• Department: Business Administration and Management
  • Project ID: BAM0332
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 40 Pages
  • Chapters: 3 Chapters
  • Methodology: Simple Percentage
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 3,822
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I embarked upon this study because of the increasing need to protect the interest of all consumes in Nigeria with the specific tonus on the role of national agency for food and drugs Administration and control and the advertising practitioners council of Nigeria if these too bodies carryout their duties diligently and effectively the rights of consumer should be highly protected by reducing unethical behaviour
BAM/ N2002 /013
Consumerism in Nigeria The Role of NAFDAC and Apcon.
Marketing of bank services (A case study of union bank plc Enugu state.
A Determination of consumer preference for various grases of rice sold at ogbete main market.
(a Case study of ogbete main market Enugu).
Chapter one
1.1  Background to the study                                             
1.2  Statement of the problem                                            
1.3  Objective of the study                                       
1.4  Significance of the study                                            
1.5  Scope of the study                                                        
1.6  Definition of important terms              
1.7  Reference.                                                                     
 2. LITERATURE REVIEW                                     
 2.1The origin of the subject area.                                    
2.2    The role of Government on consumer projection
2.3    The social responsibility of business
for ethical behaviour                                       
2.4    Different methods of studying the problem            
2.5    Summary                                                                       
2.6    Reference.                                                                    
3. Conclusion                                                                       
3.1 Data presentation                                                          
3.2 Analysis of the data                                          
3.3 Recommendation                                                          
3.4 Conclusions                                                       
Business exists primarily to earn profit. In order to achieve this goal, it will seek to serve some identifiable needs of some definable consumer, without consumers there would not be business because effective demand is desire back by ability to pay. Consumers are therefore an important societal group towards when business must believe responsibly.
While consumers are important to business they are organized to countervail against business practices that are harmful or exploitative of them in relation to business consumers stand like labour in relation to management. Traditionally, the business are free to make and marketing any product and or service provided. It is not also allowed to price them in ways that enable them to maximize profit
In 1962, the president of the united state America.(U.S.A),John F.Kennedy(late)listed consumer’s right to include:
1 The right to choice from a range of brand of product and services
2. The right to be informed of important fact about hazards and durability 3.The right to be heard by business and government to make complaints or suggestion and to ask question.
4.The right to be safe when using products and in the united state there arose the consumer movement in reaction to abuses by business, in the 1960’s and 1970’s consumers were dissatisfied with defective or unsafe products fraudulent claims and careless repair work. This resulted in the consumers product safety commission in 1972 (U.S).
Such concerns were felt in Nigeria and have let the government regulation of business to protect consumer. In the 1970’s government set up such bodies as the productivity, Today’s there are more such bodies among the National Agency for food and Drug Administration and control (NAFDAC). Federal Road commission, public complaint commission etc
The private sector also has watch dog bodies
Such as Advertising practitioner’s council of Nigeria(APCOW), THE Nigeria medial and Dental council, the Nigeria Bar Association and so on.  
Whereas it is proper to have watch dog bodies, it is the relationship between these bodies and business that ensure the production of consumers. Two important consumers right are the right to safe products and services to be what they are represented to be by the business which is selling it.
NAFDAC Certified food and drugs as fit for human consumption, while Apcon ensure that advertisements are not deceptive or unethical. The problem of the study is to establish the process by which these two bodies fulfill their mission and how consumers get assurances.
To start with  NAFDAC, the primary goal of NAFDAC is to promote and guarantee the heath and well being of Nigerians through the effective implementation of various laws regulation and controlling the manufacture, advertisement the distribution, sale, use of food, drugs, cosmetic, while  Advertising practitioners council of Nigeria (Apcon) serve as a guidance to advertisement which should contain nothing which is a breach of Nigeria and international copy right laws or omit anything which the laws require. Also advertisement must not use visual illustrations that offend public taste and decency. In particular no obscene exposure will be allowed in any advertisement.
  Again the right of individual to primary must be respected, and agencies, advertisers, and model pictures and property of individuals should not be used arbitrarily without the prior consent of the rightful owners.
Advertisement must not encourage the popularization of negative myths and superstitions of culture, philosophy and worldview.
On one hand, APCON function thus:
To determine who are advertising practitioners
To regulate and control the practice of advertising in all it’s aspects and ramifications.
To conduct examinations in the profession
To set the standards of knowledge required of such practitioners. By compiling and maintaining a register of practitioners.
In pursuant of the above the council has approved this code for the control of advertising in it’s entire ramification. As stipulated in the enabling decree, nobody can practice advertising for profit in any form in Nigeria without first being registered with APCON.
Any contravention of this provision is punishable under the law.
On the other hand NAFDAC
Pronounces on the quality and safety of food, drugs cosmetic, medial devices, bottle water and chemicals after appropriate laboratory analysis.
Under takes inspection of imported food, drugs, cosmetics, medical devices, bottled water and chemicals at the port of entry as well as the premises where these products are manufactures locally.
Controls the exportation of regulated products by issuing combined certificate of goods manufacturing practice free sale.
Grants authorizations to import and expose Narcotic drugs, psychotropic substance chemicals as well as other controlled substance are limited to medial and scientific purpose.
Regulates and controls importation and exportation, manufacture advertisement, distribution sales and use of foods, drugs, cosmetic medical devices, bottle contents, standard specification, and guidelines for production, importation, sale and distribution of all regulated products.
NAFDAC, enforce reputation effectively.
To ensure that only good quality, safe and duly registered regulated products are in circulation in the country
To educate manufactures of food, drugs, cosmetic bottles water and other related industries.
To educate  consumers and the general public to ensure it’s role is appreciated. While Advertising practitioners council of Nigeria (APCON) ensures that all advertising must be legal, decent, truthful and should be respectful of Nigeria’s culture. They should be prepared with high sense of social responsibility and should not show disregard for internet of consumers and wilder Nigeria society. Conform to the prinapal of air competition generally accepted in business a comment expected in human communication. Lastly enhance public confidences
NAFDAC: National Agency for food and Drugs Administration control.
DEFECTIVE: faulty, for instance dishing our drugs which are unsafe for human consumption.
FRAUDULENT: Dishonest, a person pretending to be something he is not or a thing that is not what you expect.
CLAIM: To demand, a statement / assertion without any proof.
APCON: Advertising practitioner’s council of Nigeria.
ADVERTISING: Is a form of communication through media about producers, services or ideals paid for and identified sponsor.
ADVERTISING: As A PROFESSION: is a body of experts involved in the art of planning, creating and placing advertisement in media.
ADVERTISING PRACTITIONER: is one who is skilled in planning advertisement is a communication in the media paid by an identifiable sponsor and directed at a target with the aim of importing information about a products services, ideal or opinion.
  • Department: Business Administration and Management
  • Project ID: BAM0332
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 40 Pages
  • Chapters: 3 Chapters
  • Methodology: Simple Percentage
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 3,822
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