• Department: Public Administration
  • Project ID: PUB0159
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 65 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Methodology: Simple Percentage
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 1,640
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Industrialization on rural development is an integral part of a nation socio-economic sustainability and development. Hence, the need for rural development through industrialization in Nigeria. In view of this, the objectives of the study are to ascertain if industrialization contributes to rural development in Ovia North East local government area, to identify the benefits to be derived from industrialization in Ovia North East local government area, to examine if government policies encourages industrialization in the local government area, to evaluate if industrialization encourage economic growth and development in Ovia North East local government area  and finally to identify the challenges to industrialization in Ovia North East local government Area. The research design employed for this research is survey research method. The population of study of this research is made up of men and women of 18years and above of Ovia North East local government Area. The study found that the role of industrialization in rural development is of increasingly relevance and prominent in all aspect of the national life but has been pay little attention to in the economic history of Nigeria. The study concludes that the nature and character of political actors in rural under-development in Nigeria is quite unprecedented and encompassed in lack of political will and laden corrupt tendencies that undermines the nation economic system. The study generated helpful assumption towards rural development through industrialization strategies in Nigeria.
Background to the study
Statement of the Problem
Objectives of the Study
Research Question
Significance of the Study
Research Methodology
Scope of the Study
Definition of Terms
2.1    Rural Industrialization and Development in Nigeria
2.2    An Overview on Industrialization and Rural Development in Nigeria
2.3    Local Participation in Governance and Rural Development
2.4    Advantages of Industrialization to a Nation
2.5    Problems of Rural Development
2.6    Problems of Industrialization
2.7    A Brief History of Ovia North East Local Government Area
2.8    Theoretical Framework of Analysis
3.1    Research Design
3.2    Population of the Study
3.3    Source of Data
3.4    Sample Size
3.5    Sampling Techniques
3.6    Techniques of Data Analysis and Presentation
4.1    Organization of Data Frequency and Distribution of Variables
4.2     Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Dependent Variables
4.3    Discussion of Research Findings
5.1    Summary
5.2     Conclusion
5.3    Policy Recommendations
The need for rural development through industrialization in the Nigerian nation cannot be overemphasized. The under-industrialization capacity in rural areas in Nigeria needs urgent and crucial re-engineering to foster socio-economic development among the people of the grass root.
Nigeria as a nation-state has not paid much attention to the development of the rural communities but has concentrated on the development of the urban areas. This is responsible for rural-urban migration in search of good amenities and infrastructures, like electric power, good roads, water, electricity, industries etc. The situation is even compounded for the fact that the rural areas are often neglected in terms of development and lack of basic amenities (Adebayo, 2004).
The uniform system of Local Government was introduced in the reforms of 1976; the main motive was to take development direct from the centre to the people at the grass root level. The same reforms (1976) described Local Government as a tool for rural development. Some of the motives are the conscious attempt of the Federal Government to involve people in management of their rural affairs through which human and material resources of the rural dwellers can be effectively mobilized, tapped and advanced into industrialization process. The reform no doubt is intended to facilitate the faster social-economic development of the local communities and effectiveness and efficiency in the administration of local government (Aneta, 2006; Anyanwu, 1997).
The rural subsection of the economy is endowed with abundant natural resources, unharnessed and this would require integrating rural people in the rural development exercise through the prevision of small scale industries of different types. The need for rural communities to approach development from a wider perspective has created more focus on a broad range of development goals rather than merely creating incentive for agricultural or resource based businesses. Education, entrepreneurship, physical infrastructure, and social infrastructure all play an important role in developing rural regions (Moseley, 1996). In rural development, certain developmental actions are carried out, which are mainly and mostly aimed for the social and economic development of the rural areas (Chigbu, 2012).
Industrialization means different things to different people and circumstances. Odenigwe (1969) sees industrialization as an integrated process of developing industries that would extract or convert raw materials into finished goods and services. Industrialization embraces the means by which man controls or modifies his natural environment. Industrialization is the major means of people adjusting to environment to satisfy their various needs and desires. Industrialization is of course an application of practical or mechanical sciences to industries and commerce; it is a technical know-how, scientific ideas and information, body of knowledge, material goods and services capable of being the systematic and sequential in their generation, communicable and adoptable to application in a given economic, political, social and culture environment. Against this background, industrialization embraces a body of organized knowledge, tools and machines used by man to manipulate his environment to satisfy his basic need. It is on this platform that the subject matter: the impact of industrialization on rural development was drawn (Ekpo, 2009)
In the quest for rural development in the nation, the effectiveness of management arises from leadership effort towards the simultaneous creation of a cooperative and learning organization to facilitate the implementation support of rural and national development organization survival and effective utilization of resources for the benefit of mankind.
One of the main reasons for establishing local government in governance of a nation is to bring development very close to the people in the rural area. Unfortunately, this noble objective is not being put in practice of being really actualized. It is therefore suspected that industrialization process of rural areas in Nigeria is characterized by lack of infrastructure and intensive use of human labour, obsolete technologies and high dependence on imported technologies, and the consequences of these are grave - loss of control over decisions on what technology to import, low level of local initiative in indigenous scientific and innovative capacity and perpetuation of the cycle of poverty among the rural people.
