• Department: Estate Management
  • Project ID: ETM0065
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 50 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 1,389
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The problems of housing encompasses the availability of housing units which has resulted into congested homes and community and resulted in the ever increasing pressure on the infrastructural facilities. The main issue in this study relates to the effect of government policy on housing problem  in Nigeria.  The sample was drawn based on judgmental sampling approach and data was collected by means of questionnaires from (100)  respondents. The data collected from questionnaire were analysed, summarized and interpreted using the total scores, simple percentages and Chi-square. The hypothesis was done at one percent level of significance.  The result show that government policies have effect on sustainable housing delivery and increase in population affect sustainable housing delivery. Based on the findings it was recommended that  ggovernment should build model housing estates for the low income people and pursue an aggressive home ownership policy with very good home ownership programs to back it up.



Title page                                                                                         i        

Certification                                                                                     ii

Dedication                                                                                        iii

Acknowledgment.                                                                            iv

Abstract                                                                                           v



1.0    Background of the Study                                                        1

1.1    Statement of the problem                                                        3

1.2    Objective of the Study                                                              3

1.3    Research Questions                                                                 3

1.4       Research Hypotheses                                                              4

1.5      Significance of the Study                                                       4

1.6    Scope  and Limitation  of the Study                                        5

1.7         Limitations of the Study                                                        5

1.8    Definition of Terms                                                                  5



 2.1   Housing Policies in Nigeria                                                     8

2.2    Urbanization challenges and housing delivery in Nigeria   13

2.3    Urbanization challenges and Urban Housing

situation in Nigeria.                                                                 16

2.4    Appraisal of official intervention in housing delivery

policies in Nigeria                                                                     18

2.5    Effective Housing Policy for Sustainable

development in Nigeria.                                                            25

2.6    Housing delivery efforts in Nigeria                                          26

2.7    Current housing delivery approach                                        30 

2.8    Public housing delivery strategies in Nigeria                      32

2.9    Government interventions in housing provision                    34



3.1       Research Design                                                                       44

3.2       Population of the study                                                            44

3.3    Sampling, Procedure and Sample size                               44

3.3       Data collection instrument and validation                        45

3.5    Method of data analysis                                                          45                                                                               



4.1    Profile of Respondents                                                             46

4.2    Presentation and Analysis of data according to

Research questions                                                                   48

4.4    Test of Hypotheses                                                                     59

4.2       Discussion of Findings                                                    61



5.1       Summary  of  Findings                                                     63

5.2       Conclusion                                                                                 64

5.4    Recommendations                                                                     64

5.5    Suggestion for further studies                                                  66




1.0   Background of the Study

Housing is a word that is common to many societies but most widely misunderstood especially its technical definition or meaning. Housing is therefore viewed not only as a shelter together with its supporting infrastructures but more comprehensively as an evolutionary and participating process. Housing  is a complex system of interactions between institutions and residents which give shape to human settlements.  Housing comprises more than four walls and a roof, it also includes supporting infrastructure such as water supply, electric power, roads, shopping facilities, recreational facilities, a good and enabling environment. Furthermore, institutions such as the housing corporations, mortgage financial institutions, developers, estate agents, buyers and sellers all make up the housing industry. Housing affects all individual in any society including the homeless and the destitute. Housing can also be described as accommodation with all the necessary ancillary services with it. Housing is one of the 3 most significant in the sustainability of human existence with considerable economic, social, cultural and personal importance. The production of  housing  has been influenced largely by policies, innovation and the ability to sustain the environment (Ezengu 2000).

Housing encompasses all social services and utilities that make life meaningful and the environment habitable. The problems that affect readily housing delivery in Nigeria are enormous and very complex. These problems in most of our urban cities in Nigeria encompasses the availability of housing units both in quality and the number available which in turn has resulted into congested homes and community and the resultant of this is the ever increasing pressure on the infrastructural facilities which will rapidly deteriorate. The situation in the rural area is even worse where the quality of housing is very poor and very low in quantity. Infrastructure like power, roads, water, drainage and every other constituent of housing is readily unavailable.

