• Department: Business Administration and Management
  • Project ID: BAM0735
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 99 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Methodology: Simple Percentage
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 1,756
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The study examines the impact of human resource management on the performance of the hotel and tourism in Nigeria. This study used only quoted hotels and tourism companies in the Nigeria Stock Exchange that have consistently published their audited financial report between years 2006 to 2014. A sample of four hotels and tourism companies formed the sample size of the study to ensure adequate observation for statistical testing.
The empirical results from the HAC Newey-West regression technique revealed that training and development has an insignificant positive impact on performance of the hotel and tourism industry. Pension and gratuity has a positive and insignificant impact on performance of the hotel and tourism industry. The interaction between compensation cost and employee turnover has a positive and significant impact on performance of the hotel and tourism industry at 10% level of significance.
The study therefore recommended that management should motivate the staff by compensating them with other monetary benefit that would improve their performance. It is therefore suggested thatfurther empirical work should be conducted on the subject matter by adopting other models for the empirical research design.
Background of the Study    -    -    -    -    -
Statement of the Research Problem    -    -
Research Questions    -    -    -    -    -    
1.4 Objectives of the Study    -    -    -    -    -    
1.5 Significance of the Study    -    -    -    -    -
Scope of the Study    -    -    -    -    -
1.7 Limitations of the Study    -    -    -    -    
2.1 Introduction    -    -    -    -
2.2 Concept of Library    -    -    -    -    
2.2.1 Importance of Library    -    -    -
2.2.2 Functions of Library    -    -    -
2.3 Library Environment    -    -    -    -
2.3.1 Basic Materials needed in most Institutional Libraries    -    
Library Usage/Patronage    -    -    -
Relevance of Library Instruction/Education in Library Usage    -
2.5.1 Methods of Library User Education    -    
2.5.2 Effectiveness in Utilization of Library Information Resources and Services- Finding on Library Information Resource Utilization
2.5.3 Barriers to Information Access and Use    
2.5.4 Accessibility of Library Information Resources    
2.6 Users’ perception of Library Services    
2.6.1 Finding on Users’ perception of Library Services    
2.7 Libraries in the University of Benin    -    -
2.7.1 John Harris Library    -    -    
2.7.2 Other Libraries in University of Benin    -    -
3.1 Introduction    -    -    -    -    -    
3.2 Research Design    -    -    -    -    
3.3 Population and Sampling Techniques    -
3.4 Operationalization of Variables    -    -
3.5 Research Instrument    -    -    
3.6 Sources of Data    -    -    -    -
3.7 Methods of Data Analysis    -    -    -
4.1 Introduction    -    -    -    -
4.2 Demographic Profile of Respondents    -    -    -    
4.3 Sources of Information about Library Resources    -    -
4.4 Perception of UNIBEN undergraduates about library resources    -    
4.5 Extent of Use of Library Services by Undergraduates at UNIBEN-    
4.6 The Perceived Effectiveness of Library Services by Undergraduates at UNIBEN-
Extent to which Undergraduates are Satisfied with Use of Library Services in University of Benin.    -
Barriers/Hindrances to Effective Library Patronage-    -    -    -
Other Barriers/Hindrances to Effective Library Patronage    
4.9 Discussion of Findings    -    
5.1 Introduction    -    -    -    -
5.2 Summary of Findings    -    -
5.3 Conclusions    -    -    -    -    -    
5.4 Recommendations    -    -    -    -    
5.4.1 Further Studies    -    -    -    
BIBILIOGRAPHY    -    -    -    
Table 3.1: Operationalization and Measurement of Variables    -    
Table 4.1: Demographic Distribution of Respondents    -    -
Table 4.2: Sources of Information about Library Resources    -    -    
Table 4.3: Perception of UNIBEN undergraduates about library resources-    -
Table 4.4: Extent to which undergraduates Used Library Resources at UNIBEN-
Table 4.5: Perceived Effectiveness of Library Services    -    -    -
Table 4.7: Extent to which undergraduates satisfied with use of library services-
Table 4.8: Barriers/Hindrances to Effective Library Patronage    -    -
Table 4.9: Other Barriers to Effective Library Patronage    -    -
Background of the Study
    According to the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation UNESCO (1976), library is an organised collection of published books and periodicals and of other reading and audio-visual materials and the services of staff able to provide and interpret such materials as are required to meet the information, research, educational or recreational needs of users.The UNESCO definition touches on every aspect of what a library in the modern sense stands for (Bello, 2011). Oyewusi (2009) is of the opinion that the University library is the academic heart of the University system and its basic purpose is to provide University Staff, Students and other researchers with materials, assistances and an enabling environment that would facilitate teaching, learning and research. Academic library resources are considered a good measure of an institutions excellence and quality (Whitmire, 2002).According to Aguolu and Aguolu (2002), the basic function of any university is to conserve existing knowledge, to transmit knowledge through teaching, and to create new knowledge through research. The university library is the university’s principal instrument in the conservation of knowledge through its rational, systematic and comprehensive acquisition of all type of human communications records, publish and unpublished, written or oral in recorded form that embody the ideas of knowledge of past since each new idea or invention grows out of accumulated and conserved knowledge (Aguolu and Aguolu 2002).
