This research work on the effects of product advertisement on sales volume of company product. The objective of every company is to achieve its sales volume target, because if achieved, other performce indicators like growth and increase in profitability index would be assured. The objective was to identify the common form of advertising being used in the brewery industry. The project design used for this study is descriptive survey design, source of data use for this research work is the primary and secondary source of data, the tools used in collecting data for this study is questionnaire and sourcing for information online. Hypothesis was formulated and test the using the following hypothesis product advertising has significant role to play in the sales volume determine. Chi-sqiare was used to test the hypothesis and it was discovered that It was gathered from the responses of the respondents who filled the questionnaire that the organization is unrelenting in its efforts to ensure effective advertising programmes for their various services and products. In the mind of the consumers the company was also using advertising strategies suitable for the company as well as the market in which it exists. And it concluded that Advertising gives a clear image for any product or service of a company which is a great asset. A well-structured and continuous advertising might stand as one of those strategies to sustain a distinct market position. It could also help to identify strong market competitors.It was recommended that the company should also ensure that advertising agencies place their product adverts on stations and places where the consumers will easily identify with them make a purchase. A good advert should be effective, persuasive and contain the necessary information on the products.