Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (Kap) of Family Planning Among Rural Women in Kogi State, Nigeria

  • Department: General Management
  • Project ID: GMG0043
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 111 Pages
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 232
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The purpose of this study was to assess knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of family planning among rural women in Kogi state, Nigeria. Ex-post facto research design was used for this study and the sample size consisted of 384 respondents. To achieve this purpose,   researcher developed questionnaire was used as instrument for data collection. The population of the study comprised of 72, 844 women of reproductive age. The instrument was vetted by five jurors from the Departments of Physical and Health Education and Nursing Sciences. Three hundred and eighty four (384) copies of questionnaire were distributed to the respondents. Three hundred and seventy nine(379;98.7%) were adequately filled and retrieved from respondents. Five(5; 1.3%) copies of questionnaire were not filled correctly and therefore, those were not used. A multi-stage sampling procedure was employed which comprised of; stratified simple random, purposive, proportionate sampling procedure. The data collected was analyzed using descriptive statistics of frequencies and percentages, mean and standard deviation. To test the formulated hypotheses, one sample t-test was used. All the formulated null hypotheses were tested at 0.05 alpha level of significance. The results of the study revealed that rural womenin Kogi state, Nigeria have significant knowledge of family planning with a t-value of 3.201 (p-value of 0.021). The findings further showed that rural women in Kogi state do not have significant attitude towards family planning with t-value of 1.291 and p-value of 0.18, finally the results of the study revealed that rural women in Kogi State do not significantly practice family planning with a (p-value of 1.05). On the basis of the research findings, the following conclusions are drawn; that rural women in Kogi State were knowledgeable about family planning, that rural women in Kogi state do not have positive attitude and practice of family planning. The following recommendations were made based on the conclusions. Federal, state and local government health units should encourage women in sustaining their knowledge of family planning through community mobilization and enlighten programmes.The health directorate in collaboration with the family planning unit should roll out more programmes such as organizing workshops, seminars, to educate married couples on the benefits of family planning practices. This will bridge the gap between knowledge and practice of family planning.



Title page---------i

Approval Page--------ii






Table of Contents--------ix

List of Acronyms--------xiii

List of Tables---------xvi



1.1Background to the Study------1

1.2Statement of the Problem------7

1.3Purpose of the Study-------9

1.4Research Questions-------9

1.5Significance of the Study------9

1.6Research Hypotheses-------10

1.7Basic Assumption-------10

1.8Delimitation of the Study------11



2.2Conceptual Framework-------13

2.2.1Concept of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice-----20

2.2.2Knowledge of Family Planning among Rural Women---22

2.2.3Attitude of Rural Women toward Family Planning---24

2.2.4Practice of Family Planning among Rural Women---26

2.2.5Benefits of Family Planning------27

2.2.6Obstacles to Family Planning Practices -----29

2.2.7Population Policy: A Focus of Family Planning---29

2.2.8Family Planning Methods------31

2.2.9Contraceptives Practices and Factors that Influence Practice   --38

2.2.10Importance of Family Planning Practices----40

2.2.11Female Education and Family Planning----41

2.2.12Level of Education and Family Planning----42

2.2.13Income Level of Rural Women and Family Planning---44

2.2.14Religion Perspective on Family Planning-----45

2.3Theoretical Framework-------46

2.4Empirical Studies--------55




3.2Research Design---------68

3.3Population of the Study-------68

3.4Sample and Sampling Procedures-----69


3.6Validation of the Instrument------72

3.7Procedures for Data Collection------72

3.8Pilot Study  and Reliability-------73

3.9Procedures for Data Analysis-------74


4.1 Introduction--------75

4.2 Results---------76

4.2.1 Answering of Research Questions-----78

4.3 Hypotheses Testing--------81

4.4 Discussion---------83


5.1 Summary---------87

5.2 Summary of Major Findings------88

5.3 Conclusion--------88

5.4 Recommendations-------88

5.5 Contributions to Knowledge------89

5.6 Suggestions for Further studies------89


Appendix  ---------95

Appendix i Questionnaire-------101

Appendix ii Letter of Introduction to vet questionnaire---103

Appendix iii Table of Reliability of the instrument----104

Appendix iv Table for determining of Sample Size----105

Appendix v Permission to Administer Questionnaires----106

Appendix vi Population and Proportionate Sample Size of Respondents-107

  • Department: General Management
  • Project ID: GMG0043
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 111 Pages
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 232
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