• Department: Business Administration and Management
  • Project ID: BAM0353
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 94 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Methodology: Chi Square
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 2,991
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This research work dwells on the Management of Fertilizer Distribution in Nigeria with case study of Enugu State.  It relates management as a practice that involves employing proper plans in the bid to enhancing distribution of fertilizer products to their point of needs with ease.
If went on further to disclose the encouragement of government monopoly on the products by respective farmers and the satisfactory result obtained by the distribution of this products, by farmers and the government respectively.
In other words, the government is being given the charge of being the authorized agency for the distribution of these products throughout the state.
It was further mentioned that government officials are involved in the mismanagement of fertilizer products and diversion of quota meant for the state to unknown places.
The poor performance of distribution channels was disclosed as being detrimental to distribution of these products.  Nevertheless, the utilization of management functions was being mentioned as a measure, for the enhancement of fertilizer distribution throughout the state.  Also mentioned was the inequality between demand and supply of fertilizer products.  It was advised that the government should increase the number of fertilizer products supplied to the state to meet up the demand for it.
TABLE           1          Effective management practice in determining effective distribution.
TABLE           2          The relevance of distribution to the management of fertilizers.
TABLE           3          Farmers’ support on government monopoly to fertilizer distribution.
TABLE           4          The effectiveness of government monopoly on the   distribution of fertilizer.  
TABLE           5          Whether the blame for mismanagement of fertilizer distribution be put on government officials.
TABLE           6          The rate of competence of middlemen
TABLE           7          The rate of realism of middlemen.
TABLE           8          Whether there are diversions of quota meant for the state.
TABLE           9          The grade of individuals to be blamed.
TABLE           10        Whether there is effective monitoring exercise on distribution.
TABLE           11        Managements nonchalant attitude towards distribution of fertilizers.
TABLE           12        Whether fertilizer price increase or not
TABLE           13        The evaluation of the level of fertilizer distribution
TABLE           14        The rate of competence of management body.
TABLE           15        The rate of performance of distribution channels
TABLE           16        The measure that has been employed to eradicate poor performance.
TABLE           17        Whether farmers are satisfied with the management of fertilizer distribution system.
TABLE           18        The rate of farmers satisfaction on distribution of     Fertilizers
TABLE           19        Whether there is an inequality between demand and supply.
TABLE           20        The measure deemed appropriate for the distribution of        fertilizers.
1.1              Background Of The Study
1.2              Statement Of The Problem
1.3              Purpose Of The Study.
1.4              Scope Of The Study
1.5              Research Question
1.6              Research Hypothesis
1.7              Significance Of The Study
1.8              Definition Of Terms.
Review of related literature
2.1              Definition Of Management Practice, Fertilizer And Distribution
2.2              The Concept Of Physical Distribution
2.3              The Distribution Channel In Nigeria
2.4              The Role Of Distribution Channels
2.5              Types Of Distribution Channels
2.6              Choice Of Channel And Management
2.7              Factors Affecting Channel Choice And Management
2.8              Channel Design Considerations And Management
Research design and methodology.
3.1              Research Design
3.2              Area Of The Study
3.3              Population Of The Study
3.4              Sample And Sampling Procedure/Technique
3.5              Instrument For Data Collection
3.6              Validation Of The Instrument
3.7              Reliability Of The Instrument
3.8              Method Of Data Collection
3.9              Method Of Data Analysis.
Data presentation and analysis
4.1              Presentation And Analysis Of Data
4.2              Testing Of Hypothesis
4.3              Summary Of Result
Discussion, recommendation and conclusions
5.1              Discussion Of Result / Findings
5.2              Conclusions
5.3              Implication(S) Of The Research Findings
5.4              Recommendations
5.5              Suggestions For Further Research
5.6              Limitations Of The Study
Management practice has been in existence of the lives of men from time immemorial. Management is solely concerned with results.  In other words, it is concerned with result orientation and not activity orientation. Management is seen as a practice demanding the performance of specific management functions namely planning, organizing, staffing, directing, controlling and co-ordination.  Such functions, if not observed effectively, leads to no result orientation.
Agbo (2001:12) cited that “proper planning must be done to get (employ) the needed human and material resources and position these resources (apply) judiciously to where they belong  (right positions)”.  The getting and applying of these resources respectively is seen as a practice.
