• Department: Environmental Science
  • Project ID: EVS0113
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 75 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Methodology: Simple Percentage
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 1,183
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1.1    Background of Study
    It is believed that God created man in his own image to be in control of the environment and make the best out of it as recorded in the bible (Gen. 1:26-31).  But man in his search for daily bread, quest for knowledge and material wealth, has turned round to pollute the environment.  From the earliest times man has been striving to control the environment. But as said earlier, man haven been trying to save himself from the dragon headed problems he has caused himself in recent times. Environmental sanitation has become a topical subject at international, national state, and local spheres.  This is aimed at initiating actions to arrest the fast deteriorating environmental health status worldwide.  In Nigeria today the congestion of people in urban areas which is mainly as a result of rural urban migration the concentration of industrial establishment and share increase in population have made the control of the environment imperative and equally challenging.
    To improve the general environmental sanitation of the major towns in Nigeria has always constituted a big problem to both individual and government with the result that the towns/cities are being strangulated by things generated by the inhabitants.  The result of this condition is environmental pollution in all it ramification.  The problems of pollution have also found its way into the political area and every community in every state has been confronting difficulties of his environment.  To man concern, regarding pollution is the adverse effect exerted on the health of people. The problems of poor sanitation and unhygienic behavior among the majority of Nigerians are so serious that the federal military government had to come into check the situation towards achieving “health for all by the year 2010” as declared by the world health organization (WHO).  Several strategies were mapped out and adopted by the federal government (the military regime in 1984 to achieve this objective.  Consequently, the environmental sanitation programmes were mounted throughout the federation.  This was followed by the establishment of the “task force on environmental sanitation at both state and local levels to co-ordinate this elaborate programme.
    The Enugu State chapter was launched on 20th March 1984 by then the state military governor SANYA.  This led to the appointment of captain JOSHUA AYODELE as the state chairman of the taskforce on environmental sanitation – the position he actively held till the task force as decentralized in October, 1988, this sanitation movement was backed up legally by edicts for Enugu State it was captioned edict No 18 of 1984 which took effect from Monday end April 1984,  at the local government level too, environmental sanitation committees were appointed with members down from various walks of life.  Serious sanitation were imposed on individuals, public and private establishment or co-operate bodies who fell short of the expected governments guidelines on environmental sanitation or health habits and practices.  For instance, during filthy private premises, dumping refuse in unautrhorized places.  Urinating or defecating in public places were punishable by the fine ranging from N100 – N1,000, or punishment as the case maybe.  Food hygiene, street trading, unauthorized parking of vehicles were also areas of concern which were also embedded in WAI “War Against Indiscipline” meant to inculcate in people, correct healthful living habits, attitude and practices.  Later, incentives were put and the programme became competitive in nature among the various states and local government areas of the federal republic of Nigeria.  This effort was also aimed at identifying the nation with the cause of the world health organization which then declared June 1984 as the “World Environmental Sanitation Day” – with War Against filthy environment as the theme.  Because of the military nature of the implementation of the new environmental sanitation programme people responded accordingly, but not without close supervision.  Consciously or unconsciously, most of our cities were given some face-lift for sometime.  Health implication of their poor health habits and practices the motives of the environmental sanitation programmes are often misunderstood to their “statuquo” when they are no longer closely supervised.  Infact the problem of poor environmental sanitation and unhygienic behavior among the majority of Nigerians have persisted despite the various sanctions or stringent measures taken by governments or other health agencies to enforce a change of attitude among the people.  It is important to note too that all the while emphasis has been concern about the mass rural population or communities that contribute significantly to the urban populace; it then stands to reason to assert that the individuals home orientation would also be unconsciously exhibited in a new environment.  Hence the neglect of the sanitation crusade at grassroots level has made the sanitation efforts in most of our towns and cities abortive.
1.2    Statement of the Problems
    Ethically, the beauty of any environment lies on its good sanitary condition because when an environment is clean, the lives of people are not threatened by illness and diseases.  To live in a sanitary environment man has to construct, protect his surroundings in order to confirm the rules of public health.  This involves input of finances or resources which have become scarce and even unavailable due to the present economic recession.  On this note the standard of living of people in a community in most cases, directly influences the level of sanitation of their environment.  To ensure a clean and safe sanitary environment, a bi-annual journal of national association of public health student of health technology Benin City 1988 page II in this contribution stated that the control of the
(i)    Method of disposal of excreta sewage and community wastes to ensure that they are adequate and safe.
