Assessment Of The Challenges Of Water Supply And Sanitation In Uncontrolled Residential Developments Of Huruma Estate, Nairobi County

  • Department: General Management
  • Project ID: GMG0021
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 70 Pages
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 489
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The struggle for water and its resources have progressively increased over periods of time. This is majorly attributed to the fact that the resource, as vital as it is, faces excessive extraction resulting from rapid population growth as well as urbanisation and industrialization trends. In Kenya, several families face many problems related to water and sanitation services. In the study area the project resolved in finding out the various challenges of water supply and sanitation in the uncontrolled residential developments. A sample size of 65 people was taken to represent the entire population in the area using proximate representative estimation. Systematic random sampling technique was then used, sampling pattern being every fifth house on the right and tenth house to the left of the line transect. Snowball sampling was used in institutional interviews to identify the most appropriate respondents. Findings were analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and Microsoft excel and represented in the form of bar graphs and pie charts. Increased urban population has a direct impact on water supply and sanitation in Huruma Estate as it was found to be a major cause of this challenge with 55%in agreement to this. Other major causes of inadequate water supply and sanitation included infrastructural developments at 20%, depleted water towers and inadequate dump sites at 15 % and low levels of income at 10%. The study also looks forward to giving recommendations of use of water storage devices such as water tanks as a short term strategy and an extension of water pipes distribution lines to be in direct proportion with population growth. Community led total sanitation mechanisms that would help correct the situation is also recommended.

  • Department: General Management
  • Project ID: GMG0021
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 70 Pages
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 489
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