• Department: Business Administration and Management
  • Project ID: BAM0441
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 45 Pages
  • Chapters: 3 Chapters
  • Methodology: nil
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 3,280
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            Many business are sprigging up daily from all books and crimes of the country. Ironically, as they are sprigging up, these business are fast.  Closing down. The resources and capital required for the business are available yet the business couldn’t grow. All these bother on poor management.
            Management is  the life wire of every business because the success of the business  depends on it efficiency.   
            Most multinational and supranational business today started as at small scale. Apart from providing employment to it population, small scale business most times makes use of local raw materials. Thereby leading to an increment in a country’s gross domestic products.       
            Inadequate funding, stiff competitive environment, pour managerial skill, lack of technical know – how to mention only but a few are some scale business.
            Government intervention on correcting these abnormalities are highly needed in ensuring:
Laws are inacted to project these industries from external aggression. Encourage expatiation through provision of subsidy and reduction in excise duties. Discourage imposition through imposition of embargo and though import quota.
            All these measures bother on efficient management. Its all about fore – sight and efficient decision making.
Therefore, management is a universal virtue “ which every  organization hoping to actualize the goals and objectives of it business must uphold.    
1.0       Introduction
1.1         General Background to the subject matter
1.2         Problems Associated  with the    subject matter
1.3         Problems that the study will be concerned with
1.4         The Importance of Studying the area
1.5         Definition of Important terms
1.6         Chapter Reference (using method)
2.0         literature  Review  
2.1         The Origin of the  Subject Area
2.2         Schools of though within the Subject Area
2.3         The schools of though relevant to the problem of study   
2.4         Different methods of studying the problem.
2.5         Summary
2.6         References  
3.0         Conclusion
3.1       Data Presentation (Highlight of the study)
3.2         Analysis of the data.
3.3         Recommendation;
3.4         Conclusions;
3.5         References
            It is one thing to own a business but yet another thing to see  that the objectives, goals and aims of the business are realized. Every business no matter it principle: profit Oriented or not, always seek to achieve a particular target in it operations. Whether or not these objectives ( targets) are achieved depends to a great extent on how action are taken. Therefore, the effectiveness wit which people  work together towards the achievement of organizational goals is determined by the ability of   who hold the managerial position. The success or every business lies on it areas.  
            There is no more important area of human activity than management since the task of management is to establish an environment for the effective operation of people working in organized groups.  
            Ejiotor (1981) defines management as the art or science of working together in an organization through being directed by directing and co-ordination the activities of people to achieve ones personnel goals in the context of the goals of ones  organization. Business is like a tree with many branches. Each branch performing different functions to achieve a unfied objective. Management is one but in every department that co-ordinates control and organize activities in ensuring that   the  organization goal is achieved.
            Management is the life wire of every establishment. It is the brain behind every decision made. Management is the foundation upon which every organization built and therefore detects the growth, development and sustenance of every business. This is the reason why management is found in every existed  of life an no business can or has ever existed without management.     
            This implies that a good management helps an organization to attain maximum results with the resources available. In trying to achieve organizational objectives the manager has map out his strategy, find people and materials to do job, assign different people to accomplish different jobs, ensure that jobs are being done as planned and report the result of his work to his boss.  
            All over the world management has emerged as a leading group in our economic society. They are a class by themselves, distinct from ownership and labour. In fact, management is slowly but steadily being accepted as a factor o production completely different from entrepreneurship. Hence, it was Paul mall who saw management as a factor of production concerned with the organization and co-ordination of other factors of production. According to Koontz and O’ Donnell (1968), management is the process of getting things done through and with people. Management is equally seen as a systematic, scientific direct and are being directed by others so that the men and material resources of the organization are chandelled towards attaining both the individual objectives as well as an integrated balanced company objectives. Thus management emphasizes that the growth and sustenance of any business establishment or organization depends efficiency because, efficiency in business cannot be without proper management.
            The research thus is geared towards refining the concept of management, It relevance in the growth and sustenance of organization. The research is equally aimed at intending the role of management in the operations of Aba Textile Mill and on how the industry has being able to achieve the achievement so far . Recommendations are  equally made on these can be sustained.
            The development of the textile industries has been one of the greatest factors in civilization. To consider the development of textile industries in the primitive communities is the best way to understand the reasons for some of the present industrial,  social and economic conditions. The need of food, clothing and use the materials spread about them by nature to supply their wants .  These social interrelations tended to the development of industries, for some families has made more progress than the others in crafts and additional comfort and beauty were found to come through the sue of new devices. Work in metal developed and helped to improve the tools in use.  During this wandening life, important industries passed their simplest form. The value of fibres taken from plants and the coats of animals was discovered and crude forms of spindles and distaffs aided in the spinning of farm and a great step was woven articles were more for floor  or tent covering than for clothing. The most common of the textile crafts in use were braiding and looping.          
            Tying, watting, and mats, rugg, hangings and garments, Basketry, both woven and sewed, made into carriers and household articles.
            Decoration in headwork, standing block printing and picture writing etc.  Aba textle mill like everyother textile industries had indeed passed their primitive stages. The illustrations given above thus proved this.