A number of approaches and programmes have been proposed and implemented by the government towards reduction of rural poverty, eradication of technological dependency and associated issues in rural development. Some of the programmes failed even before the implementation while some have failed to yield the desired result.
The failure of local government to facilitate the provision of enabling environment to stimulate rural socio-economic development through industrialization is a source of worries to rural dwellers in Ovia North East Local Government of Edo state and the nation at large. This has disturbed the mind of the researcher and the question is; how will industrialization impact on rural development in Ovia North East Local Government?
It is to this end that the study seeks to ascertain the level of industrialization development of human and material resources in Ovia North East Local Government Area, to identify the importance of industrial development in Ovia North East Local Government Area, to examine the challenges of rural industrial development in Ovia North East Local Government Area and identify the way forward.
In an attempt to diagnose and identify the causes or factors that either hinder or encourage rural development in Ovia North East Local Government Area of Edo State, the following would serve as research questions: -
Does industrialization contribute to rural development in Ovia North East North Local Government Area?
What are the benefits to be derived from industrialization in Ovia North East North Local Government Area?
Has government polices encouraged industrialization in Ovia North East North Local Government Area?
Has industrialization encouraged economic growth and development in Ovia North East North Local Government Area?
What are the hindrances to industrialization in the aforementioned case study area?
The purpose of study includes the following:
To ascertain if industrialization contribute to rural development in Ovia North East North Local Government Area.
To identify the benefits to be derived from industrialization in Ovia North East North Local Government Area.
To examine if government policies encourages industrialization in Ovia North East Local Government Area.
To evaluate if industrialization encourage economic growth and development in Ovia North East Local Government Area.
To identify the challenges to industrialization in Ovia North East Local Government Area.
The scope of the study is the research boundary. The scope is on rural development and how it can be managed through the process of industrialization. Moreso, the focus area is Ovia North East North Local Government Area Edo State. The study is to identify factors militating against the provision of infrastructures and enabling environment for business to flourish.
The research methodology that will be employed for this research is survey research design. The population of study of this research will be made up of men and women of 18years and above in Ovia North East North Local Government Area. The research will rely on the combination of primary and secondary data, while to primary data for the study consists of the use of questionnaire and in-depth interviews, the secondary source of data includes books, journals, newspapers and the internet. The sample size for this study will be 200 respondents drawn from all the wards in the local government area. The population in which the researcher will elicit data for this study from is Ovia North East Ovia North East North Local Government Area. Ovia North East North Local Government Area has a population of 155.344 (NPC, 2006).
This study will be beneficial to rural dwellers and to researchers; it will also expand the academic environment as regards developmental knowledge. Furthermore, the study would be of immense importance to students who may wish to conduct a future research on the subject matter, i.e. it would serve as a resource material.
Finally, the society as a whole stand to benefit from the study. Policy makers through the study would understand why it is necessary to promote industrial project, and they would also understand that the leadership efforts are needed to pioneer industrialization process.
Industrialization is associated with economic development and has been a hallmark of modernization and national economic power (Brundtland, 2007). It is no accident therefore, that most developing nations have made industrialization a national priority. Joseph E. Imhanlahimhim defines industrialization as a process of a country’s heavy dependence on large amount of goods manufactured in its territory and the services rendered, with prejudice to the sustainability of the manufacturing industries from which the foods and services emanate (Imhanlahimhim, 2002:193). Industrialization is an essential aspect of long-run development in that most nations that have achieved socio-economic development, though with some attendant environment consequences, have also seen structural transformation from primary production towards industrialization (Aneta, 2006).
Development had been defined by various scholars in various ways depending on the socio-cultural and political background of the writer. According to Todaro and Smith (2011: 17), Development must be conceived of as a multi-dimensional process involving major changes in social structure, poplar attitudes and national institutions, as well as the acceleration of economic growth, the reduction of inequality and the eradication of poverty. Development in its essence must represent the whole gamut of change by which an entire social system, turned to the diverse basic needs and desires of individuals and social groups within that system moves away from a condition of life widely perceived as unsatisfactory towards a situation or condition of life regarded as materially and spiritually better.
Furthermore, development talks about the quality and quantity of goods and services produced in a country, the transformation of her economy from primary to secondary sectors, changes in the citizen’s creative energies and acquisition of special skills.
Rural areas are large and isolated areas of an open country with low population density. The conventional defamation of rural is a non-urban area such as a city of less than 100,000 residents. For most folks, it means farm country and most suburbs without a mass transit system. In general, a rural area is a geographical area that is located outside cities and towns. The Health Resources and Services Administration of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services defines the word “rural” as encompassing “all population, housing and territory not included within an urban area. Whatever is not urban is considered rural”.
Typically, rural areas have a low population density and small settlements. Agricultural areas are commonly rural, though so are others such as forests. Different countries have varying definitions of “rural” for statistical and administrative purposes.
Rural development is used to denote the action and initiatives taken to improve the standard of living in non-urban neighbourhoods, countryside, and remote villages. For Mosely (2003:5) rural development generally referred to the process of improving the quality of life and economic well being of people living in relatively isolated and sparsely populated areas. Rural development has traditionally centered on the exploitation of land-intensive natural resources such as agriculture and forestry.

  • Department: Public Administration
  • Project ID: PUB0159
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 65 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Methodology: Simple Percentage
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 1,640
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