• Department: Marketing
  • Project ID: MKT0277
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 59 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Methodology: Chi Square
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 1,904
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This study is an attempt to investigate the need of every day supermarket Aba. It was also carried out to investigate to what extent adverting and sales influence consumers purchase decision. The question that pervades the mind of most people every day remains the same. Can a consumer buy a product more to its advertisement claims than its relatives need? If so low? Consequently, the problem was identified not to be whether advertising and could influence consumer behavior because to some extent. It does rather, the problem was whether advertising by itself can arouse an interest to purchase by the consumer, thus predisposing him to ward the advertising product or service. To probe this problem, an elaborated literature review was carried out, where upona sample of 150 respondents was chosen from within Aba area to determine the need of advertising on supermarket performance. The sacrificed sampling technique was adopted in their selection. Respondents answer to the questionnaire administered on them formed the dates, which were statistically analyzed using Chi-square to crystallize the finding. Advertising were found to be neither hypnotic nor exactly on their effects even though they generally influence buying behavior. It is hoped that this finding buying would be helpful in furnishing a reliable feed back on consumer reaction to advertised product and the claims made for such product, while highlighting the apparent consequences to advertising agencies of the claims made for products through advertising in the light of these finding. I wish them God’s guidance and blessing. Above all I give God all the Glory and honor for making me what I am today glory be to God.
Every day supermarket is all well know as supermarket in Aba.
        Every day supermarket is located at Ikengbu layout Aba.
        It is a well know place in Aba that has all the verities of commodities, which every body in Aba know about.
        Every day supermarket is a market that does not sell an expired product. They also sell quality product that does not have limitation every body in Aba like to shop at every day supermarket t because of the way they attain their customers.
        Every day supermarket is the one of the registered supermarket and well know in Aba the supermarket is a long retailing business they sell mostly food and grocery item on the basis of low price wide variety and assortment and heavy emphasis on merchandise displays.
The need of advertising on supermarket performance (a case study of every day supermarket) is of high on interest to supermarket on general but purpose a great deal of problem due to its complex nature when trying to apply its tools for increase in awareness and the favorable attitude among customers.
        The problem with the need of advertising on supermarket performance in EVERY DAY SUPERMARKET is that owners of EVERY DAY SUPERMARKET finds it difficult to say for certain which tools and strategy should be applied so as to create awareness problem gain favor from their customers. That is problem of using suitable tools or media to boast their product to the customer both near and far. What strategy does the supermarket take in making ale cost involved in applying advertising and sales promotion tools is worth spending?
        Do advertising and sales supermarket performance in advertising on supermarket? How do advertising on supermarket performance influence the purchasing habit to customers? These are the basic problem or which EVERY DAY SUPERMARKET dace and such problem needs research work to attain solution. Advertising as defined by the committee on definition of the national associated of marketing teacher on the united stated as any paid form of non personal presentation of goods, services or ideas to a group.
        Train (1991) defines advertising as the purchase and use of space on newspaper, magazine or outdoor location or the purchase and of time on radio and television by an identified sponsor, for the promotion of goods, services of ideas. Advertising as also activities concerned with marking production(s) and services know to consumers or consumers and creating demand for the products(s) and services(s) (Nkem 2001).
        Advertising to the dictionary of business and fiancé. Advertising as any form of paid public announcement or presentation, which is aimed at the promotion or the sales of good and service or at gaining acceptance for any idea or point of view. Sales promption is a marketing communication effort or promotional campaign activity articulated by business forms, carefully planned organized staffed, directed, monitored, controlled and carryout by marketing men and organization, with a view of increasing sales or generating sales activities come under or include free gift price off, discounts sample contests etc, aimed at inducing enticing luring or wooing consumers to make a purchase (Nkem 2001).
        One of the most difficult problems facing marketing is that of assessing the effectiveness of their advertising to volume marketers spend millions of naira on advertising yet they do not know much about its impacts many factors influence consumers decision to by or not such factor include advertising the product itself, the package, the warranty and special services as well as word of month communication and price.
        In Nigeria many people are averse to advertising consumers who receive a lot of benefit and  who could not be better served despite consistent advertising, still do not patronize the good or services consequently advertising practitioners should welcome constructive criticism.
        They argued that virtually everybody knows consumers argue that advertising deceives the consumers, raise prices, distorts the market and promotes monopoly. T6hey hold the view also that since our economy is a seller’s one, need for advertising does not exist.
        This argument is highly subjective, hence the need for this research. This research work is to make the study so as to check.