    Ogunmodede and Emeahara (2010) are of the opinion that the library patrons are very important in the practice of librarianship because the library process revolves around them. Moreover, the goal of any library (whether public, special, academic or school library), is to enable the user have access to the available resources and maximize its usage (Hameed, 2004). According to Hameed (2004), the means of accomplishing high level of patronage of the library by users is through the provision of efficient and effective library services. However, the best impact of the library resources and services are felt when the array of expertise could only be of benefit to the patrons through the adequacy and relevance of the librarian to accomplish a mission. Invariably, what is needed to handle the avalanche of information coming into the library as librarians is to maximize resources in order to serve the library patrons effectively (Ibidapo, 2001). According to Writtaker (1993) a patron is a person who uses one or more of library’s services at least once year. Hence, people who go to either the public or private libraries, seeking the attention of the library staff are known as the library users. This simply means that we have different categories of library users and different types of libraries. University communities have major groups of primary users such as undergraduates, graduate students, postgraduates, lecturers and professors, and researchers from outside the university (Ashaver and Bem-Bura, 2013).
Statement of the Research Problem
    Many studies have been carried out on the use of academic libraries resources (Bello, 2011; Onuoha, 2013; Amusa andIyoro, 2013). There are been a number of studies on the “perception of library users on the services rendered by academics libraries and “Users’ perception and library patronage among postgraduate (Oyewumi, Oladapo and Adegun 2014; Oyewusi and Oyeboade, 2009; Bello, 2013)). However, there is a paucity of empirical studies as it relates to undergraduate perception and patronage of library services in the University. This study intends to fills this gap.
Research Questions
Flow from the statement of the research problem above, this study seeks to proffer answers to the following questions:
What are the sources of information of the library resources?
How do UNIBEN undergraduates perceive library resources?
What is the extent of use of library services by undergraduates at UNIBEN?
How do undergraduates perceive the effectiveness of library services at UNIBEN?
Are undergraduates satisfied with library services at University of Benin?
What are the barriers/hindrances to effective library patronage?
1.4 Objectives of the Study
Flowing from the research questions above, the objectives of the study are:
To identify sources of information of the library resources.
To investigate the perception of UNIBEN undergraduates about library resources.
To determine the extent of use of library services by undergraduates at UNIBEN
To ascertain the perceived effectiveness of library services by undergraduates at UNIBEN
To determine the extent of undergraduates satisfaction with use of library services  at UNIBEN
To identify barriers/hindrances to effective library patronage
1.5 Significance of the Study
The findings of this study will be of benefit to the following categories of people: students, librarians/library workers, library management and the university management.
    To the students and the librarians/library workers: - it will be of benefit to the students/users and the librarians by providing a guide to effective service delivery by the librarians and library officer to the users/students of the university libraries.
    To the university and library management: - it will help them to make policies that will stimulate the workers to sit up to the challenges of effective service delivery such as on-the-job training for staff, in-service training, good monitoring strategies for staff, attendance and organization of workshops and seminars.
    Also the findings of the research if implemented in libraries will help in tackling some of the lapses in effective service delivery thereby creating a positive change in the perception of students and attitude of librarians and library workers to service delivery.
    Lastly, it is expected that the findings of this study will contribute to the existing literature in the field of library management services. It is also expected that it will enable future researchers to realise the need for further research and studies on the subject and guide them on various dimensions open for further research.
1.6 Scope of the Study
    This study will focus on students’ perception and library patronage amongst undergraduate students in the University of Benin, Benin City, Edo State. The statement above simply means that the study will focus on the undergraduate students who use/patronize the libraries(i.e. John Harries library, Faculty libraries and departmental libraries) in the University of Benin.
Limitations of the Study
Possible limitations may include:
    The problem of bias on the part of the respondent might serve as a limiting factor; smallness of the sample size might also serve as a limiting factor; the problem of low response rate from the respondents may serves as a limiting factor; inability to use probability sampling technique may also limit the study. 

  • Department: Business Administration and Management
  • Project ID: BAM0735
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 99 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Methodology: Simple Percentage
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 1,756
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