Effectiveness of Communication Media On Awareness of Fundamental Human Rights Among Rural Communities: A Survey of Uasin Gishu District

  • Department: Mass Communication
  • Project ID: MAS1289
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 84 Pages
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 433
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Title page .................................................................................................... -i

Declaration .................................................................................................. .ii

Approval ................................................................................................... .iii

Dedication ................................................................................................. iv

Acknowledgment .......................................................................................... v

Table of contents .......................................................................................... vi

Abstract .................................................................................................... .ix

List of abbreviations ....................................................................................... x


1.0 Introduction

1. I Background ........................................................................................... I

1.2 Statement of The problem ........................................................................... 3

1.3 Research questions ................................................................................... 4

1.4 Objectives of the study ............................................................................... 4

1.5 Significant of the study ............................................................................... 5


2.0 Literature review

2.1 Introduction ............................................................................................ 7

2.2 Development of Communication Media .......................................................... 7

2.3 Development of Fundamental Human Rights and Freedoms .................................. 8

2.3.1 Ancient Greece .................................................................................... 9

2.3.1 Roman period ...................................................................................... 9


2.3 .3. Christian Philosophers ........................................................................... 9

2.3.4 Middle Classes ...................................................................................... 9

2.3.5 The 20u, Century .................................................................................. 10

2.4 Development of Rural Sociology ................................................................. 12

2.5 Communications as a Two way process ......................................................... 13

2.6 Utilization of Media for the Rural Areas ......................................................... 16

2. 7 Importance of Fundamental Human Rights and Freedoms .................................... 22

2.8 The need for Awareness of Fundamental Human Rights ..................................... 23

2.9 Human Rights Materials Development .......................................................... 24

2.10 Education and Information ..................................................................... .24


Research methodology

31 Introduction ........................................................................................... 26

3.2Study Area ............................................................................................ 26

3.3 Research Design .................................................................................... 26

3.4 data Sources .......................................................................................... 27

3.5 Sample Frame and Sample Size ................................................................... 27

3.6 Sampling procedures ............................................................................... 28

3.7 Tools for data Collection ............................................................................ 28

3. 7.1 Interviews ........................................................................................... 29

3.7.2 Questionnaires ..................................................................................... 29

3.7.3 Focus Groups Discussions ...................................................................... .30

3.7.4 Observation ........................................................................................ 30

3.8 Unit of Analysis ............................................................................... -.... .30

3.9 Methods of Data processing and Analysis ...................................................... 30

3.10 Limitation of the study ............................................................................ 31



Data analysis and hypothesis testing

4.1 Background Information on the Respondents ................................................... 32

4.1.l Age ................................................................................................. 32

4.1.2 Gender ............................................................................................. 33

4.1.3 Level of Education and Occupational Status ................................................. 34

4.2 Awareness of Fundamental Human Rights in the Rural Areas ............................... .35

4.2.1 Levels of Awareness of the Specific Fundamental Human Rights ........................ .36

4.3 Communication Media ............................................................................. 37

4.3 .1 Means of communication media of awareness of their rights ................................ 38

4.3.2 Distribution of respondents who red newspapers ........................................... 38

4.3.3 Distribution of respondents who listened to Radio ........................................... 39

4.3.4 Distribution ofrespondents who watched television ........................................ .40

4.3.5 Distribution on the role of communication media in creating awareness ................ .40

4.3.6 Distribution of the respondents appreciation of mass media .............................. .41

4.3. 7 Distribution of preference for the specific types of communication media ............ .42

4.4. Suggestions to improve the way the rural populations access information on F.H.R ... .42

4.4.1 Suggestions from the rural community ..................................................... .45

4.4.2 Suggestions from the key informants ....................................................... .46

4.5 Access to Electricity ............................................................................... .48

4.6 Summary of the major descriptive findings ................................................... .48



5.0 Summary, couclusions and recommendations

5.2 Summary ......................................................................................... .49

5.3 Conclusion ........................................................................................ 51

5.4 Recommendation ................................................................................. 57

5.5 Suggestions for further research ............................................................... 63

REFERENCES ....................................................................................... 64


ABSTRACT This study was centered on investigating the effectiveness of communication media in creating fundamental human rights awareness in the rural areas of Uasin Gishu District with a view of making recommendations towards effective utilization of communication media for the rural community. The main endeavor of the study was to examine the effectiveness of communication media in creating fundamental human rights awareness in the rural community. The specific objectives were: To find out if the people in the rural areas are aware of their fundamental rights; to find out the types of communication media accessible to the people in the rural areas of Uasin Gishu District as compared to the types of communication media utilized by the agents disseminating information on fundamental human rights; to identify factors that impede effective communication of fundamental human rights to the rural area; and to suggest recommendations in order to improve the effectiveness of communication media for the rural areas. The study was undertaken in Uasin Gishu district. A sample of 200 respondents aged 18 years and above was selected through multi stage cluster sampling. The data was collected through focus group discussions and orally administered questionnaires. It was supplemented by observation where necessary. Interviews were used for the key informants. Ten key informants were selected, five from KHRC and five from Amnesty International. Descriptive and analytical statistics were used to analyze the data obtained. The findings of this study revealed that the rural inhabitants of Uasin Gishu district have been disadvantaged in accessing the modem mass media. This was attributed to the fact that the communication media used to create awareness of fundamental human rights is not accessible to many people in the rural areas. It was noted that only 3.0 percent indicated that they watch television everyday, 14.0 percent indicated that they read newspapers everyday while 54.0 percent listened to radio everyday. From the findings of this study, it was concluded that inaccessibility of the communization media in the rural areas is due to the high levels of illiteracy, financial limitations, nature of the traditional and cultural set-up, and the available infrastructure. In the light of the above findings it was recommended that there should be a shift from concentrating on the modem mass media and a move towards a fusion of modem media and traditional media that centres on word of month communication.

  • Department: Mass Communication
  • Project ID: MAS1289
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 84 Pages
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 433
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