The influence of low-cost boarding primary schools on access and retention in arid and semi arid lands: A case of pomelo division; Turkan county-Kenya.

  • Department: Adult Education
  • Project ID: ADE0035
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 94 Pages
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 336
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This study examined the extent at which the introduction of low-cost boarding schools (initiated as one of the recommendations of the Sessional paper no.1 of 2005) has been effective in accelerating enrollment and retention rates in ASAL primary schools, since pupils in these schools are affected with unique problems such as, long distance to schools, insecurity, a nomadic lifestyle and high poverty levels. This study investigated issues and challenges facing these schools and the possible remedies. The study relied on the classical liberal theory which asserts that each person is born with a given amount of capacity, which to a large extent is inherited and cannot be changed and therefore the education system should remove barriers to create a neutral playground for all thus the reason behind the introduction of this schools. This research adopted a descriptive survey study design in Turkana County; Turkana East district Lomelo division drawing data from 5 primary schools and a total of 150 respondents who included 5 head teachers, 10 SMCs, 15parents and a sample size of 120 pupils from a target population of 1200 pupils. The study used both probability and non-probability sampling techniques to arrive at the required samples, probability sampling for pupils while purposive sampling for school head teachers, SMC members and parents‟ .This was as a result of the bad terrain, lack of communication and the scattered nature of schools in this region. The data was collected both qualitatively and quantitatively using questionnaires, interviews and observations checklists. Qualitative data analyzed in form of, interview transcriptions and thematic analysis while quantitative data expressed inform of charts, graphs and tabulation using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS-x) .Descriptive statistics involved use of frequencies, means and percentages. Results were presented in tables, bar charts and pie charts. It was found out that there was a significant relationship between low cost boarding schools and access and retention. Secondly, it was also discovered that there was a remarkable increase in terms of enrollment since 2006- 2012.It was further found out that this program though successful faces some challenges like inadequate resources, mismanagement and delay in funding by the government. The study made the following recommendations; need for a comprehensive review of the county/local government and the Education Act to give local authorities the mandate to accommodate low cost boarding schools in their planning. The program to be improved to cater for the over flowing number of pupils. Close monitoring to be done by the Ministry of Education. Heads and all involved in the management of these schools to go for managerial courses.

  • Department: Adult Education
  • Project ID: ADE0035
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 94 Pages
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 336
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