HIV/AIDS and Academic Performance of Children Living with Aids in Gulu Municipality. The Case of Bar Dege Division.

  • Department: Arts Education
  • Project ID: ARE0255
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 63 Pages
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 666
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ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to find out the effects of HIV/AIDS on pupils Performance in Bardege Division, Gulu Municipality In order to generate a comprehensive findings, 80 respondents participated in this research study Out of this 20 were teachers, 10 were pupils affected with HIV/AIDS 10 were parents 15 were NGOs handling AIDS/HIV services, 20 were the local community and 05 of them were the key informants. The study was conceived among other to investigate the relationship between, stigmatization, absenteeism, late coming, illness and performance of pupils affected with HIV/AIDS. The study findings indicate that HIV/AIDS has a negative effect on pupil’s education. The results of the findings suggest that AIDS orphans and the vulnerable pupils have disadvantages in school performances in comparison to their peers from the same community who did not experience AIDS related challenges like illnesses in their family. AIDS affected pupils have the lowest academic marks based on the reports of both pupils and teachers. Educational expectation was significantly lower among AiDS affected children than compassion children from teachers perspective AIDS affected pupils were likely to exhibit aggressive, impulsive and anxious behaviors than non AIDS victim. The findings also indicate that AIDS relief and assistant program for pupils affected with AIDS should go beyond school attendance and make efforts to improve their school performance and education aspiration In an effort to reverse the negative effects of AIDS on the affected pupils, it was suggested that there is need to come up with strict laws on stigmatization, constant guidance and counseling of the affected children, love be shown to them, provision of scholastics materials, need for trained personnels in every primary schools and finally needs for affirmative action to be extended to cover AIDS victims in regards to employment policy.

  • Department: Arts Education
  • Project ID: ARE0255
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 63 Pages
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 666
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