• Department: Sociology
  • Project ID: SOC0059
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 37 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Methodology: Discriptive Method
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 3,018
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This project was embarked upon to investigate into the involvement of Hausa migrants in socio economic activities of Hausa in Saki land. The historical evolution of Hausa in Saki and the relationship between the citizens of Saki have been discussed in this project. The researches make use of oral, case study, interview as the instruments for collection of data and information. Finally, recommendation was given at the end of write up.
CHAPTER ONE                                                             
1.0                 Introduction                                          
1.1                 Background to the study                                 
1.2                 Statement of the problem                       
1.3                 Purpose of the study                              
1.4                 Significance of the study                 
1.5                 Scope of the study                                
1.6                 Research methodology                           
1.7                 Research Questions                       
1.8                 Definition of terms                                 
CHAPTER TWO                                                            
Review of Related literature                    
Origin of Hausa people in Saki land                  
Hausa people and their culture                
Culture Heritage                                            
Brief history of Saki                                       
Appraisal of the Literature Review                                                            
CHAPTER THREE                                                                  
          Economic activities of Saki, between 1980 and 2000
The impact of the Hausa migrant’s involvement in   
             Socio economics activities of Saki land
CHAPTER FIVE                                         
What is today known as Nigeria is a conglomeration of different independent ethnic composition. According to Oyelayo (2003), there are over two hundred and fifty groups in Nigeria. Similarly, Asiyanbi and Oladimeji (2007) pointed out that, Nigeria Federation was a direct product of colonial masters brought this ethnic group together through the amalgamation of the Northern and Southern protectorates championed by Fredrick Lord Laggard in 1914.
The ethnic groups spread across the entire geopolitical Zones in the country. In the North are Hausa, Fulani that dominates other groups such as Tiv, Igalas, Kataf, Kabba, Gwasi, Angasi, Jukus, etc.
In the west are the Yoruba ethnic groups denominating others such as Egun, Urobbo, Itsekiri, Isoko, Ishan, Kwales, Edos, Ijaws, in the river side of Ondo and Ekiti region where the Igbo are the dominant ethnic groups with the minorities such as Ijaws, Ibibios, Efiks Anang, Kalabari, Ekoi, Agbos, Ikwerre, Ogoni, e.t.c. (Asiyanbi and Oladimaji 2007)
             However, of all the ethnic groups in Nigeria, three namely, the Yoruba, the Igbo and the Hausa are the dominant. Thus, most discussions have been centered on these three prominent groups.
Before a country artificially created in this way could develop internal unity, before its various people could begin to fuel a common loyalty to their new country, much would need to be done. However, they gave these new African states (Nigeria inclusive) new common institution, which forced the peoples to accept common activities.
This laid the foundation for the growth of new common loyalties and gradually, each country develop its own ‘nationalism” above the smaller nationalism of its common peoples (Ibrahim 2009),
It is understandable from the Ibrahim” submission that, consciously it unconsciously, the imperialist had simply laid a foundation upon which the inter relationship among the Yoruba, Hausa and Igbo could be build.
             Apart from the colonial creations, there had been a long sustained interrelationship among various ethnic groups in Nigeria before the pre-colonial era, especially between the Hausa and Yoruba. This relationship includes Migration. Substantiating the above claim Tijani (2008) submitted that, history or inter-ethnic in pre-colonial Nigeria has show that diversity of culture and ethnicity has not always led to conflicts. According to Tijani people had found common grounds to resolve their groups difference when they cane into contract with one another similarly, Nnoh (1998) explained that, it is not inter-ethnic contract among Nigeria groups that breed conflict; rather it is the extent of competing claims that are associated with the economic and political problems of modern nation states.
             Nevertheless, the ecology of Nigeria also encourages the development of interrelationship among Nigeria ethnic groups and sought blessing beyond the political and or geographical boundaries of each of them.
No matter how carefully any group might have chosen its side, it was unlikely that is produced all that its settlers needed. Variation in the ecology, nature of the soil and climatic conditions usually encouraged specialization need for exchange, migration and above all, inter relations. Although, Tijani (2008) agreed that there were May factors that rationalized the migration of the Hausa to the Yoruba, he strongly believed that the main factor that led to the migration of Hausa people in the pre-colonial period into Yoruba land generally was trade and commerce.
             Important factor that provided sufficient basis for the development of commercial relationship between Yoruba land and Hausa land was the geographical locations of their regions. Hausa land is strategically location at the end of the transiahara trade routes, it continuously received variety of valuable goods of oriental origin through North Africa, which the Hausa traders controlled the coastal trade in the European goods in to Hausa land. Each of them has established middle-men trading position in such goods to which they had direct access (Tijani, 2003)
             The above exploration indicates that there was a robust relationship between Hausa and Yoruba people, even before the adventure of colonialism. A part from religious motives, Yoruba Hausa relationship was strongly built on trade and commerce contracts through trade, migration between the Yoruba and the Hausa people had, for the time immemorial strengthen and the land between the Yoruba and the Hausa people. As at today the Yoruba are widely spread across the Hausa land. It is common to see Yoruba people referring to some personalities as “Baba lie Hausa” lya lie Hausa” meaning man in Hausa land or woman in Hausa land respectively.