On the other hand, fertilizers are applied to the soil to promote greater plant growth and better crop quality respectively.  In that case farmers endeavour to apply the kind and amount of each fertilizer constituent that gives the most profitable response.  Fertilizer needs are established by field experiments and farm trials for each soil type, environment, crop and crop variety.  Any practice other than fertilizer application that improves total crop yields – even crop rotation, and green manuring – speeds up depletion of the mineral elements of the soil.  Soil depletion that occurs under good management need not be viewed with alarm.  Rather, good management involves the use of improved varieties and other practices that brings profitable crop yields that facilitates soil improvement with greater use of fertilizers.
Distribution is dimmed important in the management of fertilizer due to the fact that it involves the putting in different places fertilizers products meant for agriculture from place of production to that of consumers respectively thereby creating utility (satisfaction) for respective consumers at large. Therefore the need for fertilizer distribution is of immense importance.   
In as much as management of fertilizer distribution in Nigeria is concerned respectively, it is viewed that management practice functions which include planning, organizing, staffing, directing, controlling and co-ordination which boost the distribution of fertilizer products to their various place of needs.  Moreover, the management of fertilizer also makes sure that proper planning is done to get the needed human and material resources respectively and position these respective resources showing or having good sense to where they belong.
In summary, management is an outstanding factor that fosters the distribution of fertilizer products nation-wide and Enugu State in particular.
1.2                   STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM
Regarding the project topic, the management of fertilizer distribution in Nigeria , the researcher found out that the basic problems falls on the management body of such fertilizer distribution.
Farmers, therefore, have complained of improper management and distribution of fertilizers in the state that has led to the retardation of agriculture produce.  They have the view that the level of fertilizer distribution to the state is not what can be written home about.  In the words, the performance of the distribution channels of fertilizer products is seen to be dormant in the state,  thereby resulting to a low rate of distribution of fertilizers or non-distribution as the case may be.  However, the support of government monopoly of the farmers is suggested to be a better means, but the government officials tend to act as hindrances to the management of fertilizer distribution in the state at large.  It is also viewed that there are usually diversions of the quota meant for the state to unknown places by government officials.  Further more, the price of fertilizer products is on a high side thereby making it impossible for farmers to purchase them.
1.3                   PURPOSE OF THE STUDY.          
The purpose of this study is as follows:
1)                  To ascertain the roles of distribution channels in the state.
2)                  To ascertain the types of distribution channels in the state
3)                  To make recommendations based on this study on how to improve the management of fertilizer distribution in the state.
1.4                   SCOPE OF THE STUDY
The study focuses on the management of fertilizer distribution Nigeria.  Basically, some respective farmers from both local government areas are involved in the study as the research questions are deigned and represented respectively to them to find out the general performance of the distribution channels of fertilizer products.  It is hoped that the study of the performance of the distribution channels will act as an eye-opener to improving distribution channels at large.
1.5                   RESEARCH QUESTION
1)                  Does effective management practice determine effective distribution of fertilizers
2)                  Of what relevance is distribution in the management of fertilizers?
3)                  How effective is the government monopoly in the distribution of fertilizers in the state.
4)                  How competent is the middle men involved in the distribution of this productions?
1.6                   RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS
Ho:      Farmers are not dissatisfied with the management of fertilizer distribution to the state.
Hi:       Farmers are dissatisfied with the management of fertilizer distribution in the state.
Ho:      Farmers are not strongly in support of government monopoly of the distribution of fertilizer in the state.
Hi:       Farmers are strongly in support of government monopoly of the distribution of fertilizer in the state.
1.7                   SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY
The significance of this study portrays the distribution channels as comprising of market institution and the interrelationships responsible for the physical flow and title flow of goods and services from producers to consumers.
Secondly, it relates that the marketing intermediaries or middlemen as the marketing institution in the distribution channel, that is, firms that operate between producers and consumers or industrial users.
This assertions will be of immense importance to business practitioners in the distribution business and likewise ensure the roles of distribution is practicable in the state in particular and Nigeria at large.
1.8                   DEFINITION OF TERMS.
For the purpose of this research work, the following key words are defined as follows.
MANAGEMENT:      Implies that proper planning must be done to get the needed human and material resources and position these resources judiciously to where they belong.
DISTRIBUTION:      Simply means putting in different places, giving out or sending out parts of a set of things in different places.
FERTILIZER:   Is a chemical plant food or artificial manure that is applied to the soil to promote greater plant growth and better crop quality respectively.
IMMEMORIAL:        Going back beyond the reach of memory; for a very long time back.
DEPLETION:    This means the use up of, being empty until little or non remains.

  • Department: Business Administration and Management
  • Project ID: BAM0353
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 94 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Methodology: Chi Square
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 2,991
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