(ii)    Water supply, to ensure that they are pure and  wholesome
(iii)    Housing
(iv)    Milk and other food supplies to ensure that they are safe
(v)         Personal and public habits of cleanliness especially in reduction to disease
(vi)    Atmospheric condition and
(vii)    Factories, workshops, dwelling street and the general environment.  And to ensure free Enugu metropolis from risk whether mechanical or biological and to provide the best working and living conditions JENNE(1976) enumerated such factors that enhance healthful living among other things as
(a)    Safe efficient water supply
(b)    Water use and sewage disposal system
(c)    Attractive and sanitary facilities and practices
(d)    Sanitary and proper disposal of solid wastes
(e)    A safe and attractive building and site that provide space for physical activities recreation and socialization
1.3    Aim of the Study
    The aim of the study is to evaluate the influence of environmental sanitation programme on the lives of the people of Enugu East Local Government Area of Enugu State:
1.4    Objectives of the Study
1.    The psychological impact of the programme on the lives of people of Enugu East LGA of Enugu State.
2.    The sociological influence on the people of Enugu East LGA by the environmental sanitation programme.
3.    The influence of the programme on the economic development of the community
4.    The influence of the Enugu East experimen on the physical development of the said community.
1.5    Research Questions
1.    Does environmental sanitation programme through mass community have significant influence on the economic growth and development of the community?
2.    Does environmental sanitation through mass community action have significant influence on the physical development of the community?
3.    Does environmental sanitation through mass community activity have significant influence on the development of raw materials?
4.    Does environmental sanitation through mass community action have significant influence on the psychological development of the people?
1.6    Research Hypotheses
Ho.    Environmental sanitation programme through mass community have significant influence of the economic growth and development of the community.
H1.    Environmental sanitation programme through mass community have no significant influence of the economic growth and development of the community.
Ho.    Environmental sanitation programme through mass community action have significant influence on the physical development of the community.
Ho.    Environmental sanitation programme through mass community action does not have significant influence on the physical development of the community.
1.7    Significance Of The Study
    The “Enugu East Experiment” is a unique venture in the recent time and in the history of environmental sanitation in the urban level.  The result of the findings of the study would therefore be useful to not only the government but also to individuals, the public and the community.  To the government, it could help in reviewing their former strategies with a view of achieving health for all at a low or no significant lost.  The findings and recommendations may stimulate  health challenges in other rural/urban community towards inculcating thereby advancing lasting solution to the fast global environmental decay.   
    To the community the study could be source of motivation that could immortalize the initiative of the people and so this health practice part of the people culture.  The result of the investigation could also initiative for their research in the health area, in the effort to establishing a more dynamic health culture for the world at large.
1.8    Operational Definition Of Terms
(1)    Catch them Young: The act of involving children of tender  age in the sanitation activities aimed at training them to grow with good/correct health habits attitude and practices.
(2)    Environmental Sanitation:  The control of all those factors in mans environmental which exercises or may exert a delicious effect on his physical development, helath and survival.
(3)    Influence: The impact made by something through invisible or intangible means.
(4)    The Mass Community Action: A joint co-operative and co-ordination involving all members of the community.
(5)    Mass Mobilization:  Involvement of all able-bodies citizens in carrying out a programme.
(6)    Modus Operand:  The manner by which an activity operated.
(7)    Pollution:  Contamination or unfavourable change in physical, chemical or biological conditions in the environment, which may exert harmful effects on the quality of human life.  Including effects on other animals plants, industries as well as, cultural and aesthetic assets.
(8)    Population:  A group of individual of the same specie inhabiting in a specific area.
(9)    Status Quo:  The original state of affairs/habits.
(10)    Task Force: A temporary merging of units or individuals under once command with the purpose of accomplishing a specific mission or finding a solution to a particular problems.
(11)    World Health Organization (WHO) this is the greatest world health organization.  It was formed in 1942 after the Second World War  It is an arm of the United Nation Organization (UNO) and has its all independent Nations are members.
  • Department: Environmental Science
  • Project ID: EVS0113
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 75 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Methodology: Simple Percentage
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 1,183
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