Influence Of Home Background on Students Performance in Social Studies in Selected Secondary School in Oyun Lga, Kwara State

  • Department: Social Studies
  • Project ID: SOS0010
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 28 Pages
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 1,063
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TITLE PAGE                                                                          I

CERTIFICATION                                                                   II

DEDICATION                                                                        III

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS                                                       IV

ABSTRACT                                                                            VI

TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                          VIII

LIST OF TABLES                                                                  X


Background to the Study                                                    

Statement of the Problem                                                    

Purpose of the Study                                                           

General Questions                                                               

Research Questions                                                             

Research Hypotheses                                                           

Significance of the Study                                                     

Delimitation of the Study                                                    

Operational Definition of Terms                                                   


Concept of academic performance.

Causes of poor academic performance among secondary school students on social studies

Socio-Economic Status (SES) and academic performance of students

Types of family and students academic performance

Family size and position inn the family.

Summary of related literature reviewed


Research Design                                                                  

Population of the Study                                                       

Sample and Sampling Techniques                                      

Research Instrument                                                           

Validity of the Instrument                                                   

Reliability of the Instrument                                               

Administration of the Instrument                                       

Data Analysis Techniques                                                   



Background to the Study

         Social studies as discipline is gradually gaining ground in Nigerian institution of higher of higher learning. It is a core subjects which now made compulsory at the primary and junior secondary schools levels. It is on record that having realizing to enhance functional and productive teachers in the subject areas who could improve the status of Nigerian secondary school students in the subject. There have been several studies done with in and out side Nigerian on the effects of home environments as well as the socio economic status of parents on the academic achievements of students (Ajila and Olutola, 2007; Uwaifo, 2012). Research has found does in school and the amount of confidence the students have for themselves. However, in Nigerian, like other growing economic nation, families are finding it more difficult to stay in contact with their children’s major cities such as Lagos where both parents work outside the state. Carmen (2007) noted that the extended family has become significantly less extended as mobility has increased parents are becoming isolated from their children and finding it difficult to keep a careful watch on what needs to be done to help them succeed in school. Many families are not even led a parent, but by a grandparent, guardian, or some other adult. Education is the best legacy a nation can give to her citizens especially the youth. This is because the development of any nation or community depends youth. This is because the development of any nation or community depends largely on the quality of education of such a nation. It is generally believed that the basis for any the developments must commence with the development of human resource. Much their said formal education remains the vehicle for social economic development and social mobilization in any interested prolong military rule and aborted civilian administrations, which necessitude the promulgation of degrees edicts and levels. The inconsistence continuation of government, due to coup defeated emphasized the continuity in the implementation of educational laws and policies since 1970s till the presents time fallen standard in education of the primary and secondary school levels (Shitu, 2004).

  • Department: Social Studies
  • Project ID: SOS0010
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 28 Pages
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 1,063
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