Teachers Quality and Students Performance in Kiswahili Subject, in Selected Secondary Schools of Mukuyu Division, Murang' A District-Kenya

  • Department: Arts Education
  • Project ID: ARE0159
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 37 Pages
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 367
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DECLARATION ..........................................................•.......................... i

APPROVAL ................................ : ......................................................... ii

DEDICATION ...................................................................................... iii

AKNOWLEDGEMENT ...... , ,, , ,, , ,, .. , ,, , , , , , .... , , , ,, , . , ..... , ,, , . , , , ..... , ,, . , , . , , , ...... ,, . , iv

LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................. v

LIST OF TABLES ...............................................•................................. vi

TABLE OF CONTENTS .....................•.........•.............•.•........................ vii

ABSTRACT .................•........................................................................ ix

CHAPTER ONE . 5111111 •••••••• II ••••• I ••••••• Ill' ••• ' ••• II' ••••••••• II •• I ••••••••• ; ••••••••••••••• • 1

INTRODUCTION ......•.•...........•.......•...•........•............•.........•................... 1

1. 0 Introduction .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . .. . .. .. . . .. .. . 1

1.1 Background of the study ....................................................................... 1

1.2 Problem Statement ............................................................................... 2

1. 3 Objectives of the study .......................................................................... 2

1.3.1 General: ......................................................................................... 2

1.3.2 Specific: ......................................................................................... 2

1.4 Research questions ............................................................................... 3

1. 5 Scope of the study ................................................................................ 3

1. 6 Significance of the study ....................................................................... 3

CHAPTER TWO ..................................................................................... 4

LITERATURE REVIEW .......................................................................... 4

CHAPTER THREE .............................•................................................... 8

METHODOLOGY .......•.•........•............•........................•......•................... 8

3. 1 Research Design ................................................................................... 8

3.2 Target population ................................................................................. 8

3.3 Sampling and sampling procedure ........................................................ 8

3.4 construction of research Instruments ................................................... 8


3.5 Data Collection Procedures ................................................................... 9

3.6 Statistical Treatment of Data ................................................................ 9

3.7 Data Analysis ....................................................................................... 9

CHAPTER FOUR ................................................................................. 10


4.1 Discipline in schools and academic performance of Kiswahili subject by

students ................................................................................................... 10

4.2 Quality of teachers and academic performance in Kiswahili Subject .... 13

4.3 Facilities in school and academic performance in Kiswahili ................. 16

CHAPTER FIVE .........•••.....................................••.........•.•.................... 19

CONCLUSION AND RECOMENDATIONS ............................................... 19

5.0 Introduction ....................................................................................... 19

5.1 Conclusions ........................................................................................ I 9

5.2 Recommendations .............................................................................. 20

REFERENCES ..................................................................................... 22

APPENDIX A: PUPILS QUESTIONAIRES ............................................... 23

APPENDIX B: TEACHER'S QUESTIONNAIRE ........................................ 26

APPENDIX C: PARENTS' QUESTIONNAIRE .......................................... 29



The purpose of this study was to investigate the affecting the academic performance of students in Kiswahili in the selected schools of Mukuyu Division. The specific objectives of the study were to investigate some factors responsible for the students' academic performance in Kiswahili. The methods used for data collection were questionnaires and interview guides to gather information on the academic performance in Kiswahili. The findings revealed that discipline, Quality of teachers and school facilities affect academic performance of students in Kiswahili in the selected schools of Mukuyu Division. The study recommended the government to have a policy in place that encourages retaining teachers in upcountry schools; wherf' gm'"P!mf'nt  should consider introducing upcountry allowance in the remuneration scheme of Kiswahili teachers among other recommendations.


  • Department: Arts Education
  • Project ID: ARE0159
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 37 Pages
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 367
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