Analysis of Funds Management in Providing a Sound Banking System in Nigeria (A Case Study of Union Bank of Nigeria Plc)

  • Department: Banking and Finance
  • Project ID: BFN1669
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 73 Pages
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 359
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Title Page                                                                      i

Certificate                                                                     ii

Dedication                                                                     iii

Acknowledgement                                                         iv

Table of Contents                                                         vi

CHAPTER ONE                               

1.0   Introduction

1.1    Background of the Study                                    1

1.2    Statement of the Research Problems                  2

1.3    Research Question                                               3

1.4    Objective of the Study                                         4

1.5    Research Hypothesis                                           5

1.6    Significance of the Study                                     5

1.7   Scope and limitation of the study                       6

1.8    Definition of Key Terms                                       7

1.9    Organization and Plan of the Study                    10    


2.0   Literature Review                                        

2.1   Historical Background                                         17

2.2    Definition of Cash Management                          22

2.3    Meaning of Fund Management                            23

2.4    Cash Planning                                                      24

2.5    Cash Budget                                                        26

2.6    Function of Deposit Money Bank                        28

2.7    Cash Balance Required                                       31

2.8    Cash Balance to Current Assets Ratio                32

2.9    Effect of Cash Management                                32

2.10  Need for Holding Cash                                         34    

2.11  The Creation of Money by Deposit Money      

         Bank                                                                     37

2.8    Qualities Associated with Credit                         38                                                    

2.9    Investment of Excess Cash                                 42    

2.11  Internal Control of Cash                                    43

2.12  Limitation of Credit Creation                             45    


3.0   Research Methodology                                  50

3.1    Sources of Data Collection                                  51

3.2    Population and Sample Size                                52

3.3    Sampling Technique                                            52

3.4    Method of Data Analysis                                      52

3.5    Limitation of the Study                                        53


Data Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation

4.1    Data Presentation                                                54

4.2    Five years financial summary for the

         Year 31st March, 2015.                                        58


Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations

5.1    Summary                                                             61

5.2    Conclusion                                                           63

5.3    Recommendations                                               64

         References                                                           66




         The Central Bank of Nigeria is a federal government bank. It is referred to as the father of all banks. The country as it is responsible for issuing currency and regulating the countries monetary policies. The Nigeria deposit money banks are controlled by the central bank through it clearing house. A system by which inter-bank through debtless is settled. There are twenty two banks in Nigeria with commercial bank account for more than half of numbers. Although deposit money banks in Nigeria carry out other banking functions they concentrate mostly on deposit banking. 

  • Department: Banking and Finance
  • Project ID: BFN1669
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 73 Pages
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 359
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