Factors Influencing Neonatal Sepsis in Neonates in Kyabugimbi Hc1v Bushenyi, Western Uganda

  • Department: Clinical Health
  • Project ID: CLH0047
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 52 Pages
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 559
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This study was conducted in Bushenyi western Uganda at Kyabugimbi HCIV to determine the risk factors of neonatal sepsis in, so as to recommend interventions for the DHT to improve neonatal health. A questionnaire consisting of both closed and open ended questions was used to collect both qualitative and quantitative data. SPSS was used for data entry and analysis and data was presented in tables. Majority were Banyankole accounting to 60.5% of the respondents. Of these majority of the respondents were ranging from 20-25 years with 51.2%, followed by 26-30 years with 28%. With majority of the respondents were from rural with 65.1% and urban with 34.9%. In Additional to this majority of the respondents where for primary level with 58.1% and the least were college and higher institution level with 9.3%. Majority of the mother visited health facilities ANC accounting to 95.3% of the respondents. According to the study the average duration of labor was approximately 15 hours. The virginal examination was averagely 5 times before delivery. The mother attended ANC with an average approximated as 3 times before delivery. Majority of the mother delivered by spontaneous vaginal delivery with 58.1% and Caesarean section was 34.9%. Majority of the mother were assisted by health professionals with 83.7%. The respondents’ neonates’ sex majority were females with 55.8% and male with 44.2%. The average days of neonate was approximating to 9 days with maximum days being 27 days and minimum days less than a day that is 0.17 days. And majority of these neonates were born from hospitals with 55.8%. Majority of the neonates had fever like symptoms accounted to 95.3%. In conclusion, this study has found that both maternal and neonatal factors had contributed to the risk of neonatal sepsis. History of maternal UTI/STI, place of delivery, low Apgar score at 5th minute and not crying immediately at birth were identified as possible independent risk factors of neonatal sepsis. On the other hand; Residence, parity, ANC service utilization, mode of delivery, foul smelling liquor, prematurity and low birth weight were not found to be statistically associated with risk of neonatal sepsis. This study has also observed that the onset of neonatal sepsis was higher in the first week of neonate’s life. Strengthening of antenatal screening of mothers, perinatal care of newborns and interventions of babies born with complications are recommended.

  • Department: Clinical Health
  • Project ID: CLH0047
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 52 Pages
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 559
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