In Nigeria today, over 7 out of every 10 people live below the minimum poverty level and 9 of every 10 are in the low income group therefore these people cannot provide housing for themselves; they then are rendered homeless or live in poor housing. The government had in place various policies as regarding housing delivery to the public but poor implementation has made it impossible to meet up with the 12-14 million housing units needed ( Balogun, 2007 ).

Housing policy is written document which usually comprises specific objectives, strategies and programs aimed at solving the housing problems or meeting with the ever-increasing housing needs and demands of a country. Housing policy should contain the government’s views, policy objectives, strategies and programs all aimed at solving the housing problems of a particular country. Housing policies usually go together with housing programs. Housing policies are like principles while husing programs are like practic (Ezenagu,1998). Again, it can be said that husing policies are like theories while programs are like practical; both of which are aimed at solving various husing problems bedeviling a particular country or society.

1.1   Statement of the problem

It has been observed that majority of the people are living in poor housing or totally homeless even in urban centre, not  to talk of the rural areas. Housing in Nigeria are generally poor and very low in quality and  quantity despite all governmental policies to provide housing to the public.

1.2   Objective of the Study

The general objective of this study is to present the effect of government policy on housing problem  in Nigeria. The specific objectives of  this study are to:

i.             examine the effect of government policy on sustainable housing delivery in Nigeria.

ii.            identify problems hindering housing delivery in Nigeria.

iii.    examine the effect of increase in population on sustainable    housing delivery in Nigeria.

iv.      examine the important of    quality housing delivery  to living standard of people.

1.3   Research Questions

Based on the stated objectives of the study, the following research questions have been formulated:

i.              What are the effect government policies on sustainable housing delivery in Nigeria?

ii.           What are the problems hindering housing delivery in Nigeria?

iii.          To what extent does increase in population affect sustainable housing delivery in Nigeria?

iv.          What are the important of quality housing delivery to living standard of people?

1.5       Research Hypotheses

1.      Hi:     Government policies have effect on sustainable housing delivery.

H0:    Government policies have no effect on sustainable housing delivery in Nigeria.

2.      Hi:     Increase in population affect sustainable housing delivery in Nigeria.

H0:    Increase in population does not affect sustainable housing delivery in Nigeria.

1.5     Significance of the Study

With the phenomenal contribution of good housing delivery to the standard of living in Nigeria.  There has not been much research on the  effect  of government policy on housing problem in Nigeria, the study hopes to fill the gap.

Specifically,  government, educational institution,  housing development company and the general public are likely to benefit from this research work.

1.6    Scope  and Limitation  of the Study

The research work emphasize on the effect of government policy on housing problem in Nigeria. The study therefore is restricted to Lagos State.

1.8         Limitations of the Study

In a study like this especially in this part of the world where awareness on research is just coming up, constraints are expected. Specific to this research, the constraints include: dearth of good materials. Even where the materials are available they are commercialized and very expensive and difficult to come by. Time to do a very tasking research of this nature and finance also posed a substantial constraint.

1.8   Definition of Terms

House: This is a building made for people to live in usually for one family or a family and lodgers. More technically, a house  is a building or structural edifice comprising of walls with foundation, floors, roofs e.t.c.

Housing: This is  a  complex system of interactions between institutions and residents which give shape to human settlements.

 Housing policy: This  is a written document which usually comprises specific objectives, strategies and programs aimed at solving the housing problems or meeting with the ever-increasing housing needs and demands of a country.

 Housing Market:  This a is a market where housing goods and service are sold and bought by virtue of their being demanded and supplied

Housing Quality: This the state, nature or standard of housing with respect to acceptable standards.

Housing Finance: Finance literally means finance for  housing or real estate development. It also means or includes the source of the finance, the management of the finance and all various operations on the source, management, procurement and utilization as well as repayment of such finance.

  • Department: Estate Management
  • Project ID: ETM0065
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 50 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 1,389
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