• Department: Education
  • Project ID: EDU0583
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 47 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Methodology: simple percentage
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 5,622
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The project gives a summary of the entire study, which was designed to find out the causes and effects of hard drugs abuse on secondary school students. The questionnaire was distributed amongst students in Oredo Local Government Area. This attempt was to find out various causes and effects of hard drug abuse. The data collected and analyzed revealed that hard drug usage has affected students in many schools and has even led to their death and distortion of their academics too. Based on these findings, from the analysed data, recommendation were made which the researcher hopes that it will help in giving the students, school management and the community better means for preventing or eradicating hard drugs abuse especially in some selected secondary schools in Oredo Local Government Area of Edo State.
Chapter One      
Background of the study      
Statement of the problem
Research questions     
Purpose of study          
Significance of the study
Scope and delimitation of study
Definition of terms
Chapter Two
Literature review
Chapter Three   
Research Methodology
Research design
Population of the study
Sampling techniques
Administration of questionnaires
Description of instrument
Reliability of instrument
Validity of instrument
Method of data analysis
Chapter Four     
Analysis and interpretation of data
Chapter Five      
Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations
        Drug abuse is increasingly becoming problematic in the educational  sector, our society and Nigeria at large. A number of recent studies suggest that almost all or some percentage of the secondary school students experiment with drugs at some point, particularly alcohol and nicotine. The foremost concern is the number of these students that will form an addiction to serious substances, jeopardizing their own health and safety and creating difficulties to their families and the public at large.
        Drug use, it is widely accepted has negative consequences for academic, social, psychological and physical development of users. According to a United Nations Office o drug and crime (UNODC) Report (2005) some 200 million people, or 5 percent of the world population aged 15-64 have used drugs at least once in the last 12 months, according to the world report the use of illicit drugs in all nations has increase in recent years. The report goes on to note that the increasing availability of a variety of drugs to an ever widening socio-economic spectrum of consumers (especially the secondary school students) is disconnecting, although the main problem at the global levels continues to be opiates (notably heroine) followed by cocaine. A survey in the Southern part of Nigeria showed that 37 percent of new drugs users where teenagers between 15 and 19 years old. Drug abuse has a negative impact on the one the education of secondary school students. The overall health of the user is affected negatively and behaviours associated with drug abuse predispose the abusers to crime and contagious disease. Drug abuse has thus become a national concern in Nigeria given its impacts on education and future leadership, innovation and human resources. Secondary school students are particularly at risk given that they are in their formative years of education, career development, social skills and identity information.
        Report from education officials in Edo State suggests that students are using alcohol and nicotine, in particular, at a rate that is causing concern. Despite national agency for food and drug administration (NAFDAC) and other organization-based interventions, drug abuse is on the rise over 40% of students abusing various types of drug. Drug abuse appears to be a well entrenched behaviour among secondary school students in shopping centers and other public spaces. Students who have dropped out of school because of drug abuse can be found loitering and participating in other forms of criminal activities. Given the availabili8ty, consequences and increasing use of drug in some secondary school, it is important to establish students perception of drugs and substance abuse and how these perception influence their behaviour when it comes to drugs and drug users.
          The problem of drug abuse by some selected secondary school students especially in Oredo Local Government Area is as a result of incessant intake or usage of hard drugs by secondary school students which is accompanied by educational, future and economic undevelopment. The usage of different hard drugs by teenage children are toxic in nature as they contain some harmful ingredients and have in one way or the other contributed to the deterioration and destruction of the nervous system, hearts, kidney and lungs of the secondary school students. However, the uncontrollable usage of drugs by secondary school students should not be overlooked. In light of this the following questions are asked;  
What are the major causes of hard drug abuse?
What are the side effects of hard drugs abuse?
How can drug abuse be tackled in the society? Especially in our secondary schools.
These are some of the questions the researcher hopes to examine more importantly as it affect some areas in Oredo Local Government Area of Edo State.   
        The overall purpose of the study are to assess drug abuse among students in secondary school in Oredo Local Government Area, assess students perceptions of hard drug and drug abuse, and analyse the strategies used to address the problem. This study aspires to contribute to the knowledge and understanding needed to ultimately help decrease drug abuse among students. The specific objective of the study are to;      
Examine the causes of hard drug abuse among secondary school students
Identify commonly abused drug among secondary school students
Identify the effect of these hard drugs commonly abused by students on them.
Identify new strategies that may help to decrease drug abuse in secondary schools.   
These are some of the things the researcher hopes to examine, more importantly the way it affects some areas in Oredo Local Government Area of Edo State.
        The importance of this research is that, this work will provide necessary ways and means in which the problem could best be tackled and providing enlightenment campaign or enlightening the public and the educational sector on the effects of hard drugs and also exposing them to the different problems associated when living with diseases or persons who are addicted to hard drugs.
        The study is centralized on students addicted to hard drugs abuse, like cocaine, nicotine, alcohol and tobacco in Oredo Local Government and eradicating the problem of hard drug abuse in Oredo Local Government Area.
        The following hypothesis have been postulated by the researcher.
        The presence of varieties of drug abuse educating the people of the dangers of hard drug abuse and tend to reduce drug abuse and on the long run reduced its effect on man.
  This research is geared towards findings, problem and the following will be asked.
What are the causes of hard drug abuse?
Does curiosity to experiment influence the use of hard drug?
Are violence, anxiety, loneliness and tension causes of hard drug abuse?
Drug: Any product other than food or water that affects the way people feel, think, see and behave. It is a substance that due to its chemical nature affects physical, mental and emotional functioning. It can enter the body through chewing, inhaling, smoking, drinking, rubbing on the skin or injection.
Drug abuse: Use of drug for non- medical purpose drug abuse refers to the misuse of any psychotropic substance resulting in changes in bodily functions, thus, affecting the individuals socially, cognitively or physically, social effects may be reflected in an individual’s enhanced tendency to engage in conflicts with friends, teachers, and other school authorities. Cognitive effects can be seen in the individuals lack of concentration on academic work and memory loss.
Drug Addiction: Addiction to drugs or alcohol means that a person’s body can no longer function without these substances. An addicted persons may show a decline in academic performance, frequently fail to attend classes, lose interest in school work and display weakened motor coordination, poor health and lack of interest I old friendships. Addiction by its nature distorts thinking processes giving prominence to thoughts, which justify the addictive behaviour and minimize or exclude thoughts about ceasing the behaviour.
Drug related problems: This terms is used to describe all the negative effects associated with drugs abuse including ill health, violence, conflicts with friends or school authorities, destruction of school property and academic under-performance.
Secondary school: This is the second step of education prior to entry into the university given to the child in order to enable him/her know and learn more abou8t the school curriculum.        
Student: This is a person who seeks to now and learn more about educational work.
Illegal/legal drugs: In this study illegal drugs refers to the substances deemed harmful to the mental and physical wellbeing of the individual by the government who seeks to control or discourage consumption by law. Legal drugs refers to those such as alcohol and tobacco that are potentially dangerous but whose consumption the government allows.

  • Department: Education
  • Project ID: EDU0583
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 47 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Methodology: simple percentage
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 5,622
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