ABSTRACT The pu ·pose of this study was to find out the effects of poverty on pnmary • educat1 n1 in Suneka Division- Kisii South District. The study used both questionnaires and interview schedules to obtain qualitative and qualitative data. The questionnaires were distributed to ten primary' schools in the Division to the teachers and pupils. An interview was conduc ed with the parents and dropouts who represented the community 1nembe ·s. The r"s ·arch findings showed that poverty did have an effect on the enrolment perforn1ance and completion drop out rate and the provision of teaching and learnm~: facilities in the schools. This was because the respondent were able to main La1 n factors like lack of school funds, basic needs e.g food, uniform, and finmwi. I am strains in the part of parents. The res• ·archer therefore, recommended the introduction of bursary schemes at priman leveL Development of agriculture extension programmes to enhance self reLance and increase support by non governmental organisations and community leaders. These recommendations would not only help to improve the con.:!itions in the primary school, but also would have a notable impact on the peri ormance of the pupils.