- Department: Business Administration and Management
- Project ID: BAM0047
- Access Fee: ₦5,000
- Pages: 58 Pages
- Chapters: 3 Chapters
- Methodology: simple percentage
- Reference: YES
- Format: Microsoft Word
- Views: 3,313
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This work is a case study and examines the impact of the computer on the efficient of operation in the MTN, Enugu. There exist a significant number of authority working on the general subject of the computer and its applications none of these literature at least in this country, have cared to test practically how the computer effect work operations in an indigenous business especially in break the trend. This study comprises three chapters:- In chapter one, the problem was defined and the objective of the study was stated. Some existing and related literature is examined in chapter two. While the other chapter deals, on research design and methodology, population, sample and method are discussed. Data presentation and research result were treated and analyzed. The discussion cover major contributions and some problem of the computer in the organization under on this findings recommendation was made for future implement. Findings and recommendations were made based on the various chapters. The conclusions were based on the suggestion for the research done. References concerning various issues discussion in different review were showed in this project work.
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
1.2 Statement of the Study
1.3 Purpose of the Study
1.4 Significance of the study
1.5 Scope of the study
1.6 Research Questions
2.0 Literature Review
3.0 Research Design and Methodology
3.1 Research Design
3.2 Population of the Study
3.3 Sample and Sampling Procedure
3.4 Instruments for Data Collection
3.5 Validation of the Instruments
3.6 Reliability of the Instruments
3.7 Method of Data Collection
3.8 Data Presentation
3.9 Summary of Findings
3.10 Recommendations
3.11 Conclusion
Computer can be defined as a machine which extracts data from input device, performs arithmetic and logical operations in accordance with defined program and finally transfer processed data to an output device either for further processing or in printed forms such as business documents, schedule etc. Computers are currently in use in many companies and organizations both the appliances and administrative activities. In addition, they are assisting with a wide range of well known applications which at first glance may seem pointless.
Currently, the increasing connections exist between the technology advantages enjoyed by industrialized nations and their intelligent use of computer technology. The history of development shows that so far, no industrialized country has been able to make it without the use of computers. Therefore, the use of computer is gradually becoming the rule rather than exception. Most certainty, computer has come to stay and our duty is to embrace it. The use of computer makes it possible for the compressions of large volumes of data into a small storage space. Such are found in many industrial business and private establishments like M.T.N telecommunications limited.
Storage and retrieval of information are speeded up and can be updated as the need arises with the use of computer. Where records are not speeded up and updated when due, the information content will gradually become obsolete as management decisions would be sub-optional and ineffective due to lack of valid data on which to base them. Similarly, if data on past research developments efforts are computer based and readily available, scientists and engineering would cease to waste useful efforts and scarce research forms trying to reinvent what unknown to them has already been invented by others. Available resources can then be concentrated on areas where there are bottle necks to break. In many professions such as law and medicine, there is order to deal with the present situation, such case studies and references are greatly facilitated when the operational data is computer based. There are hosts of other similar samples. It is no wonder therefore that managers, planners, administrators, security, businesses and industrialists now feel an urgent need for computers in their respective organizations.
Lack of computerization in an internal revenue generation schedule amidst exploding population is at the moment costing several developing countries millions of naira annually. Therefore, there is need for computerization especially in the area of management decision making that can cover cost volume, profit analysis, variance analysis and decision under uncertainty. The need to understanding an integrated manner of complex business making and how it affects is in turn affected by the market. Obviously, a computer is needed in order to achieve fast response. For each of the service offered to customers, computer can be employed in maintaining the records. This is of more benefit to M.T.N, Banks and NITEL than customer.
Accuracy can be achieved when the computer is used for aspect of transaction which range from verification of balances and signature of payments or receipts of the money. Computer can do work under their own control, with little or less of operators intervention and can reduce more error from work. The ability to work under its own control ensures that a computer can execute those operations that are in logical series. The Mobile Telecommunications Network (M.T.N) as a private utility is a vast organization dealing with several banks and financers. Its operations in many areas can be reduced to routine and all such routine process can be reduced and handled by computer.
