent that task of national development dawn on Nigerians to pave the way for individual growth. Nigerian policy-makers then placed the thrust on industrialization on the shoulders of the manufacturing sector in Nigeria. However following the effect of environment peculiarity the result of this study man be more validity applied to these operating into the eastern region.
On the hand every research is bound to embrace impediments in the course of this study, the research encountered some constraints in the form of administration bureaucracy especially at the regional head office in Enugu where there is written note from the regional, general managers hand been given, infact they blantly. The major constraints of this study was money. The financial demand in respect of transportation was enormous especially in this prevailing economic down turn.
1.3 Purpose of Study
The purpose of this study is to ascertain the impact of strategic planning on the level of productivity in manufacturing industrial with a particular reference to the Nigeria Bottling Company Plc Enugu.
The study is intended to achieve the following objectives:
a. TO assess the impact of environment factors on the strategic planning of this company, and
b. To evaluation the relationship between strategic planning and the corporation performance of this country.
1.4 Scope of the Study
As the title of this research work depicts, its main objectives is to highlight the potential of strategic planning in its attempt to establish a positive and direct relationship between strategic planning and productivity’s of an organization with a particular reference to the Nigeria Bottling Company, Plc Enugu region.
1.5 Research Questions
Research Questions
1. What type of environment does your company operate on?
2. What are the effective of strategic planning techniques?
3. Does the company achieve profit margin in productivity.
1.6 Research Hypothesis
Following the research purpose and objectives, as well as the core problem being investigated by the study, the following hypotheses will be tested.
HO The internal and external environmental factors surrounding this company significantly have significant effect its strategic planning.
Hi There is positive relationship between strategic planning and the corporate performance of the company.
Hypothesis 2
H0: There is a positive relationship between strategic planning and the corporate performance of the company.
H1: There is a negative relationship between strategic planning and the corporate performance of the company.
Hypothesis 3
H¬1: The company achieved profit margin productivity.
H¬0: The company achieved no profit margin productivity.
Strategy: This outline the fundamental steps that management plans to undertake in order to reach an objective or set of objective.
Planning:This is the act of choosing a course of action and deciding in advance what is to be done in what sequence, when and how.
Strategy Formulation: This is the task of analyzing the
organization’s external and internal environment and then selecting an appropriate strategy.
Business strategy: This focuses on how to compete in a given business.
Corporate strategies: This address what business an
organization will be in and how resources will be allocated among those businesses.
Functional strategy: It focuses on the short run, “how to” issues of implementing strategies.
Strategic managers: These are individuals who bear responsibility for the overall performance of the organization or for one of its major self-contained divisions.
Scenarios: This is a form of educated guesses made by
planners. Objective: a statement of what is to be achieved.
Objectives: A statement to what is to be achieved
Goal: This is synonymous with objective; a statement of what is to be achieved.
Mission: This defines the basic purpose or purposes of the
organization; usually includes a description of the organization’s basic products and/or services and a definition of its market and/or sources of revenue.
Productivity: This is an economic measure of efficiency indicating what is produced relative to resources used to produce it.
Aggregate productivity: This is the total level of productivity achieved by all the firms in a particular industry.
Industry productivity: This is the total level of productivity achieved by the firms in a particular industry.
Company productivity: This is the level of productivity achieved by an individual company.
Individual productivity: This is the level of productivity attained by a single individual.
Total factor productivity: This is an overall indication of how well an organization uses all of its resources to create all of its products and services.
- Department: Business Administration and Management
- Project ID: BAM0076
- Access Fee: ₦5,000
- Pages: 56 Pages
- Chapters: 3 Chapters
- Methodology: chi saqure
- Reference: YES
- Format: Microsoft Word
- Views: 4,929
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