Factors Associated With Under Nutrition In Children Under Five Years In Bangaladesh Parish, Namasalesub-county, Amolatar District

  • Department: Clinical Health
  • Project ID: CLH0018
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 47 Pages
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 395
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Introduction In Uganda, under nutrition remains a serious health and welfare problem affecting the under-five children to whom it contributes significantly to mortality and morbidity. General objective To assess factors associated with under nutrition in children under- five years in Bangaladesh parish, Namasale sub-county, Amolatar district. Methodology The study was a descriptive cross sectional study to determine the factors associated with under nutrition in children less than five years of age in Bangaladesh parish, Amolatar District among 130 respondents who answered a structural questionnaire. Data was collected, analyzed and presented in tables and descriptive words. Study results The study revealed that 71 % of the respondents were within the age group of 15-34 years, with one mother as young as < 15 years, the standard of education of mothers in the study area was found to be very low; none had attained tertiary level of education. Majority, 59% serve their children communally, 4% wean at 6 months and 75% of mothers don't take their children to a well fare clinic, 13%ofthe respondents did not have latrines and finally most of the respondents, 66% get water from lakes and 89% do not use any method of water purification. Conclusion In conclusion, the study showed that early marriage, low education level, communal serving of children, early weaning, poor attendance of the child welfare clinic, recent infections, lack of water purification practice, lack of latrines, poor child care are the factors associated with under nutrition in children under 5years in Bangaladesh parish, Amolatar district. Recommendation I therefore recommend that health education should be emphasized on the promotion of girl child education, discouraging early marriages, communal serving of children and early weaning, prompt treatment of infections, encouraging taking children to welfare clinic, construction of pit latrines, purification of water and improving the quality of services provided. 

Table of Contents 

DECLARATION ...................................................................................... i 

SUPERVISOR'S APPROVAL ............................................................... ii 

DEDICATION ..................................................................................... iii 

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ....................................................................... iv 

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................ viii 

LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................ ix 

ABSTRACT ...................................................................................... x 

CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION ............................................... 1 

1.0 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................... 1 

1.1 Background of the study ......................................................... 1 

1.2 Problem statement ..................................................................... 3 

1.3.0 Objective of the study ............................................................ 4 

1.3.1 General objective ................................................................. 4 

1.3.2 Specific Objectives .............................................................. 4 

1.4 Research questions .................................................................... 4 

1.5 Significance of the study ........................................................ 5 

1.6.0 Scope of the Study ................................................................... 5 

1. 6.1 Content scope ............................................................................ 5 

1.6.2 Geographical scope ........................................................... 6 

1.6.3 Time scope ................................................................................ 6 

1. 7 Conceptual framework ............................................................. 7 

CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW ........................................ 8 

2.0 Introduction to literature review ............................................ 8 

2.1 Socio-economic factors ........................................................ 8 

2.1.1 Maternal Education .............................................................. 8 

2.1.2 Marital Status ............................................................................ 9 

2.1.3 Maternal Occupation .......................................................... 10 

2.1.4 Poverty and inequality ................................................. 10 

2.2 Child care and health related factors................................ 11 

2.2.1 Child care ........................................................................ 11 

2.2.2 Health related factors ......................................................... 11 

2.3 Environmental health factors ............................................... 12 

CHAPTER THREE: METHODOLOGY ............................................ 13 

3.0 Introduction ............................................................................... 13 

3.l Study design ........................................................................... 13 

3 .2 Study area ............................................................................... 13 

3.3.0 Study population ..................................................................... 14 

3 .3 .1 Incision criteria ................................................................... 14 

3 .3 .2 Exclusion criteria ............................................................... 14 

3 .4 Sample size determination ................................................. 14 

3.5 Study variables .......................................................................... 14 

3.6 Data collection method ........................................................... 15 

3. 7 Data analysis method ............................................................. 15 

3.8 Data quality control. .............................................................. 15 

3. 9 Data presentation methods .............................................. 15 

3 .10 Ethical consideration ..................................................... 15 


4.1 Socio-econo1nic factors ..................................................... 16 

4.2 Child care and health- related factors .............................. 18 

4.3 Environmental factors ................................................... 21 



5. I Discussion of results ................................................................ 23 

5.2 Conclusion ................................... : ............................ 26 

5.3 Recommendations ............................................................. 26 

REFERENCES ................................................................... 27 

APPENDIX 1: INFORMED CONSENT FORM AND QUESTIONNAIRE .............................. 30 


APPENDIX II B: MAP OF AMOLATAR DISTRICT SHOWING NAMASALE SUBCOUNTY ............................................ -............ 35 

  • Department: Clinical Health
  • Project ID: CLH0018
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 47 Pages
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 395
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