Data processing is a managerial function aimed at improving the optional attainment of objectives. Computer is a means to an end and an end itself. The need for computer in processing large masses of data is not in doubt at all, what requires consideration are as follows:
The costly nature of computer system.
The extent to which computer should be applied.
The availability of computerization through the line of management.
The acceptability of skilled computer operator to work with computer.
The Costly Nature Of Computer System
The cost of purchasing and installing a computer system is high; it is a matter of demand and ability to afford the price. It is difficult to maintain the standard because of the expensive equipments.
The Extent To Which Computer Should Be Applied
This implies that there is a level in which the computer system should be applied. Since it is an unintelligent machine and it does not work alone without being instructed, therefore it must not be applied in some aspect of works.
The Availability Of Computerization Through Line Of Management
Computerization should be at the service of the line managers for effective performance. This implies that for an organization to attain a higher level, it should allocate the computer system properly to their various departments that require the services of the computer system.
Acceptability Of Skilled Computer Operator To Work With Computer
This involves hiring someone who is computer literate and competent to handle the computer system in your organization. For effective performance to be attained in an organization, the computer system should be in the right place and at the right hand so as to avoid mistakes.
Nigerians are becoming more computer conscious by realizing the benefit it offers. According to Adekunle Alogbaje: “computer is the latest in Nigeria today and it will continue to be relevant as the country develop.” It has also gained acceptance in all sectors of the economy such as education, health, labour, power and others. It is gaining popularity and this will even increase with time. The major purposes of this study are as follows;
To assess the modern computerized system of M.T.N against the old system.
To know whether computer has affected employment generation in telecommunication sector.
To ascertain whether the introduction of computer has improved the operational efficiency of M.T.N.
To know whether computerized system in M.T.N will facilitate the speed and accuracy of processing transactions and reduce time wasting.
To make recommendations on how to improve the efficiency of M.T.N in Nigeria by using computerized system of operations.
Promotion is not complete until the end products are being consumed. Therefore, this work will be incomplete until the people that will benefit from it is being mentioned.
This study will be of great benefit to the telecommunications industry especially M.T.N as well as individuals. This study will help the researcher appreciate how to use computerized activities in introducing and increasing sales of any product for better organizational efficiency. It will also enable the company (M.T.N) gain their confidence and goodwill as well as enhance their operations worldwide. This study will help the customers to improve their standard of living, as they have been aware through computerization.
This study will equally be of great benefit to readers, researchers, students, academic and non academic staff, lecturers, post and undergraduates as well as those that will further their education because it will give them the relevant experience needed to proceed in this modern era of computer. Moreover, it will widen their scope of understanding and knowledge of computerization.
This study covered M.T.N Telecommunications Limited operational head office in Enugu. The period for which the study was carried out is 2000 – 2011. The analysis of the work used both secondary and primary data from the records of M.T.N head office in Ziks Avenue Enugu state. The study focused on the efficiency and impacts of computerization on M.T.N Telecommunications Limited.
Are there increases in the efficiency of M.T.N Telecommunications Limited?
Are there decreases in the efficiency of M.T.N Telecommunications Limited?
Is there fraud in the present computerized system of M.T.N?
Is there prompt and accurate data plan contributing to the revenue generation of M.T.N?
Does computerization help M.T.N to ascertain the number of users across the globe?
Does computerization made it possible for M.T.N to trace defaulters in the payment of their monthly subscriptions and other packages?
Does computerization made it possible for M.T.N to store and access large
Computer has been defined by various accepted meanings; each meaning depends on the usage. Some say that computer is an information processing machine. Others say
- Department: Business Administration and Management
- Project ID: BAM0047
- Access Fee: ₦5,000
- Pages: 58 Pages
- Chapters: 3 Chapters
- Methodology: simple percentage
- Reference: YES
- Format: Microsoft Word
- Views: 3,313
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