The study is guided by the following objectives.
To determine whether the consumers are satisfied with the service they received in the supermarket.
To find out the acceptability of advertising on supermarket performance as marketing strategies by the supermarket.
To find out the effect of such influence if any on sales in the supermarket.
To find out the method of budget allocation to advertising by supermarket.
To find out the influence of advertising habit of consumers.
To determine how every day supermarket adopted these marketing tool in sales.
The following research questions are proposed to assess the relationship among variable considered within the context of this study.
To what extent does advertising influence the purchasing habit of consumers?
To what extent does a customer accept the advertising products as marketing strategies?
To what extent does advertising promotion provide adequate information to the consumer?
Does supermarkets that use advertising marketing tool perform more than the ones that do not use them.
What is the relationship (if any) between advertising and scales value?
The primary function of advertising is to create awareness of the new already of product or brands.
        The study will help every day supermarket to know the various problems existing among its customers and also be aware of the type of service.
        Their customers desire to obtain and the obstacles there. This will be as a result of the finding of this research work. Possible suggestion will be available to them solving these problems. The awareness is of great importance as it will enable them attract and maintain sufficient customer patronage to ensure profitable operation through the adaptation of these marketing tools.
        It is this hoped that the out come of the study will help to improve advertising practices in Nigeria by furnishing managers of supermarket advertising agencies and their client reliable product and claims made for such products, it will also help to put the rest of all the argument for and against advertising in it’s proper perspective finding will benefit the form other form the government, researchers.
This study is limited to EVERY DAY SUPERMARKET only. It is one the registered supermarket in Aba.
        To enable me determine the sample size, the scope of the study will be limited to the following.
        The research intends to checks the influence of advertising and the purchasing habit of consumer the effect of such influence if any on sale in supermarket. The method of budget allocation to advertising by the market.
        Major media and promotion type adopted by the supermarket.
The constraints of this are numerous. First is the time factor. There was limited time to carry out the research works.
        The time limited imposed by the school authority concerning our lectures made a way for a short range of study and research.
        Second, is the monetary factor lack of fiancé has enable the work to take another shape, in that, the cost of the impacts of advertising on the performance of supermarket to continuously invest in advertising.
        The research intends equally to find out the major type of promotional activities adopted by every day supermarket transportation was so high that the research did not take me a long range of getting a first hand information.
        Also in the course of going to the web sit to acquire information, funds were inadequate to enable me have access to other material through web sit services. Scarcity of reading materials on the area of study is another limiting factor.
ADVERTISING: Any paid form of non personal presentation of goods services or ideas to a group. It is also an activities concerned with making product(s) and service(s) know to customers or consumer and creating demand for the product(s) and service(s).
SUPERMARKET: Is a large retailing business until that sell mostly food and grocery item on the basis of low price wide variety and assortment and heavy emphasis on merchandise displays.
GROCERY: This is a convenience goods like sugar, tea, soap, etc.
PUBLICITY: Is communicating through mass media for which the sponsor make no payment.
MAS MEDIA: Are the vehicles for disseminating message to large number of people.
PERSONAL SELLING: Is one of the three major promotional activities, which provides individual to a presentation in a conversation with one or more prospective purchasers for the purpose of making sales.
STORE LAYOUT: This refers to the arrangement of merchandise fixture and displays, including non-selling area.
MERCHANDISE ASSORTMENT: The number of distinct product lives in retailer stock.
MARKETING CONCEPT: The concept holds that the keys to achieving organization goods consist in determining the need and want to target market a delivering the desired satisfaction more effectively and efficiently than competitors.
COMMUNICATION: Trying to establisher “Commonness” or the process of exchanging meanings.
MARKETING: These are those controllable variable that the marketer or the firm utilizes optimally to achieve the the firm at a profit. Those controllable variables include price, product, place and promotion.
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Akuezuilo E.O. (2002), Research and statistics Awka New Cent Publishers and Academic press Ltd.
Fran (1991) Principles and practice of marketing Benin Barcoz publisher Ltd.
Fray S.C. (1957), The fundamental and practice of marketing London, Macmillan publicities.
Nkem K.N. (2001) Practice of marketing Onitsha optimal press Ltd.
Kotler P. (1997), Principles of marketing New Dechi prentice Hall of India.
Raid D.B. (1990), Marketing principles and strategies plane taxes Business publication, Inc.
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  • Department: Marketing
  • Project ID: MKT0277
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 59 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Methodology: Chi Square
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 1,904
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