• Department: Education
  • Project ID: EDU0608
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 55 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Methodology: simple percentage
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 2,474
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This study attempts to analyze the effectiveness of vocational training centres in the attainment of self reliance amongst women in Edo State. The purpose of this investigation was brought about by the urge to express the presence of centre in their localities to the outside world so as to bring out government and private efforts towards promoting self reliance amongst women in Edo State. The study is based on selected vocational training centres, simple random sampling was used to make a representation of the four centres. The researcher administered questionnaire on both the participant and instructors. A total of 100 questionnaires were used on attest retest basis. This method aided the researcher to determine the liability of the instrument, in the study four (4) hypotheses were formulated to investigate the effectiveness of the centres programmes, simple percentages were used in the analysis of data collected. It was found out those activities in the centres programmes enhanced.
Knowledge and education skills.
Improved economic studies.
Enhanced family status on the basis of finding, it was recommended that;
The government should also increase the allocation of funds to the centres.
The government should make adequate provision for the instructors of the centres to go for in-services training, workshops and conference.
The government should be given the opportunity to interact from time on interstate basis.  
CHAPTER ONE: Introduction       
Background to the study
Statement of the problem
Purpose of study
Research questions
Scope and limitation of the study
Significance of study
Definition of terms
CHAPTER TWO: Literature review       
Causes, signs and symptoms
How Aids is spread
Adolescent awareness and attitude towards Aids
CHAPTER THREE: Research Design and Methodology
Population of the study
Sample and sampling procedure
Research instrument
Validity and reliability of statement
Method of data analysis
Presentation and Analysis Data
Results and discussion
        It has been observed that for a long time the education of women was not taken seriously and it made women engage in activities mostly related to king care at the home. The traditional beliefs that places women at the home front denies  most women the access to educational opportunities that will empower them to perform their roles creditably as well as enable them engage in gainful employment for varying factors.
        The Nigeria for instance a large number of the percentage of life state population are women (Radas 1990; 28). Again, the population crisis committee (200) statistically rated the status of women in 99 countries of the world are found Nigeria women status to be extremely poor with respect to health education, marriage, children and social participation. Only five other countries ranked lower than Nigeria out of the 99 countries. This has led to a renewed emphasis on women education in Nigeria over the years with increase in the area of vocational training.
        In the era where gainful employment is a mirage the need he be self employed and self reliant become imperatives. There is need to provide an alternative means through which the individual can acquire skill. Ti this end, adult education is aimed of helping the individual to achieve a degree of self fulfillment happiness and meaning in life. Adult education takes three (3) forms namely:
        Informal, and non informal and formal vocational education is a formal made of learning geared towards skills acquisition in hand work for self reliance there  is therefore need to provide opportunities for women to enable them contribute their quota effectively  to their home national progress and most importantly for self development and self reliance to achieve this to provide vocational education as the envisaged from education which has been as a vehicle through which individuals conception self reliance hence the importance of setting –up  vocational training centres so as to achieve the acquisition of just skill.  If is important to note that these have now taken a new dimension such that it is women that mostly dominate the classes in most non-formal education hunters in Edo State it is no different that is why you allows  (1995:19) advocated that women participate. In non formal education and training centres vocational training programmes have improved women awareness and equally giving them skills for self reliance the curriculum content of such programmer is such that meets the needs and aspiration of the participants as well as that of income generation which will go a long way in eradicating poverty among women talks and enabling them subsidize the family income, the term vocational education a the acquisition of skill, knowledge and attitude in any area of study profession or occupation to quality one for gainful employment or self employment that is it is oriented towards the world of work.
        According to Umamerge (1998) vocational education prepares youth for payment industries commerce and other enterprises by exposing them experience that provide the manipulative cognitive and attitudinal skills that make them qualify for it if also provide experience for adult who are already employed and whose skills have become obsolete and needed to update them, in summary one can say from the above definitions that vocational education;
Training geared to words gainful employment
The education geared to words the development of appropriate skills, attitudes and understanding required to fit one into any chosen occupation
Education for training or re-training for the development of competences for specific jobs
Education geared toward career orientation.
Vocational education has recognized all over the world as a potent instrument for fighting the plague of unemployment. It is believed that most people are unemployed because they look employable skills with vocational education, they will; be provided with such skills that will make the employed.
        The focus of this research work is to identify the patterns of vocational training for women, precise involved in such training (vocational) and identify the impacts of such vocational received by women in Edo State in their attainment of self reliance
        There is the need for nations to develop their citizens through the provision of desirable training that will make them attain self-reliance. One means to achieving this is through the provision training in Edo State illiteracy and ignorance amongst women folks makes it difficult for them to realize the need for self-reliance in vocational education studies women have not been effective involved in vocational training  programmes for self development.  This problem did not receive adequate attention until biting economic hardship beclouded the hope and aspiration of the people. The primary objectives of vocational training centres is to equip the participation with various vocational skill and knowledge to enable them contribute more meaningfully to their family, community and national development.
        The problem of this study therefore, is to find out how vocational training programmes have been able to improve the status of women in Edo State.
        This research work is focused on the impact of vocational training centres on women in Edo State. It seeks to achieve the following purposes:
To determine how  vocational training can make women to become self reliant
To ascertain how the skills acquired has improved their socio economic status.
To find out the factors militating against the participation of women in vocational training centres
To examine the availability of human and materials resources of the centres
To find out how effective the various programmes available for women of the centres have been
        In order to ensure a comprehensive investigation of the study, it is essential to formulate a number of research questions to guide the collection of data, facilitate the arrangement of findings and make worthy discusses of findings
        The following research questions are therefore parchments:
What is the level of women participation of the centres?
Are there enough human and material resources for the various programmed at the centre?
Has the centres made any meaningful impact on the status of women in Edo State
Is the duration for training adequate for the acquisition of skills for self reliance?
        The findings in this study research project will be significant in the following ways:-
        Findings from the study will enable existing vocational training centre to be aware of their centres as well as areas where they are different so as to able to do something’s about it.
        It will educational school as with date and information for future research work in this area of study. It will help educational planners to gather useful information that will assist them in planning, by putting into consideration the various needs of women. It will help the Edo State government know how well these centres are meeting the set aims and objectives of the centers.
        It will also enable the state government through the agency for adult and non formal education to make provision for vocational training for different categories of women as well as ensuring the availability of materials and human resources needed in the centres.
        Lastly, the women in general will be more aware of the existence of vocational training centres and the benefits that they stand to derives from participating which is ultimately that of self reliance.
        This study will cover selected vocational training centres in Benin City, it will comprises of those owned by government as well as voluntary organizations, it will examine the available resources and ascertain their adequacy in quality and quality. Selected centres include.
Skill acquisition centre Evbomodu Benin Auchi Expressway.
Pathons fashion academic (centre for vocation studies) Ihama Road GRA Benin City.
Oredo Local Government skills acquisition centres Sapele Road.
D.O.F institute of catering and hotel management Upper Sakponba.
Self reliance: The state of being able to do or decide thing by oneself rather than depending on other people for help.
Skills: The ability that comes from, knowledge, practice aspiration and so no, to do something well.     
Vocation: A type of work undertaken for utilitarian purpose such as the earning of a living or for national development.
Vocational education: The acquisition of skill, knowledge and attitude any are of study to quality one for gainful employment or self-empowerment.
Women education: This refers to the provision of programmes that will enlighten women as well as empower them to perform their roles irritably and also contribute their quota to nation building.    

  • Department: Education
  • Project ID: EDU0608
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 55 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Methodology: simple percentage
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 2,474
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