Structural and Institutional Influences On Gender Related Factors in Selected Primary Schools of Soy Zone, Uasin Gishu District-Kenya.

  • Department: Education
  • Project ID: EDU3306
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 44 Pages
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 240
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DECLARATION ........................................................................................................ i

APPROVAL ............................................................................... ................ ...... .......... ii

DEDICATION ......................................................................................................... ii i

ACI(NOW LEDCIMENT ................................................................ ...................... ... i'

TABLE C>F CC>NTENTS ........................................................................................ ,

LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................ ' ii i

ABSTRACT .............................................................................................................. i\

DEFINITION c>F TERMS ..................................................................................... ,

CHAPTER ONE ......................................................................... ............................. I

1.0 I n lrod u cLion .................................. .............................................................. I

1. 1 SW.Lcll1L'Ill of th e problem ....................................................................... 2

1 .2. PurpOS\..' ur Lh\..' study ................................................................................ 2

1.3 SpcciJic ubjccti\'es ..................................................................................... 2

1.4 Research questions ..... .............................................................................. ~

1.:1 scopes ............................................................................................................ ~

I .() Sign i ficann· ............................................................... .... ................. .............. i

CHAPTER TWO ......................................... ....... ......... ............................................ -t

REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE. ......................................................... 4

2.0 lntruclul'liun .................................................... ................. ........................... -t

2. I Theoretical !'ramc\\·ork ...................... ....................................................... 4

2. 1.1 Cognit ive development theory of ge nder ........................................ 4

2. 1. 2 GcnclcT schema Lhcory ........................................................................ -t

2 .2 The conccpl ur g~._·nclcr StLTCOt)'j)L'S .......... ................. ........................... 5

2.J FCcclLtrc ... .. ..... ............... ... ..... .... .......... .. ............................ .. 12

3 .4 M ethod s ror data collec tion ................................................................ .. 12

3. 4 . 1 ii1St i·LI1 11 L: Il tS ..................................... ............ .. .. ..... .. .............................. I~

3 .4. 2 Sourn:s or claw .................................................................................... ~

3 .5 Da ta pnH.'L':->sing and

CHAPTER FOUR ............... ..................................... ................ ............................. 1-t


4 .0 l n Lrocl u c tio n .. ............................................................................................ ~


4. l. ]

4. 1.2

4 . 1.3

4. 1.4

4 .2

4 .2 .2

4. 2 .3

Paren t< tl i nfluen ces o n girl c hild cducu t iu 11.. ............................ .. .... ~

G c nclc.T a n cljx u·c m s cd u c.tLio n s l'o r th eir c h ilclrc n .. ............ .. .. 15

(len der a ncl a llocaliOil or cl OI1lL'St ic \\'Urk a t hOlllL' .................... 15


  • Department: Education
  • Project ID: EDU3306
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 44 Pages
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 240
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