Design And Implementation Of Wireless E-Menu Restaurant Ordering System Final Year Project Report Submitted In Partial Fulfilment Of The Requirements For The Award Of The Degree

  • Department: Electrical Engineering
  • Project ID: ELE0525
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 43 Pages
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 660
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Automation plays a very important role in every field of human life. This project presents a simple design and implementation of a Wireless E-menu Restaurant Ordering System in which the traditional paper-based menu isreplaced by a user friendly Matrix keypad-based menu. The system has Atmega 328P microcontroller which is interfaced with the input and output modules. The input module is the matrix keypad sensor which is placed on LCD (Graphical Liquid Crystal Display) to have a graphic image display, which takes the input from the user and provides the same information to the microcontroller. The output module is a RF TX module which is used for communication between the system at the customers’ table (transmitter section) and system for receiving section. Microcontroller also displays the menu items on the LCD. At the receiving end the selected items will be displayed on the LCD and by using the conveyer belt the received order will be sent to the particular table. The overview of this report is as follows: Chapter one-Introduction: It gives a brief introduction and background of the project. Chapter two-Literature review: It gives an overview of the existing technologies and devices used. Chapter three-Methodology: It explains the system design i.e. architecture and interfacing of the devices used. Chapter four-Results and discussion: Describes the results and output of the system. Chapter five-Conclusions and Future Scope: It gives the conclusions drawn from the project and brief ideas about future development works that can be undertaken. Finally, references and appendices

  • Department: Electrical Engineering
  • Project ID: ELE0525
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 43 Pages
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 660
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