Determinants of Drug Usage Among Females as Perceived by Secondary School Teachers in Ilorin South Local Government Area

  • Department: Guidance Counseling
  • Project ID: GUC0155
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 117 Pages
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 367
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         The study examined the determinants of drug usage among females as perceived by secondary school teachers in Ilorin South Local Government Area of Kwara State. Data were collected from 200 randomly selected teachers through drug usage among females as perceived by secondary school teacher questionnaire. The questionnaire was analysed using simple frequency counts and percentages. The study showed that the use of drug like India herm, cocaine, amphelamines, marijuana and cannabis heroin if fairly common among secondary school teachers. The study also showed that drug usages are not only common among adults but also abused by students in secondary schools. It was found in the study that students got to know about drug use, abuse and even smoking via their friends. Based on the finding it was recommended that counselling services should be provided in all schools, both primary school, secondary and higher institution so to be curb drug usage early.   


Title Page                                                                       i      

Approval Page                                                                ii

Dedication                                                                     iii

Acknowledgement                                                          iv

Abstract                                                                         vi

Table of Contents                                                           vii    

List of Tables                                                                  x      


Background to the Study                                                1

Statement of the Problem                                               9

Research Questions                                                       11

Research Hypotheses                                                     12

Purpose of the Study                                                      13

Significance of the Study                                                13

Operational Definition of Terms                                      14

Scope of the Study                                                         17


Introduction                                                            18

Meaning, Nature and Concept of Drug Abuse                 20

Causes of Use of Drugs among Youth with particular

reference to the female                                                   32

Consequences of use of drugs among youth with

particular references to the females                                45    

Problems associated with use of drugs among youth       48

Roles of Nigeria Government in curbing use of drugs      55

Summary of the Review of Related Literature                  59


Introduction                                                           61

Research Design                                                             61

Sample and Sampling Procedure                                    62

Instrumentation                                                             62

Psychometric Properties of the Instrument                      63

Validity                                                                          63

Reliability                                                                       64

Procedure for Data Collection and Administration           65       

Scoring Procedure                                                          66

Method of Data Analysis                                                 66


Introduction                                                                   68

Descriptive Data                                                            68

Demographic Data of the Sample                                    68

Hypotheses Testing                                                        76

Summary of Findings                                                     81



Introduction                                                           83

Discussion                                                                     83

Conclusion                                                                     90

Implication for Counselling                                            91

Recommendations                                                          94

Suggestions for Further Studies                                     96

References                                                                     99

Appendix                                                                        102



Table 1:     Distribution of Respondents by Gender         69

Table 2:     Distribution of Respondent by Age                69

Table 3:     Distribution of Respondents by Marital

Status                                                           70

Table 4:     Distribution of the respondents by Religion   71

Table 5:     Ranking order Item by item Analysis of

Responses                                                     72

Table 6:     Summary Table for the Determinants of

Drug Use among Females                             75

Table 7:     Means Standard Deviations and t-values

of Respondents’ Perception of the

determinants of Drug Use among Females     77

Table 8:     Means Standard Deviations and t-values

of Respondents Perception of the

Determinants of Drug Use among Females

on the basis of Age                                        78

Table 9:     Mean, Standard Deviations and t-values

of Respondents on the basis of Marital

Status                                                           79

Table 10:   Mean, Standard Deviations and t-values

of Respondents on the basis of

respondents religion                                      80

  • Department: Guidance Counseling
  • Project ID: GUC0155
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 117 Pages
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 367
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