            The key purpose of this research work therefore is to ascertain the role of management as it affects the growth of Aba textile mill consequently the research is equally aimed at the following:   
            Ascertain the criteria for the appointment of potential managers in the organization – by skill, educational qualifications etc.
            To ascertain and her employees.
            To ascertain the disciplinary measures ordinarily taken by management
            To ascertain if indeed management of  the organization – Aba textile mill values and appreciates the collective contribution played by other department in the industry.
            Finally, to determine also what steps and measures that are been put in place to ensure that these  achievements are sustained.     
            Aba textile mill ever since of establishment a decade ago brought so much relief on form of civilization, industrial growth, development and the sustenance of small and medium scale enterprises particularly those that in one way or the other rely on her textile raw material for operation.  
            Ever since of creation in 1992 from the old Imo state, Aba- the Eyimba city as its is popularly called has been one fo the faster growing commercial town in the South East and Nigeria in general. ,It locally made goods especially textile materials is committing favorably with that produced ‘in the highly industrialized nations. The arrival of textile marks the first stages of civilization because it is from that others things started happening.  
            It is hence not supposing that Aba textile mill has had  the following impacts both in the South East and Nigeria al over.  
            Constant and availability of textile materials ranging from leathers, clothes, and fabrics to industries that converts these materials to finished goods.      
            It has been able to sustain the operation of some infact industries especially those that rely on it raw textile materials.
            Provided employment to lots of Abians and Nigerians in general
            It has equally been as a major sources of revenue to government of Abia state and Nigeria in general.  
            The industry has equally attracted lots of potential investors in the state particularly those that depends on textile production and development.
            And because of if advancement in textile production, some of  the goods produced in the state compete favourably in the market. These include:
Shoes, leather materials and clothing materials. Infact, this the industry is keenly researched for.  
i.          To attain a greater height in future management of Aba textile, mill sets the following objectives.  
            To find a suitable market for the marketing and sell of her produce outside Nigeria .
ii.            To produce high quality materials that could compete favourably with the   global market.  
iii.            To expand it production capacity (at a reduced cost) which in turn guarantees fast returns on income.  
iv.           To establish total or regional branches in  all the states of the federation and beyond .
v.            To remain in steady operation and strength and for the these goals and objectives to be achieved management has adopted these measures ;
(a)          Regular payment of salaries and wages.
(b)          Provision of mouth watering laxatives such as payment of fringe benefit provisos of work free days, payment of allowances, bonus, renovation of offices and company surrounding.
(c)          Establishment of good communication links between management and employees, management an d customers. Therefore giving room for constructive criticism to be needed.
(d)          Well defined job specification among the different prints of the organization to prevent conflicts and duty clashes.  
It I hope that these measures will go a long way in taking the industry to a more greater and purposeful heights.
The study on the role of management in the growth and sustenance of small scale industries and Aba Textile mills a case study, is to ascertain the problems of the organization. It is e equally to evaluate the performance of management in the organization and equally to determine the level of relationship that exists between management and her employee and how this existing relationship affects or facilities the efficiency of  the workers.         
In the course of studying the research on why management is a vital instrument to uphold one  would be able to determiner those areas where efficient management styles has contributed greatly to organizational goal. For the purpose of this study, the behaviours of management and employees could as be dependable. This is because non of the t wo can exits alone: they need each other in one or the other if the goals and objectives of the organization must be achieved.  
            The researcher will therefore proceed to express and state those objectives which  the study is expected to achieve. And since management is without it, management of Aba Textile mill like every other organization aims at actualizing the following.  Goals;
(i)         To develop the strengths of the company, it efficiency and means of production.      
(ii)          To produce goals not only beneficial to customers of  the organization at far prices and at high quality but also for the peaceful purposes and general good of mankind.
(iii)         To conduct research and provide technical education capable of being applied to both industrial and non – industrial organization.
(iv)         To contribute towards the general welfare of society; nationally, International and in the company’s immediate neighbor hood.
(v)          To provide economic security for members and to relieve them of material anxiety or striving for personal advancement of its staff.
Objectives chosen must be heretically related quantitative as much as possible, realistic in the sense that it should not be a wishing expectation or statements, objectives answer the following questions; what is to be done, who is to do it, are the activities giving to take place, when ar the actions going to be accomplished what are the expected results from the actions ? etc.
            The elements of management are therefore geared towards the achievement of these set objectives.  
            To ensure that the  research work is easily understood some of the technical terms used h ere are to be explained.-
(i)            Objectives:- there are the future expectations of an individual, co-operate bodies or organization. They are the set targets which an organization sets to achieve. Objectives are usually on a long terms basic.
(ii)          Loads:-  This is the same thing with objectives but  while objectives are lone term basic goals are short term base
(iii)         Business:- Is an economic activity oriented towards providing goods and services at a profit for  the satisfaction of mankind.
(iv)         Organization:-  Is an organized body of persons or co-operate bodies aiming towards a particular objective.
(v)          Infact industries :- These are industries with low capacity under government protection. They are usually  small in size and not technologically advanced when compared with their bigger competitions.  

  • Department: Business Administration and Management
  • Project ID: BAM0441
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 45 Pages
  • Chapters: 3 Chapters
  • Methodology: nil
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 3,280
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