One of the major problem facing modem cities and countries is the slum issues. Many sociologists gave come up with some models on how to address the biting slum problem but either their ideas have fallen on the deaf ears of the leaders or the suggestions entirely depend on the government to implement rather than using other bodies plus the people of the slum themselves. I therefore thought it wise to find a workable solution that will give the slum some positive publicity and help to improve the general living conditions of the slum. The media has been labeled as the mirror of the society and therefore it must reflect all the happenings of the society including the life of the marginalized groups in the society. Many surveyors when carrying out development surveys seem to only major on economic surveys and forget about some of the things which tend to pull the country's economy backwards and yet they can be addressed once and for all. This research project has tried therefore to throw some light on what the Kenyan media should pursue in order to help expose and solve slum violence which is a major drawback to the improvement of slum life and development of Kenya at larg