             Moreover, Hausa people are found across the Yoruba land. Their strong zeal for trade and commerce make it work perfectly for them in the land. One notice able thing is that, the Hausa people always live in group or in union wherever they are found. This, sabo and sango in Yoruba land usually signify the Hausa community in the land. The Hausa people in most cases live among their kinsmen in sango or sabo across Yoruba lands.
             However, saki is a Yoruba town situated in the northern part of Oyo state in the western Nigeria. Saki is strategically located as it is the border town to Benin Republic. Saki town is blessed with fertile soil coupled with conducive climatic condition. Thus, the people of saki are well known for agriculture and trade. This blessed nature of saki makes the town a home for foreigners Hausa people inclusive. Like in many of Yoruba land, Hausa people are widely spread across the books and crannies of saki. The desire to examine the involvement of Hausa people in socio-economic activities in Saki land is the heart of this study.
This study was, therefore, designed to examine the impact if the Hausa migrant in socio-economic activities of saki land.
There exist in Nigeria many diverse ethnic groups, the Yoruba, the Hausa and the Igbo are the dominant. The struggle for politician socio economic power has always resulted in tensions and crises among the three dominant ethnic groups. Therefore, there is need to conduct a study that will show case how one ethnic group has been coping in another’s land with a view to enhancing National integration using the information gathered from such a study. This is part of the researchable gap that the present study intends to fill.
             Although the present researcher is aware that series of researches have been conducted on ethnic relation in Nigeria.
             For instance, Tijani (2008) conducted a study on ethnic relation; A study of Hausa community in Ogbomoso, Nigeria. Adebisi (2010), carried out a study on ethnic relations and polities in Nigeria also Gbadebo (2007) worked on ethnocentrism and future Nigeria nevertheless Asiyanbi and oladimeji (2007) worked on federalism and Democratic principles are  sustenance of Nigeria body polity; The place of ethnic minorities. None of these studies, to the best of this researcher knowledge specifically examined how Hausa people have been coping in the border town-saki in the west of Nigeria. However saki is a unique Yoruba land. It is a confluence of Nigeria and foreigners, particular from republic of Benin. By this, any research republic carried out in other part of Yoruba Land may not be able to depict the situation in Saki with exactitude. This has thus created a researchable gap, part of which this study intends to fill up by investigating ‘the involvement of Hausa people in socio-economic activities of Saki’
             Generally, the purpose of this study was to examine the involvement of Hausa people in socio-economic activities of Hausa people of Saki land .specifically, it was designed to investigate the structure of involvement of socio-economic activities of Hausa in Saki land ,the nature of inter –ethnic relationship between the Hausa and their host community Saki the ethnic differences between the Hausa and their host community Saki and the coping strategies ,the similarities between the Hausa and the Saki .Yoruba’s culture and the probable time the Hausa first entered Saki and the motivations to stay for so long.
Research is conduct in education with a view to finding solution to the existing problem or discovering new useful information thus the result of this finding would be useful to Government, peace and ethnic resolution agents and the future researchers. Government would benefit from the result of this finding as it would provide them with useful information needed to properly build national integration.
             Also peace and conflict agent may find the result of this study useful information in understanding the nature of co-existence between the Hausa and their Yoruba host community particularly Saki.
             Furthermore, the result of this finding would serve as a solid foundation for subsequent researcher who may wish to carry out further studies on the present issue.
             This study investigated the involvement of Hausa people in socio-economic activities of Saki land .It is limited to investigating the involvement of socio-economic activities of Hausa people in Saki West local government Area of Oyo State due to time factor, competence level and financial.
             The method of research discuss the general procedure for the conduct of the study .it describe the research design, sample and  the sampling techniques, research instrument ,procedure for collecting data and analysis techniques
             For this finding, the following questions were as raised to guide the study, and were answered later in the study.
I When did Hausa people enter Saki?
Ii what has been the motivation to come and stay so long in the saki?
Iii what is the structure of Hausa institution in Saki land.
IV What are the ethnic differences between the Hausa and the Saki Yoruba and the coping strategist?
V What are the Similarities between the Hausa and the Saki Yoruba’s culture?
             For the purpose of understanding this study, the following terms were defined as used in the study.
i Institution; An organized group of people living in a particular are as a union because of their common future and perhaps, common goals.
ii Hausa ;A tribe from the northern part of Nigeria.
Iii Saki ;A Yoruba town situated in the Northern part of Oyo state in the Western Nigeria .It is also the head quarter of Local government called Saki West .
Iv Ethnic group ;A group of people who feel themselves bound together through personalities and who possess a coherence and solidarity which have grow-up through a common life, common experience, common cultural traits and common tradition.

  • Department: Sociology
  • Project ID: SOC0059
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 37 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Methodology: Discriptive Method
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 3,018
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